Monday, August 2, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 18. Yudhakandham Contd.

 Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 18. Yudhakandham Contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  29.00 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 18 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  18

Yudhakandham Contd.

Tying up the Messenger Shuka 

Shuka went to Sugriva, as commanded by Ravana to withdraw his support for Rama. “The great Rakshasa king Ravana has asked me to convey this message to you. You are a great warrior and the king of Vanaras. As you are the son of Indra, you are like a brother to me, and we are not enemies. What is your concern if I had abducted Rama's wife Sita? Please go back to Kishkindha along with your army. You may know that Lanka is more prosperous than heaven, and it is not accessible even to Devas. You know, these human beings cannot fight and the Vanaras are weak. Why do you want to fight with me unnecessarily?” 

Hearing these words of Shuka, the Vanaras got mad and started beating him up with their fists and Shuka cried loudly. “Oh! Rama! Please save me! I am just a messenger and killing a messenger is not dharma. Please ask these monkeys to leave me alone.” Hearing this Rama asked the monkeys to untie him. He told Sugriva what his message to Ravana should be: “Tell him that he would be killed just as the mighty Vanara, Bali was killed. He will be destroyed along with his children for the grave sin of abducting Sita.” They tied up Shuka again, and Rama told the Vanaras, not to let him free until he tells them to do so. Ravana heard about this and was disappointed. 

Setubandhanam, Construction of the Dyke to Cross the Ocean. 

Rama sat down with Vibhishana, and Lakshmana, and other Vanaras to discuss ways of crossing the ocean. “I ask all of you to come up with ideas for crossing the ocean.” They opined unanimously that it is a good idea to approach Varuna, the God of the Seas to help out by making a way for them to walk across. Hearing their suggestion, Rama faced Eastward and spread Darbha grass on the ground, and prostrated Varuna. Rama, the Lord of the three worlds, sat there in meditation for three days and nights. But Varuna did not appear. Rama was outraged and yelled at Lakshmana: “Bring me the bow and arrows. I will show my valor and teach him a lesson. If he does not create a path for us by parting the water, I will dry up the ocean at once. Varuna, it was my ancestors who created you and gave you the name Sagara. I want the Vanaras to walk across the ocean and if you do not do what is required, you will be destroyed.” 

He warned the universe about what would happen if the ocean dried up. The earth, forest, and mountains started trembling out of fear. The sun lost its glitter and the sea waves started to become intense. All the wild fishes, crocodiles, and gigantic whales were frightened. Suddenly the God of the Seas appeared with precious stones in his hands. He kept them at Rama’s feet and prostrated. He extolled Rama’s grace and magnanimity chanting a stuti. He begged for Rama’s protection and compassion. He pleaded with Rama, who was enraged at his lack of cooperation.

 “Lord, protect me. I am existing because of you, and you are the reason behind the whole gamut of creation. In the primordial time, you created the five basic elements, and they are Tamasic, dull, by nature. They are just the matter, without any life in them. You created me even more Tamasic and who can change that nature?  It is difficult to get rid of the lethargic nature of any created being. How can I know you, the inert and innocent being that fills the whole universe? I know, it is appropriate for dull-witted students like me to get beaten up by the teacher so that we may learn something. I guess usage of a short stick is apt for making mischievous cows behave. I understand that it is your dharma to bring beings like us in line. I seek refuge at your feet fully knowing that there is no other go for me. Oh! Rama, I will show you the way to Lanka without delay. Be kind to me and bless me.”

Rama replied: “I have already pulled an arrow from the quiver and that cannot be futile. Show me a suitable target for it to strike.” Varuna told Rama: “Lord, in the North, on my banks, there is a lovely place, but infested with sinful Rakshasas who are always making trouble to the world. That place is an ideal target for you to strike.”  Rama shot the arrow, and the area was cleared off the culprits, and that place became a sought-after city after that. Then Varuna told Rama that it was safe to build a dyke across the ocean without difficulty for Nala, the chieftain of the workforce. After all, Nala is the son of the celestial architect, Vishwakarma. As Nala got ready to build the dyke, the ocean receded and that made the work go smoothly. 

Rama called Sugriva, Nala, and Lakshmana to deliberate on the methods of construction. Gigantic monkeys brought big pieces of rock and wood to build the dyke. The length of the dyke was one hundred yojanas and it was ten yojanas wide. While the Vanaras were busy at work, Rama did oblations at the seashore for Lord Siva, after naming the area, Rameswaram, for the prosperity and good fortune of the world. He declared that anyone who goes there and sees the dyke and does pooja to Lord Siva at Rameswaram will be redeemed of all his sins. He will attain moksha. Those who do the poojas at Rameswaram and travels to Varanasi and takes a ritual bath in the river Ganga, and return with some water from the holy river, for conducting pooja at Rameswaram again, will attain moksha. He will be liberated while living!

