Friday, August 6, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 22. Yudhakandham Contd.

 Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 22. Yudhakandham Contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  45.50m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 22 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  22

Yudhakandham Cond.

The Killing of Maya Sita

Indrajit entered the battlefield well prepared, with his army. Seeing his arrival, Lakshmana told his brother “Look at him, if he continues to fight behind the curtain of magic, how do we resist? How long do we continue like this? Please uproot their clan using your Brahmastra.” Rama replied calmly: “We must not use weapons like Brahmastra on enemies who are running away or armless or hiding or seeking refuge at your feet. However, I will fight him.” So, saying, Rama took his bow and arrows and got ready. Seeing this, Indrajit created a Maya Sita and sat her in his chariot, and entered through the Western gate. Vanaras were sad seeing Sita’s fate and even Hanuman was upset. While they were looking, Indrajit used his sword on her, cutting her body into pieces. She wailed calling out Rama’s name and her blood started wetting the ground. Maruti wanted to recede from the battlefield as the main reason for the war got perished in the hands of the Rakshasa. “Let us go back after informing Lord Rama what happened.” 

Hanuman and other Vanaras walked to Rama with a heavy heart and Rama told Jambava: “How come Hanuman is coming back from the war scene? It is quite unbecoming of Maruti to run away from a battle. Please go and check what is happening.” He went and asked Hanuman what happened and why they are returning. Then Hanuman said: “We are not receding due to fear of death in the war. I need to tell Lord Rama certain things that are too painful for me.” He reached Rama and informed him of the killing of Sita. Rama fainted and fell to the ground, and Lakshmana kept his head on his lap. Hanuman held his feet and embraced them. Lakshmana tried to console Rama with words of solace. 

Hearing the commotion, Vibhishana reached there and asked what happened. Lakshmana told him what Hanuman and other Vanaras saw on the battlefield. Suddenly Vibhishana laughed aloud, clapping his hands. “Ayo! What do monkeys know! Who can kill the Goddess of the three worlds? You know, Meghanada is a magician. He did this trick to buy him some time and finish a Yagna at Nikumbhila, with no disturbance from the Vanaras. Now you guys go and prevent him from completing the sacrificial Yagna. If you do not stop him, nobody will be able to kill him if he completes the ritual. Rama, get up, without any worries. I will go with Lakshmana and Vanaras.” Rama permitted them and they went straight to Nikumbhila. 

The Killing of Indrajit

Lakshmana and Sugriva walked with the Vanara army consisting of some of the greatest warriors of their army. Ravana’s son had already started his ritual with the help of several Rakshasas. Vanaras lifted heavy rocks and trees and charged at the Rakshasas. That was unexpected and Rakshasa started falling dead. Meghanada knew it will be impossible to proceed with the Yagna when these monkeys were there. He took his bow and arrows and starting shooting arrows at Vanaras. “He hasn’t completed the Yagna, and this is the time to hit him,” said, Vibhishana. Lakshmana started shooting arrows on Meghanada. Hanuman lifted Lakshmana on his shoulder and continued fighting. 

Seeing Vibhishana by the side of Lakshmana, Indrajit chided his uncle. “You are my paternal uncle, born in the Rakshasa family, but you work for the enemy like a slave! what a pity! Even our clan is going to be extinct thanks to you!” 

Then Vibhishana told him: “No, you and your father are the reason for destroying our clan. I am proud to say that because of Lord Rama’s blessing, I will be the one to protect our clan, whatever is left after the war, that is. As they were talking, Lakshmana shot some powerful arrows that destroyed Indrajith’s chariot along with its charioteer. Still, he boasted to Lakshmana: “A couple of days ago, you have seen my prowess in war and remember what happened! I think today I will give a feast to the wild animals with your severed body” His arrows made severe wounds on Lakshmana. Hanuman and Sugriva also jumped in and helped Lakshmana, but the Vanara army seemed weak in front of the Rakshasa. The battle between Lakshmana and Indrajit was fierce, and both were drenched in blood. Ravana’s son went to Lanka and got another chariot in no time that no one noticed his magical vanishing and reappearance within moments. Celestials expressed their amazement as it was a war like no other. The battle lasted three days and still, there was no end to the incessant beatings and retorts by both the warriors. Finally, Lakshmana used the ultimate arrow from his quiver, Indra Astra, to strike at his neck and it did its job well. After killing Indrajit, the arrow went to the sea, washed off the blood, and came back to Lakshmana’s quiver. Devas were happy and the celestials celebrated the victory with drums and music. Lakshmana went to Rama and paid his respects and informed him of the victory. “What you have done is not an easy task. Once Indrajit is dead, that means Ravana has lost his right hand, and it is as good as his death. He will come soon to avenge his son’s death for sure.”

