Sunday, August 8, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 24. Yudhakandham Contd.

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 24. Yudhakandham Contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  48.20m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 24 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  24

Yudhakandham Cond.

Travel to Ayodhya

Vibhishana requested Rama: “If you are kind enough to oblige, please accept our hospitality, take part in the reception to honor you, stay here for the night along with Sita Devi and start your journey tomorrow.” Rama replied in an anxious tone: “My brother Bharatha is waiting for me in Ayodhya, expecting our return after the exile. I cannot do anything to rejoice without his company. Also, I cannot accept generosity from another country, nor can I take part in a reception in his absence. On the day I complete my fourteen years of exile, I must see him as he is waiting patiently for it. If I do not show up on time, he will jump in the fire the next day. So, I need to start right away. I have great admiration and love for you, but this is not the time to accept your invitation. But you can do one thing. Host a grand feast for my Vanara warriors. If they are pleased, it is as good as pleasing me. If you treat them well, it is like treating me with respect.” Vibhishana followed suit and gave the Vanaras the best possible food and drinks and spoiled them with gifts of gold and precious stones.

Vibhishana told Rama: “Here is the Pushpaka Vimana for you to go to Ayodhya without any delay. Lord Rama and Sita Devi got in the aircraft along with Lakshmana. Rama smiled and told Sugriva, Angada, and Vibhishana not to worry. “All our needs have been satisfied and Sugriva, rule your kingdom in Kishkindha happily. Oh! Vibhishana, reign Lanka and live with your relatives.” Then they told Rama: “We also would like to come with you to Ayodhya and pay our respects to your mothers and we want to take part in your coronation as well.” Rama agreed and they all got on the plane. 

Pushpaka lifted off at Rama’s mental command and they started their journey. As the flight was progressing, Rama and pointed outside and told: “Sita, look, there is Trikuda Mountain, where the city of Lanka is situated. You can also see the battlefield where scores of bodies are seen strewn all over. The fight between the Rakshasas and Vanaras was intense, and many warriors from both sides fell. Ravana was killed with my arrows, because of you. I also killed Kumbhakarna and Makaraksha. Indrajit and Atikaya were killed by Lakshmana. So many others have also perished in the battle. See the dyke we made, and you are the reason behind this. This stretch of water is a place for pilgrims to get rid of their sins. You can also see Rameswaram, a temple I established for lord Maheswara. See Kishkindha, where I met Vibhishana. It is a beautiful city of Vanaras.” 

Hearing this, Sita asked: “Shall we stop here and meet Tara and other Vanara ladies?  These Vanara men have been away from their family for a long while and their ladies must be waiting in anguish. Who would know the pain of separation more than me? Let us take them also to Ayodhya.” Rama obliged and the Vimana descended at Kishkindha. “Oh! Warriors, please go to your homes and get your ladies to come with us.” They came in huge numbers and the flight took off. Sita and the Vanara ladies exchanged pleasantries and they traveled happily. 

Rama continued showing the areas they were covering as they flew. “Look, Sita, my dear, here is Rishyamooka Mountain. That is where I had to kill Bali. And see Panchavadi where we set up our Ashram. There you can see Agastya’s hermitage. Suthishna’s Ashram is next, and Chitrakooda Mountain is seen there. Remember, that’s where Bharatha came to see us. There is the Ashram of Sage Bharadwaja by the river Yamuna. See the shore of Ganga, where we met Guha and near that is river Sarayu and our city, Ayodhya.” 

As if to acquiesce with Rama’s mind, the Vimana descended near the Bharadwaja Ashram. Rama went to the sage and paid his respects. “I hope everything is fine in Ayodhya. Are the mothers doing fine? How are my brothers and gurus?” Sage replied: “Rama, everybody is fine. Bharatha and Shathrughna, are living like monks, eating fruits and roots, wearing the garbs of mendicants, waiting for your return. Bharatha has kept your sandals on the throne and does daily pooja on them. He has been performing all the duties well, as an offering to your feet. With your blessings, I saw your life in exile including the abduction of Sita, meeting Sugriva, killing the Rakshasas, the epic battle, and Hanuman’s escapades and prowess in the battle. You are the Paramatma, the one reality without a beginning and an end.  You are Narayana, Lord Vishnu and Sita is Lakshmi Devi. Lakshmana is Anantha! You are the one who gives moksha to sadhakas. Please come to my Ashram and make it pious with your presence.” Rama obliged and they went into the sage’s hermitage, and everyone was pleased. 