The construction work progressed well with fourteen yojanas on the first day.  On the second day, they did better with twenty yojanas and the third day with twenty-one yojanas. Forth day, it was twenty-two yojanas and twenty-three yojanas on the fifth day.  In just five days, Nala and his team completed the work of building a hundred yojana long dyke in the middle of an ocean.  All the Vanaras gathered over the dyke and started walking towards the island. Rama climbed up Hanuman’s shoulder and Lakshmana on Angada’s.

Rama went up the Subela Mountain and observed the city of Lanka and found that it was magnificent like Indra’s Amaravati. The golden flag tower was beautiful, and the palaces were as opulent as the Kailas Mountain. There were weapon storages seen full of various kinds of arms. Ravana was sitting on a golden throne that was embedded with precious stones and diamonds. Young maidens were fanning the king with colorful fans and Ravana sat there with his ten heads decorated with golden crowns. Rama asked the Vanaras to untie Shuka and send him to Ravana to convey a message. Shuka took the message from Rama and went straight to Ravana.

Ravana and Shuka

Ravana asked: “Why are you so late in returning? Were you caught by the Vanaras? Did they insult you? Why are you looking so tired? Tell me all about it without any hesitation.!

Shuka replied: “Oh! King! You are victorious always. Let me tell you some desirable things to you by which you can even attain moksha. When I reached there at the seashore and gave your message to Sugriva, the Vanaras caught hold of me and they were about to kill me when I cried out for help calling Rama’s name. Hearing this, Lord Rama, compassionately told them that “he is a messenger, and we should not kill him, and they did not bother me after that. I came to Lanka, walking along with the Vanaras and Rama sent a stern message for you. “Return Sita immediately or get ready to fight. Note that we are ready for either option. If you think you have what it takes to fight me, let us do that right away.  Be forewarned that I will destroy and crush your Lanka and your army in no time with my powerful arrows. If you are a powerful Rakshasa, come and fight with me.” is the message. Your brother Vibhishana is with them along with the mighty Vanaras and Lakshmana, Rama’s brother. There are Vanaras with them so gigantic that when they walk the earth trembles. There are such innumerable fearless warriors in their army. 

Hear me about some of their warriors. Nila, son of Agni, is their commander who is standing there with his tail raised and ready to charge with a roar. Angada is the prince of Kishkindha, the son of Bali. He is like a moving mountain, and he beats his tail on the ground as he walks. Near him, see Hanuman, son of Vayu. He is dear to Rama, your slayer. Then there are Swetan, Rambhan, Sarabhan, Maindan, Vividan, Vrindarakan, Nalan, and a whole host of wonderful warriors. There are sixty-seven crore such fighters in their army. They are Devas born on this earth along with the Lord to assist him in his Lila. Rama is Lord Vishnu and Sita Devi is Yoga Maya. Lakshmana is none other than Anantha.

Oh! King, think why you are having this rivalry towards them. Our body is made of five elements and with some complex processes, we become a conglomeration of skin, muscle, blood, bone, urine, feces, etc. We get immersed in the actions we do, which are separated as sins and virtues and our ego gets attached to them. Our Jiva gets swayed by the dualities such as pleasure and pain. We end up considering our self as the body and do actions as if under a delusion. Such a deluded Jiva will repeatedly undergo births and deaths. The only way to avoid sorrow and the cycle of births and deaths is to get rid of your pride in your body. Think of yourselves as Atman. Get immersed in that thought. Do not get attached to your wife, children, position, and wealth. Even if you have a body of a pig, horse, etc., you have pleasure and pain experiences. So will you in hell and heaven. But when you develop discrimination, you may end up being born in a Brahmana family, that too in Bharatha. Then, for the wise one, there will be no interest in seeking pleasure. You are the son of sage Pulastha, and you are a Brahmana by birth. Moreover, you are well recognized in the three worlds as the topmost in performing, Tapas, the penance to achieve your goals.  How come you are still swayed by the desire for pleasure? Please discard your desire for pleasure at this moment and seek refuge with Rama. Rama is indeed the Paramatma, the one without a second, the non-dual reality. In doing so, you will attain Lord Vishnu’s abode. If not, it is a downfall for you and that will lead you to hell. What I just told you is for your good; you may check with your well-wishers. When you chant Rama’s name, you can attain moksha. Satsang and meditation unto his lotus feet are sure to lead you to the path of moksha.”

Hearing this discourse from Shuka, Ravana’s eyes became red with rage and yelled at him: “You are just a servant of mine and advising as if you are my guru! How audacious! You have done some service for me in the past and that is the only reason why I am sparing you now. Get out of my face! I do not have the patience to listen to the nonsense you are blabbering. If you stand here even a moment more, your death will be with my sword. Shuka was frightened and he ran away from there and took refuge at his house.

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