Saturday, August 14, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 30. Uttarakandham Contd. - The End

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 30. Uttarakandham Contd. The End

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  40.20 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 30 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  30

Uttarakandham Contd. - The End

Ashvamedha Yaga

Sri Rama asked Lakshmana to call Vasishta, Vamadeva, and other sages, and Brahmanas along with the Vanara leaders such as Sugriva from Kishkindha, and Rakshasa leaders such as Vibhishana, from Lanka. “You go around the different kingdoms with the horse and come back without delay. Bharatha, build a magnificent arena in Naimisha, to conduct the Yaga; ensure that it would excel even the facilities available in heaven. We need to build several houses for the visiting kings, dignitaries, and Brahmanas. There should be facilities for the armies and animals to stay comfortably. People of all the four Varnas are to be accommodated. The streets are to be decorated and prepared to receive a large crowd coming to attend this great Yaga. Artistes and scholars are to be housed in distinguished houses and the royal storages must be full of all the items, including food grains. Keep enough wealth in gold and other precious things, for donating to Brahmanas and others. Work with Sumanthra and others to arrange everything.” 

Everyone worked with a sense of urgency and the venue was ready for the Yaga. Rama went to Naimisha at an auspicious muhurat, and all the dignitaries started to arrive. Brahmanas, poets, scholars, dancers, singers, drummers, and other guests came in large numbers and there were several stages of performing arts happening simultaneously. Kings came with their army showing their opulence and they paid their respects to Rama and presented their gifts to the emperor. Bharatha, Sumanthra, and others took lead in receiving the guests and settling them appropriately. Food and drinks were aplenty, and the dining halls were always open.

Lakshmana went around the kingdom and came back with the horse within a few days. Vibhishana came with his army and Sugriva showed up with his mighty Vanaras in tow. Hanuman came with them. Humans, Asuras, and Devas came together forgetting their natural differences, and enjoyed the festivities.

There was a sculpture made of gold, of Sita Devi to represent the wife of the king conducting the Yaga. Devas accepted the Havis, the essence from the Yaga, and were satisfied. Brahmanas and guests were given donations and gifts amply and everyone praised the conduct of Yaga. Some got gold ornaments, and some got silk and special clothes. Some were given lands to their name, and some were given villages to govern. In the dining halls, the guests were served food in dishes made of gold and everyone was satisfied. “Has there been a Yagna this elaborate and grand anywhere in the universe?” people asked each other. “Even Indra, Varuna, Yama, and Chandra were not able to do a Yaga like this. Have you ever seen Humans, Vanaras, Rakshasas, and Devas attending to an undertaking with such unity?” They wondered. Everyone extolled Rama’s greatness and they chanted “Rama Jaya! Rama Jaya! Rama Rajendra! Dasaratha Nandana! Kousalya Nandana!”

While the Aswamedha Yaga was in progress, Valmiki came to the venue with two of his teenage disciples. Valmiki told the boys, Lava, and Kusha to start telling the story of Rama: “Sing it melodiously in this grand court of sages, kings, scholars, and Brahmanas. If the emperor asks you to sing it, do not be nervous. If he asks about you, just tell him that you are Brahmacharis. If he offers any gifts, tell him that you would take only some fruits and roots, nothing else as gifts.” So, saying, Valmiki returned to his Ashram.

True to the sage’s advice, the boys started singing the Ramayana in their sweet voice in unison, and people got captivated. Hearing about these two bright Brahmacharis singing his story so well, Rama asked them to come to his palace. The ministers brought them in, and the boys paid their respects to the king and the royal court.  Rama asked them to sing the Ramayana and they started singing. They finished twenty chapters of the scripture on the first day itself. It was Rama’s story, auspicious, wonderful, and awe-inspiring. 

“The boys must be given a suitable gift! Bring eighteen thousand sovereigns!”  Rama ordered and the boys declined it politely. “We need only some fruits and roots. We do not have any use for gold and such worldly wealth!” Everybody was impressed with the boys singing and the attitude of detachment. They wanted to know who they were and where they came from. “Who are you and who is the eminent poet who wrote the scripture you recited so melodiously?” 

They replied: “This was composed by Sage Valmiki, our guru. There are five hundred chapters in it. We live in his Ashram by the river Gomathy, a tributary of Ganga. If you want to hear the scripture fully, we can recite it in the afternoons when the rituals of Yaga are finished for the day. Hearing it would remove ignorance from our minds.”