Hanuman and Bharatha

Rama asked Hanuman to go to Ayodhya and inform Bharatha that he is on his way. Hanuman, in the guise of a Brahmana, went to see Bharatha. He also met Guha on the way. He went to Nandigram, a village where Bharatha was living the life of a monk, although he was the ruler of a large kingdom. He was staying in a small hut, always chanting Rama’s name, along with Shatrughna and the ministers. Hanuman paid his respects and told him that it will be impossible to find a devotee more dedicated than Bharatha. “Oh! Blessed one, your brother will be here soon. He is coming in the Pushpaka Vimana, with Sita and Lakshmana, accompanied by the Vanara and Rakshasa armies led by Sugriva and Vibhishana, respectively. You can relax soon, seeing your brother, the victorious one, who killed Ravana, the mighty Rakshasa.” 

Hearing this, Bharatha fainted for a moment, taken aback with exhilaration. He wept the tears of joy and embraced Hanuman kissing his forehead. “Who are you? a Deva or a human? You told me the most pleasing words that are honey to my ears. What will I give you as a gift to show my elation? You removed my sorrow, and nothing will be adequate as a reward. Tell me all about Rama. How did he meet Vanaras? What led to the abduction of Sita?” Hanuman replied: “I will tell you all about from the day you left Chitrakooda, with a heavy heart, to what happened today”. Hearing the whole story, Bharatha was pleased. Shatrughna, the ministers, and their servants also listened to Hanuman intently and sat there dumbfounded. 

Entering Ayodhya

Bharatha told Shatrughna to decorate the city commemorating Rama’s return. “In every temple, let there be bright lamps lit all around and the singers shall chant the glory of Rama. Drummers, dancers, and ornamented elephants should fill the royal streets. There must be feasts all over the city and the ladies must come out in their finest attire. Let there be flags of bright color all over the city. Get the city buildings cleaned and filled with floral arrangements and incense burning in every corner. Invite Sages and Brahmanas in large numbers to gather when he comes. Let the citizens show up with their families to look at their real king.” People started crowding the city streets. There were ten thousand decorated elephants and chariots, hundred thousand horses and foot soldiers. Royal ladies came sitting on palanquins to get a glimpse of the king. Bharatha held Raman’s sandals on his head and started walking towards the gate of the city accompanied by Shatrughna. Suddenly the shining Vimana, Pushpaka, appeared in the sky. Hanuman said: “See the air chariot in which Rama is coming with Sita, Lakshmana and the kings of Kishkindha and Lanka along with a huge army. Drench your eyes with the nectar of vision of seeing the Lord.” Suddenly pandemonium broke and the noise of people yelling with exhilaration was heard out to the clouds. 

When Bharatha saw Rama sitting in the Vimana, he folded his hands in respect as if he has seen the bright sun rising from behind the Eastern Mountains. Bharatha and Shatrughna climbed up the Vimana and they prostrated at the feet of Rama, Rama embraced them, and they wept the tears of joy. They paid respect to Lakshmana and Sita and then they noticed Sugriva and Vibhishana. All the Vanara Warriors had taken human forms for the time being, and Bharatha embraced them. Hanuman introduced to him Angada, Jambava, Nila, Mainda, Vivida, and several warriors from the Vanara army. 

Bharatha embraced Sugriva and said: “It was only because of you Rama was able to kill Ravana. Emperor Dasaratha had only four sons, but now I declare that he had five sons, including you. You are our brother.”

