Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 19. Yudhakandham Contd.

 Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 19. Yudhakandham Contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  30.00 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 19 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  19


Yudhakandham Cond.

Shuka’s Story

Shuka was a great Brahmana who was leading a Vanaprastha life in the forest doing all the prescribed Yagnas to please the Devas. He was known as someone who is working against the Asuras and Vajradamshtra, a Rakshasa, who sought ways to bring him to their camp. Sage Agastya came to visit Shuka, and he was invited to have lunch there. The sage went for taking a bath in the river before the meal and the Rakshasa took this opportunity to trick Shuka. He came to Ashram in the guise of the sage and told him that he would like to eat meat as he has not eaten meat for a while. He wanted to eat the meat of a goat and Shuka agreed to appease the guest. Shuka’s wife also agreed to cook a special dish for the sage. Vajradamshtra disguised again, this time as Shuka’s wife. ‘She’ served a dish made of human flesh to the sage. Sage Agastya could recognize the meat as human flesh and he got infuriated. He cursed Shuka to live on earth eating human flesh as a Rakshasa. Shuka was surprised at Sage’s wrath and asked him what his shortcomings were, as a host. “You only asked me for a meat dish, and I served it. Now you are cursing for a favor I did as per your request!” Now the sage was confused and asked Shuka what transpired. 

Shuka told him: “After you left for taking a dip in the river, you came back and requested me to serve you some meat dishes as you have not eaten meat for a while.” The sage thought for a while, and he understood what happened. “Oh! Shuka! We both were cheated by the Asuras. I was a fool to curse you hurriedly without knowing the full story. Unfortunately, I cannot take back my curse. But you are a man of truth and I bless you with redemption from the curse. Ravana will abduct Sita, and you will be serving Ravana then. You will be one of his confidants and he will send you to Rama as a messenger. You will convey Rama’s message to Ravana and even advise him on the principles of Self. Then you will be dropping all the qualities of a Rakshasa and will become dear to Devas again.”

Malyavan Advises Ravana.

After Shuka left Ravana, Malyavan, his grandfather, his mother Kaikasi’s father, came to see Ravana. He was welcomed and they exchanged pleasantries. “My dear Ravana, I would like to tell you something for your good. After listening to those, you may do as you please. These days, I sense several bad omens in Lanka since the arrival of Sita. Thunders in the sky are untimely and blood is raining from the clouds. Idols consecrated in the temples are shaken and our Goddess, Kali is projecting her canine teeth and laughing at us. Cows are delivering donkey calves and the mice fight cats. Snakes and eagles are fighting. Yama, the God of death is seen everywhere in his dark and strange attire. The time seems to be preparing for disasters to strike. Seeing all these, I am asking you to please try to be peaceful. Please return Sita Devi and ask Rama’s forgiveness. Raman is Lord Vishnu, and he will pardon you. Yogis’ crossover the ocean of samsara by seeking refuge at the feet of Rama. You also develop devotion in your mind and protect your clan. I am telling you about this truth for your good.” 

Hearing his grandfather’s advice, Ravana was not pleased with all. “Rama is just a human, and you want us to respect him, why? He has sought help from monkeys to fight us. Is that not laughable? Did Rama ask you to come and advise me like this? At this old age, you better go back to your palace and rest.” 

The War Begins.

Both sides were ready for a war. Seeing Ravana, Rama was engulfed by rage. Ravana had ten heads with crowns and a body as strong as that of the demon, Vritra. Rama took the bow from Lakshmana and shot at Ravana, destroying all his ten crowns and the ceremonial umbrellas. Ravana got down and smiled weirdly at Rama with fear. The warriors carried different kinds of weapons and stood in various war formations and started fighting. Mace, swords, spears, pillars, bows, and other sharp objects were ready in their hands. Drummers and pipe players were on hand to encourage the warriors on both sides. Amongst the Rakshasas, Prahasta managed the West tower and Vajradamshtra oversaw the South tower. Meghanada looked after the West tower. Dasavakthra (Ravana) himself managed the North tower.  In the Vanara army, Nila oversaw the West gate. Angada at the South gate and Hanuman stood at the East gate. Rama, along with Lakshmana and Sugriva stood at the North gate. Several thousand weapons started hitting each other, and dust, noise, and commotion filled the battlefield. A large group of monkeys surrounded the city of Lanka and destroyed the buildings and facilities using their big weapons. They destroyed the walls and trenches around the city. Arrows rained incessantly and swords and discuses killed many soldiers on both sides. In the night, Ravana sent out spies under the leadership of Shardoola, to assess the opponent’s strength and the Vanaras caught hold of them and started beating them up. Hearing the furor, Rama came to the scene and set them free. They went back to Ravana and told him about Rama’s compassion. They advised him to surrender, just as Shuka did. 

Ravana decided to meet with Sita in the garden. Vidyujihva, a magician created a fake head resembling Rama and a bow like Rama’s.  Ravana took this severed head and the bow to Sita and told her that Rama was defeated and was killed. Sita fainted at once and Ravana left the garden. Sarama, Vibhishana’s wife, consoled Sita. “Do not be dejected. This is just magic played by the Rakshasa. You are going to hear good news in four days. Your Lord is going to kill Ravana.” Sita was calmed listening to Sarama’s words of solace. 