The next day afternoon, Rama and Bharatha along with the ministers and the citizens came to the court to hear the boys. Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Sudras came in large numbers to enjoy the Katha. Everyone sat there hearing the mesmerizing voice of the boys narrating the exciting story of Rama’s life. Several days passed and people drank the nectar of Rama’s story with renewed enthusiasm each day.

Sita’s Disappearance. 

Sri Rama understood that the boys are Sita’s sons. He sent a messenger to the Ashram of Valmiki. “If Janaki is pure, she can prove it in public and rejoin me as the queen,” was his message. Valmiki replied: “Yes, we can get her to do that tomorrow itself.” The news was spread among the people, and they waited for the day to dawn to see their queen. Rama wanted the public to witness the solemn swearing to be undertaken by Sita Devi so that he can alleviate the doubts from everyone. Valmiki and Sita set out to travel and that looked like Lord Brahma and Devi coming to the Aswamedha Yaga venue. “No one would be able to see any lady more chaste and noble than Sita Devi,” opined the onlookers. 

Upon reaching the palace, Valmiki told Raman: “I have never heard her say any lie and I know that Sita Devi, the daughter of Mother Earth is pure. She is indeed the crown jewel among noble ladies, Mahalakshmi.  If you are still doubtful, ask her directly. She will not have any hesitation to prove it.”

Rama replied: “If you say so, that is enough for me to trust her. Agni, Lord Mahadeva, and Lord Brahma had already told me the same. But because of thoughtlessness, I abandoned her blindly, fearing the scandal. Please forgive my indiscretion. I knew she is innocent and immaculate. Now let her take a solemn wow for the public to hear.” 

Lord Brahma and an array of celestial beings appeared in the sky to witness the drama and the Humans, Vanaras, Rakshasas, and the Devas stood in the Yaga venue anxiously. There was a waft of wind spreading everywhere and all stood there in anticipation. Sita Devi looked at Sri Rama and wept silently. She said in a grief-stricken voice: “Here is my solemn promise for all the fourteen worlds to hear: If you are convinced that I have never desired any other man than my husband, Oh! Mother, bless me! The substratum of everything! Mother of truth, Mother earth, take me with you!” Immediately there formed a big opening in the earth like a pit and Mother Earth appeared sitting on a throne. She grabbed Sita Devi and sat her down on her lap and disappeared into the depth of the earth in no time. The whole world stood still, and everyone was shocked. The celestials showered flowers from the sky. Sri Rama was dejected and sorrowful; sat on the ground weeping shamelessly for a while and then stood up outraged. “How dare Mother Earth did this without asking my opinion! She took my Sita away without my consent and I will teach her a lesson. I am going to flood the earth, and dilute it in water, and reduce the five basic elements to four.”

When Rama declared this, the world became sad. Lord Brahma came to see Rama and asked him: “How come you are outraged like this now? Think who you are and know the fact that you can live with Sita Devi as Lakshmi. Do not be swayed by grief. In human life, pleasure and pain come alternatively. Hear Valmiki’s Ramayana fully, and that will cut down your sorrow and your delusion will be dispelled.

The boys continued their singing of the great epic. Even the serpent Anantha with thousand tongues will not be able to do justice to extoll the greatness of the epic and the final festivities of the Yaga. Rama bid goodbye to all the kings and special guests who came to attend the Yagna.  Sugriva, Vibhishana, and Hanuman took leave of Rama with a heavy heart. After the Brahmanas and other dignitaries also returned to their abodes, Rama went to Ayodhya along with his army. He continued reigning the kingdom for a long time and as time passed, the queen-mothers went to heaven and joined Dasaratha in Amaralaya. The brothers did all the sacred rites for the departed souls and donated amply to Brahmanas. 

The Killing of Gandharva

When Rama was reigning the kingdom, Yudhajith, the king of Kekaya, sent the priest of his palace with gifts that included elephants, horses, precious stones, and gold ornaments. Rama sent with the messenger matching gifts and enquired about his uncle’s welfare in the kingdom of Kekaya. “Did he convey any message? Is everyone doing well there?” 