Rama went to Mother Kousalya and prostrated at her feet. He also prostrated Kaikeyi and Sumitra. Lakshmana followed his brother. Sita paid her respects to the queens. Sugriva and the Vanara ladies also met with the mothers and paid their respects.  Bharatha brought the sandals to Rama and put them on his feet, again prostrating. “I am submitting back the kingdom you asked me to take care of in your absence. My life has become useful by serving you. My desires have been fulfilled. The treasury is full of wealth at least ten times as much as what I started with. There has been a ten-fold increase in the number of Elephants, horses, and chariots as well. With your grace, I have looked after the country so far. Now you cannot renounce the kingdom or us, your subjects. Reign the kingdom and protect us; there is no other go for us.

Coronation of Rama

Everyone praised Bharatha. They all got on the Vimana and went to Nandigram and reached Bharatha’s Ashram. Then Rama bid goodbye to Pushpaka: “Go back to your owner, Kubera. Come back whenever I need to ride on you!” The Vimana went up with no passengers.  Rama and brothers prostrated at the feet of Sage Vasishta. The sage welcomed them and gave them seats, At the behest of everyone gathered there, including the ministers and the Brahmanas, Rama agreed to take the helm of the kingdom. 

“I will take charge of Ayodhya to make you all happy. Make arrangements for it.” Shatrughna called the royal barbers and asked them to serve the brothers and the guests. Vibhishana, Sugriva, Bharatha, Lakshmana, and Rama cleaned up their matted locks of hair and adorned the best dresses. They wore appropriate royal ornaments as well. Ladies of Ayodhya made up Sita Devi with fine saree and ornaments that she shone there like Goddess Lakshmi. Kousalya gave gold ornaments and sarees to Vanara ladies. Then Sumanthra got his chariot ready for Rama to travel. Vibhishana, Sugriva, Angada, Hanuman, and others got on other chariots driven by elephants in the retinue. Sita along with the Vanara ladies went behind with the singers and drummers at tow. Bharatha drove a chariot and Vibhishana held and fanned the royal insignia. Shathrughna held the glittering umbrella. There were ten thousand Vanaras in human form and they were sitting on elephants. Ladies of Ayodhya feasted their eyes seeing Rama, the most handsome man, accompanied by his brothers and confidants. They forgot about their household duties and got mesmerized looking at their king. Rama went to his father’s palace and met with his mothers and got their blessings. He told Bharatha: “Please arrange palaces to stay for the kings of Vanaras and Rakshasas.” Bharatha arranged it in no time and Sugriva and Lakshmana took a rest there.

Bharatha requested Sugriva to officiate the coronation ceremony, Abhisheka, for Rama. “Bring water from the four oceans and do the rituals of coronation as per the tradition.” Jambava, Hanuman, Angada, and Sushena, went to four seas and got the waters for the Abhisheka. They had four golden pots filled with water and covered them with sandalwood leaves. The ritual also asked for more water from other pious lakes and streams and the Vanaras were quick to bring those. They brought in all the other materials for the ceremony as well. Rama sat on the throne with Sita on the left. Sage Vasishta coronated Rama in the presence of other great sages such as Vamadeva, Jabali, Gautama, and Valmiki. There were one thousand and eight golden pots glittering in the sun and chanting of the Vedas resonated in the sky. Vanaras whiffed the venue with scented fans. Shatrughna held the royal umbrella above the throne and scores of Kshatriyas were on hand to serve all. Celestials started gathering in the sky to look at the ceremony. Indra sent a special necklace made of precious stones for Rama. Sri Rama shone like the sun, sitting on the throne as the king of Ayodhya and everyone extolled his glory. They chanted a hymn narrating his compassionate ways of blessing his devotees. 

“Rama, Salutations to you. You are the Veda personified. You are the ultimate truth. You are omniscient and omnipotent.  You are indeed the ever-present truth.” Seeing the coronated Rama in his full attire, everyone was elated, and they knew that their lives were rendered meaningful. 