Angada Meets Ravana

Angada, the prince of Kishkindha, went to Ravana as commanded by Rama to give him still another chance to harbor peace. “Bring Sita to me and apologize, or else get ready to fight with me. You seem to be sitting behind closed doors but be assured I will destroy everything, and my arrows are ready to kill you. Can you hear the tremoring of my bow? You must be hearing celebrations as well. Aren’t you ashamed of what you have done?’ Hearing Rama’s message from Angada, Ravana asked his warriors to kill the messenger. As they came to attack him, Angada picked them up in his hands and threw them afar. Then he wrecked the palace before jumping up and leaving the scene. 

The War of Rakshasas and Vanaras

Vanaras under the leadership of Kumudan, Nalan, Gajan, Dhanyan, Gavayan, Gavakshan, and Hanuman went and destroyed the walls and filled the trenches with the debris so that they could pass by easily. They carried huge rocks and trees and attacked the Rakshasa warriors and they retorted using their weapons, such as heavy maces, pillars, swords, and discuses, etc. In the war field, sounds of horses, elephants, chariots, drums, pipes, crying of warriors were heard continuously. Celestial beings, Siddha, Gandharva, Apsara, Kinnara, Kim Purusha, Uraga, Guhyaka, Vidyadhara, and groups of sages such as Narada were lined up in the sky on their air chariots, to witness the great war. 

Indrajit fought Angada one on one. Angada killed his charioteer and brought another chariot immediately. Jambumali, a mighty warrior fought with Hanuman using his spear. Hanuman destroyed his chariot and killed him with a roar. Prahasta and Sugriva fought while Nila faced Nikumbha. Lakshmana fought Viroopaksha, while Rama fought with ten mighty warriors, and they all reached the Yama’s abode in no time.

The use of Naga Astra

Vanaras were victorious by that evening and the Sun was about to set in the sea. Indrajit hid in the sky after getting defeated by Angada. He sent out a Naga Astra on Vanaras and hypnotized everyone as if they were tied by an unseen knot. He boasted that he has won everyone including Humans and Vanaras. Sages, celestial beings, and even Vibhishana were sad hearing this claim. Then the gigantic Garuda, the archenemy of Nagas, landed there, and immediately the effect of the Naga Astra was gone and the Vanaras were freed. Rama blessed the bird.  Vanaras were more enthusiastic in fighting with the enemy. They picked more trees and rocks to attack the Rakshasas. Ravana was sitting in the palace calmly, thinking that his son Indrajit had killed all the Vanaras. But suddenly they appeared with the trees and rocks! They challenged him to come out and fight. Ravana was outraged and decided to send a ferocious fighter Dhumraksha, and his army to fight the Vanaras. 

The Killing of Dhumraksha, Akampana, etc.

“Kill those Humans and Vanaras and return victorious”, he told Dhumraksha. The Rakshasa went to fight with Hanuman and a fierce battle ensued. Elephants, horses, and chariots were running in both directions and all kinds of weapons were used to kill the opponents. Several warriors died and streams of blood started flowing all over. Hanuman brought a small mountain and threw it on the Rakshasas. Dhumraksha jumped out of his chariot with a large sword. His chariot and horses were destroyed immediately. The Rakshasa hit Maruti with mace and that got hanuman outraged. Hanuman threw another hill on Dhumraksha, and he was killed instantly. Rakshasa ladies started moaning and Vanaras celebrated Hanuman’s victory.

Ravana sent out Vajradamshtra, a powerful demon to the battle. He approached the city through the Southern gate and met with Angada. Vanaras used trees and rocks again to kill scores of Rakshasas. Several Vanaras got killed from wounds inflicted by swords and arrows. Rakshasas lost a big set of mighty soldiers as well. Blood started flowing all over and headless bodies started dancing in the field. Angada finished Vajradamshtra with a sword and his head joined the several others in the stream of blood.

Hearing about Vajradamshtra, Ravana sent Akampana, another great fighter to face Hanuman. He reached the battlefield through the East tower and got killed by Maruti. Everyone praised Hanuman’s prowess and Ravana started trembling with fear. Ravana looked at the Vanara army that was spread from Rameswaram to Lanka, including several of them on the freshly constructed dyke. He noticed that almost all forts are destroyed, and he decided to bring in Prahasta, the fiercest among the Rakshasa warriors.

Ravana asked for Prahasta to come and asked him: “How come there are no real fighters available when I need them? The monkeys are killing all our warriors and I cannot sit quietly seeing their death. Either you or my brother will have to fight; otherwise, I will jump in myself. Prahasta agreed to fight and called his four ministers, Kambhahanu, Mahanadan, Durmukha, and Samunnathan who have control over one-fourth of the Lanka army. They entered the battlefield through the Western tower. Nila, son of Agni along with the Vanara warriors killed several Rakshasas. But Vanaras also lost several of their warriors from the severe fight of the Prahasta brigade. Several elephants and horses also died and the blood on the battlefield flew like a small river. Jambava killed Kambhahanu and Durmukha. Nila killed Mahanadan and Samunnathan and finally Prahasta, at a duel with him. Ravana was blinded with rage hearing the death of his commander in chief.

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