The priest answered: “Yes, the king is doing fine. But something is bothering him. Gandharvas are camping near the East banks of the ocean in large numbers. They are great warriors, and they have an army of three crores. If we were to conquer them, we could have made a kingdom out of that area.” Rama asked Bharatha to go and deal with the situation: “Go there with our army of elephants, horses, chariots, and enough warriors. Also, take enough wealth with you to establish a kingdom there. After killing the Gandharvas, you can divide the area into two countries that can be ruled by your sons, Takshaka and Pushkala. Bharatha took leave of Rama and went to the kingdom of Kekaya. Yudhajith was excited to see his nephew and he embraced him. They together went to fight the Gandharvas, and the fight lasted for seven days and nights. Finally, he used Yama’s arrow and killed the scores of Gandharvas easily. Bharatha established two kingdoms there within five years and gave them to his sons. He requested his uncle to support his sons in executing their duties as new kings. He came back to Ayodhya and met Rama and narrated what occurred in Kekaya.

Then they talked about establishing appropriate kingdoms for Angada and Chandraketu, sons of Lakshmana. They decided to set up a country in the path of Stars. For Chandraketu, they decided to build a city in Chandrakantha. Bharatha and Lakshmana went and established them and reported back to Rama within a year. Rama continued his reign in Ayodhya with the help of Bharatha and Lakshmana for a long time.

The Arrival of Yama

One day, Yama, the god of death, in the guise of a sage, arrived in Ayodhya to see Sri Rama. He told Lakshmana: “Tell your brother that I am a messenger from a great sage, to see him.” Lakshmana hurried and informed Rama about the arrival of the sage. Rama went to receive him, and he told the king: “I need to discuss something serious with you and do not let anyone disrupt us. If anyone comes this way, you must kill him. If you can promise this, I will tell you the message.” Rama agreed and called Lakshmana: “You keep watch at the gate of the tower where the sage and I will be in conference. Do not let anyone come in until we finish our discussions and the sage leaves.” Lakshmana agreed and kept his vigil. 

Rama and the sage went into the conference room. The sage said: “I am Dharmaraja, the god of death, came here as directed by Lord Brahma. He narrated everything about you. When you were resting, containing the whole universe in you, you created Brahma in the lotus, which originated from your naval. Then you went into Yoga sleep resting on Anantha, the thousand-headed serpent. Then from your ear wax came two Rakshasas, Madhu and Kaitabha. You killed them after a series of battles and their body was used to make this earth. You made Brahma create all kinds of living beings and the fourteen worlds. You took incarnations, avatars, to establish dharma in these worlds and to end adharma. Now you have completed about eleven thousand years here as Rama, the son of Dasaratha, the invincible emperor of Ayodhya. Brahma’s opinion is that your life on earth has been fruitful, and you have done all your duties here as a human. Treat my words as a child advising his father. It is time for you to return to Vaikundha. Lord Brahma thinks that your time has come, and I will be coming to get you soon.”

The Arrival of Sage Durvasa

As the ‘sage’ and Rama were in conference, sage Durvasa came to see Sri Rama. He told Lakshmana that he was there to see Sr Rama at once. “Go and tell him; do not make me wait here.” The sage is known for his short temper and Lakshmana was afraid of offending him. “Oh! Mahatma, please tell me what I can do for you. Sri Rama will be available only after an hour. Please be patient.” The sage was not in a kind mood: “I do not have time to wait. If I cannot meet Rama right now, I will curse you and the kingdom to ashes.” Hearing this Lakshmana thought, it would be better to break the promise to Rama and personally receive his wrath, rather than make the whole kingdom suffer. “It is better for me to die than letting Rama’s kingdom suffer.”

Lakshmana went to the meeting room and informed Rama about the sage’s arrival. Immediately Rama finished his talks with Yama, who was in the guise of the sage, and received Durvasa. He welcomed the great sage and asked him what he wanted from him. “I have been doing Tapas for a thousand years without any food and I want to end the fast here with you. Serve me food.” Rama arranged for it and the sage was pleased. He blessed Rama and departed. 

Abandoning Lakshmana

Sri Rama thought about what to do with Lakshmana’s insubordination of breaking his order and wow. “I had given my word to the sage that I will kill anyone who disrupts our meeting. He made me swear it and alas! Now I must deal with Lakshmana as he has disrupted our meeting! How can I kill him? How will I live without following through with my promise? My situation is so pathetic!” 