Vanaras Blessed by Rama

When Rama started ruling the kingdom, the earth became much more fertile, and people rejoiced in their houses with no concerns. All fruits from trees became sweeter and all flowers smelled nicer. Rama donated several thousands of elephants, horses, and cows to Brahmans and others.  Local kings and chieftains got gold and royal silks. Rama gave Sugriva a golden necklace studded with gems that glittered brightly. Other Vanaras were also given gifts generously. Then Rama gave Sita, a special necklace with gems so precious that its value cannot be assessed. She put it on her neck first and smiled at Rama. Then she took it out with both her hands, looking at Rama, and then looked at Maruti and the necklace. Rama knew what she wanted to do and told her: “Oh! Beautiful one, look around and you may gift it to anyone you like.” Sita smiled and gifted it to Hanuman. Hanuman wore it with pride and stood with folded hands, and his face glittered along with the necklace.

Then Rama called Hanuman aside and told him: “Oh! Maruti, you may ask of me anything for a boon, without hesitation.” Maruti replied with a devotion-filled voice: “Lord, please let me live till the day your name and fame are sung by the people all over the world. My thirst in hearing your name and glories has not to been satiated yet and I do not want any other boon. May my mind be always devoted to you!” Hearing this noble request, Sri Rama was pleased and blessed him: “May you live long as desired, liberated, listening to my stories. My friend, devotion is the only path to realization! Sita Devi blessed him to get all physical comforts in life without any effort. He was overtaken by devotion and his eyes welled up. He prostrated at them again and again before leaving for the Himalayas for penance.

Rama called Guha and bid him goodbye blessing him to live happily with devotion. He gifted Guha with special ornaments and jewels. Rama embraced him and Guha went to his abode fully immersed in devotion to Rama. Other Vanaras were also given generous gifts and Sugriva returned with them to Kishkindha. Janaka, Sita’s father was present all the time during the festivities. Rama said goodbye to him after gifting him special clothes and ornaments. Other kings also took leave of Rama and finally Vibhishana bid him goodbye. He prostrated at Rama’s feet and Rama overcame with emotion and embraced him: “Your timely help was critical for me winning over the enemies. May you live long, reigning Lanka! Do not forget me. Do your daily poojas to Vishnu without disruption. Live as a liberated soul. Rama gave him gold and precious stones amply. They both wept as Vibhishana departed for Lanka.

Rama’s Kingdom

Rama and Sita lived enjoying the royal life, conducting Yagnas and the fame of Ayodhya spread far and wide. He conducted the most legendary Aswamedha Yagna as well. Their subjects were happy with no lack of anything in the country. There were no new war widows in the country, and the news of illnesses were few and far between.  The earth was very fertile, and all the plants and trees were lush green throughout the year with rains coming on time. There were no thieves and untimely deaths of children were never heard of. Everyone did pooja to Rama and they chanted his name as their daily Mantra. People were engaged in their duties as per the stipulated dharma for their varnas. All were compassionate to others, and none thought ill of others. No one looked at other people’s wives with wrong intentions. Everyone behaved with their senses under control. Rama looked after his subjects as a father would look after his children. People of Ayodhya lived a peaceful life as if they were living in Vaikundha, the abode of Lord Vishnu. 

Results of Reading Ramayana

Adhyatma Ramayana is a noble scripture narrated by Lord Siva that can win over the fear of death in human beings. By reading and contemplating on Ramayana, one will attain moksha. It can bring you material wealth and wealth of a good company of friends. It can destroy your enemies and you can increase your longevity. It can help you fulfill all your desires and if you read or listen to it with devotion, you can attain liberation. Those who seek wealth will attain it and those who seek knowledge will attain that.  Those who want to beget a son, he will get that. A baren lady will end up bearing a child. A grieving person will get rid of his sorrows. A person under fear will quell his fears and one will be free from all three types of afflictions, physical, nature-related, and spiritual. All our forefathers will be pleased with us. By reading and studying Ramayana we can achieve all four virtues of life, viz., Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. 

Lord Siva narrated the story of Ramayana to his consort Parvati and if one reads or listens to it, he will be blessed, and all his desires will be fulfilled. 


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