Lakshmana saw his brother sitting his face down, deep in thoughts. Lakshmana said: “Do not be concerned about me, Lord. You must kill me and keep up your promise. Do not show compassion here.” As Lakshmana said these words, Rama could not bear the thought of killing his favorite brother. He called his ministers and guru Vasishta. “You must kill Lakshmana and keep up your wow or else, dharma will deteriorate. That is enough for the three worlds to decline. Your father abandoned you to keep up the truth. He died grieving over that decision, but he didn’t go back on his wows. A king must keep the truth as his topmost motto. No one in this world will remain together with their wife and children all the time. I know that your love for Lakshmana knows no bounds.” 

When Rama heard this advice, he said: “Lakshmana, I am forsaking you! It is as good as killing you!” Rama was distraught and the people in the court also were immersed in grief. Lakshmana prostrated all the elders and left Ayodhya and reached the banks of river Sarayu. There he sat in meditation fixing his mind on Paramatma. Indra arrived there on his Vimana to take Lakshmana and the celestials showered flower petals from the sky. 

Mahaprasthanam, The Great Journey

Sri Rama called all the ministers and declared that he will not live in the palace any longer. “Lakshmana has already left for the heavens, and I will be joining him soon. Bharatha should take up the reign of the kingdom.” Hearing this Bharatha and others fell at his feet and wept. “Please do not leave. Even if you were to live in the worst hell or heaven, we will be with you. Please do not make us stay away from you.”

Bharatha sent a message to Shatrughna, and he came immediately. Sugriva and Vibhishana came with their army chiefs to see Rama at this juncture and prostrated him at his feet. Then Vasishta told Raman: “Please console these people to end their sorrow.” Rama asked them what they want from him, and their request was to allow them also to join him wherever he goes. “Lord, we do not dare to live separated from you. That is why we came with the family to see you.” 

Rama allowed all of them to follow him. Brahmanas and guru Vasishta coronated Lava and Kusha as the kings. They were given all the wealth required for the kingdoms and embraced them before leaving. Shatrughna passed on his kingdom to his sons and requested Rama to take him along. Rama greed. Several Vanaras and Rakshasas also came to see Rama and to join the great journey. 

Rama blessed Vibhishana: May you live ruling Rakshasas if the sun, the moon, the earth, and the sky remain!  He blessed Hanuman: “As you had requested before, may you live as long as the story of Rama is alive and agile. All except Hanuman and Vibhishana can join me in the journey.” The next morning, he saw guru Vasishta and started the journey following all the associated rituals. Some walked ahead with holy lamps in their hands followed by people chanting the Vedas. The ministers, sages, Brahmanas, citizens, animals, birds, and other creatures also joined the retinue. They reached the banks of Sarayu. They stood there about four and a half hours. Sri Narayana, who is omniscient, stood there with Lord Vishnu’s spiritual strength and valor. Then Lord Brahma came there along with several celestials and Devas on various Vimanas and started extolling the Lord.

Brahma Stuti

“Oh! Lord, you give liberation to all devotees. Living in the milky ocean, you created me from the lotus that emanated from your naval that is as opulent as a lotus flower. You are the one who killed the Asuras Madhu and Kaitabha when they challenged you doe a fight. You created the earth using the carcass of these asuras and you inspired me to do umpteen creations of all kinds on the earth. You are the Lord Siva who is destroying everything that has had a beginning.

You are the one who took avatar as a divine fish to help Satyavrata. You became a divine tortoise to lift the Manthara Mountain to help Devas during the churning of the milky ocean. Victory to the Lord who took avatar as a divine boar to kill Hiranyaksha and to lift the earth from sinking in the sea. Victory to the Lord who came as a man-lion to kill Hiranyakasipu. Hail the Lord who came as Vamana, a dwarf, and measured the whole universe in three steps after destroying Mahabali’s ego. Hail the Lord who took the avatar as Parasurama to annihilate the cruel kings of the world. Victory to the Lord who came as Rama to kill Ravana and to protect the Devas. You will be born as Krishna to Vasudeva and Devaki to reduce the burden on the earth in the next eon. You will also be born as Kalki holding a mighty sword to kill the wicked. Your principles are unfathomable and unknowable to most of us. Those who are ripe to accept such knowledge will find a guru and that Satsang can dispel the ignorance from him. He will have a vision of the unity of Jivatma and Paramatma. Who can extoll your virtues in a way to do justice?”

“You have been famous as Rama, the son of Dasaratha, the jewel of the Surya clan. You went with Viswamitra to help him and then killed Tadaka at his behest. Victory to the Lord who brought Ahalya back to life. Victory to the Lord who broke Siva’s bow. Hail the Lord who won over Parasurama on the way back to Ayodhya after marrying Sita. Victory to Rama who lived with his brothers and families for twelve years of his youth before going in exile to the forest for fourteen years. Hail Rama, who did his father’s final rites while living in the forest. Hail Rama, who killed Viradha, a ferocious demon. Victory to Rama who visited the hermitages of Suthishna, Agastya, Valmiki, and many others during his exile. Hail Rama, who caused disfiguring of Surppanakha. Victory to Rama who killed Khara, Dooshana, and Thrisiras, along with their army of fourteen thousand men within three and a half hours. Hail Rama, who went after Maricha, the enchanting deer to please Sita. Hail Rama, who went in search of Sita after meeting Jatayu who gave the information on Ravana. Victory to Rama, who saw Sabari who got moksha upon meeting you in person. Victory to Rama, who met Hanuman and later entered a pact with Sugriva. Hail Rama, who killed the powerful Bali and crowned Sugriva as the king of Vanaras. Victory to Rama, who gave Hanuman the ring and sacred words to give Sita. Victory to Rama who was briefed by Hanuman after his return from Lanka. Hail Sri Rama, who embraced Hanuman when he narrated the meeting of Sita in Lanka and gave him the precious Choodaratna. Hail Rama, who got the thousands of Vanaras to build a dyke across the ocean to reach Lanka. Hail Rama, who led the battle with Ravana and killed most of the wicked Rakshasas. Hail Rama, who joined Sita after the war. Hail Rama, who went to Nandigram and met Bharatha after the prescribed period of exile. Hail Rama, who took charge of the kingdom and governed it as the ideal one for everyone to emulate. Victory to Rama who reigned the kingdom to everyone's satisfaction and Victory to Rama who lived the life of an ideal householder during this time. Hail Rama, who abandoned Sita to avoid a terrible scandal about her for having stayed in Ravana’s palace for a year. Hail Rama, who conducted Aswamedha Yaga for which a golden sculpture of Sita was made.  Hail Rama, who listened to the awe-inspiring story of Ramayana from Lava and Kusha, the two Brahmacharis of Valmiki’s Ashram. Hail Rama, who discarded Lakshmana, his favorite brother, and constant companion to uphold the truth.” 

“Victory to Rama who is standing here on the Banks of river Sarayu along with sages, Brahmanas, and other citizens of Ayodhya. Hail Rama, killer of Ravana, Husband of Sita, Son of Dasaratha!

Namaste! Narayana!

Namaste! Consort of Lakshmi!

Namaste! Lord of the Universe! 

Namaste! Compassionate one!

Namaste! Bliss infinite!  

Namaste! Paramatma!

When Brahma extolled thus, Sri Rama said: Please ensure that everyone who follows me must be given access to Deva’s world, heaven.

Brahma said: “Please come and immerse yourselves in the river Sarayu. Vanaras and Devas joined with others and entered the river. They all got divine garbs immediately and they reached heaven. Vishnu’s avatar Rama and his brothers, Lakshmana, Bharatha, and Shatrughna, reached Vishnu’s abode. Humans, Asuras, birds, animals, Devas, and insects went to heaven due to Sri Rama’s compassion.

Devas, rishis, sages, and Lord Brahma extolled Lord Narayana, who was lying in Yoga Nidra, on the Anantha bed, served by his consort, Lakshmi Devi.”

It is well known that those who chant Rama’s name will reach Rama’s abode. 

“I have tried to narrate the story of Rama for the benefit of ignorant people of the world. People of pious nature would enjoy it and I do not heed my ears to those who talk ill of it. May I ever keep my respect for Sri Rama always fresh in my mind and may Goddess Lakshmi bless me for that!”

Sri Rama Rama Rama, Sri Rama Bhadra Jaya!

Sri Rama Rama Rama, Sitabhi Rama Jaya!

Jai Sri Sita Ramachandra ji ki Jai

Jai Sri Anjaneya Swamiji ki Jai

Satguru ki Jai!


The End

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