Ravana’s Wailing

Ravana heard the news of his son’s death, and he could not believe it. He fell unconscious for a while and then started wailing uncontrollably. “Ha, Ha, my son, Mandodari’s son, Oh! great warrior, Oh! Handsome prince! It is all my karma to face such a disaster in the family. While I have a sleepless night in the sorrow of your passing, all the Devas and humans are going to sleep well tonight because their nightmare is gone! They do not have to fear anyone. The cause of your death is, Sita and I better kill her and drink her blood.” So, saying, he took his sword and started walking towards the garden where Sita was sitting restlessly. Sita saw the enraged Rakshasa and was petrified. She started chanting Rama’s name seeking his protection. Then Suparswa, an intelligent advisor of Ravana stopped him and told him to avoid amassing more sins in his life. “You were born into a Brahmana family, and you are well known as a noble person. Who can list your glories and exploits? You are the foremost among the devotees of Siva, the most prominent among the Trinity. Your brother Kubera is the custodian of all the wealth of the universe. All three worlds respect you and, your knowledge of Sama Veda is legendary. You have won over the five senses, and no one can compare you in performing penance and austerities. It is not even thinkable that such a person would kill a hapless woman. Even that thought will bring disgrace to your name. You go and fight your enemies, Kill those humans and Vanaras without any difficulty.” Ravana was convinced that it was not appropriate for a person of his stature to kill a woman. He talked to the ministers and warriors before getting ready to enter the battlefield. Rakshasa went to fight, and Rama retorted with his mighty arrows. Then Rama hit Ravana with several of his arrows and his body had wounds all over. He was tired and felt defeated and returned to his palace. 

Disruption of Ravana’s Yagna

Ravana met with his guru, Sage Shukra, and explained the situation. “They killed most of our warriors and my son, Indrajit. Tell me how should I proceed? Please show your disciple a way to deal with the situation.” Shukra advised: “Ravana, you must please the Gods and get their blessings to win over your enemies. You must conduct a fire sacrifice in a secret cave, and you must do it quickly. Once you start the ritual, you must finish it properly to get the benefit. If the sacrifice is successful, invincible warriors will be coming out of the sacrificial fire with powerful weapons and help you in the battle. With their help, no one can defeat you.” 

So, saying, the guru taught him the Mantra to chant during the ritual. Ravana learned it quickly and reached an underground cave. It was quickly decorated and got ready for the Fire sacrifice. He closed all the gates to the city so that no one could enter to disrupt him. He started the ritual with proper care and concentration. The fire ritual generated smoke in the cave, and it started leaking out to the sky. Vibhishana noticed it and told Rama to observe it. “Oh! King, Ravana has started the secret fire sacrifice and if we let him complete it successfully, then no one will be able to win him over. Please send our Vanaras to disrupt the ritual. Hanuman, Angada, and one hundred crore monkeys stormed the city at once and started destroying everything. Sarama, Vibhishana’s wife showed the location of the sacrifice and Vanaras went inside the cave after breaking the locks of the heavy doors. Ravana was sitting in deep meditation with his eyes closed and the monkeys kicked and beat him. They soiled the altar of the Yagna and killed the attendants. Mahabala, a Vanara giant kicked and scratched Ravana’s body. But Ravana was still meditating, without getting distracted by all these commotions. Then the Vanaras decided to frighten his wife Mandodari by pulling off her dress and she started moaning loudly. 

“When my great husband is still alive, I am getting beaten and insulted by monkeys! What kind of fate is this? Have you lost all your pride, my dear? Are you not ashamed when your wife is being assaulted? Are you aware that they are pulling my hair and dragging me on the bare floor? Are you a fool to continue your meditation when your wife is fighting for her life? How come I ended up facing this in my life? A wife is a man’s pride and joy. An enemy is bound to take her by force and a good husband must try his best to rescue her. Is it not better for you to die than to witness your wife’s distress?” 

Ravana heard his wife’s cry and opened his eyes. He got up holding his sword and approached Angada to fight. Vanaras left Mandodari and came out of the cave knowing that Ravana could not complete the ritual. They did not let Ravana complete the ritual of pouring ghee in the fire as the spatula was taken from him by force. They reported it to Rama, and they were relieved that there is not enough time for Ravana to do the Yagna again.

Ravana and Mandodari

Ravana tried to console Mandodari: “Oh! Dear, everything happens as per God’s will. Once you are born, you are bound to experience all that is destined for you. For me, this time is terrible. Knowing this reality please do not fall prey to grief. Ignorance is indeed sorrow, and it leads to ego. We erroneously identify with the body and that is the cause for sorrow. Our relationships with spouses and children are associated with the body. Sorrow, Delusion, Fear, Anger, Greed, Desire, Hatred, Attachment, Elation, Old age, and Death, etc. are born out of ignorance. But the reality is knowledge itself, and it is unsullied by any modifications. It is complete and it does not have any attachment or detachment with anyone or anything. See this truth in yourself and throw away your anguish. I will go and kill those Vanaras and the humans. If that does not happen, I will be liberated by Rama’s arrows. That will be a blessing for me; but if that happens, you must kill Sita, and jump into my funeral pyre. Thus, you will also attain moksha.” 

Hearing her husband’s words, Mandodari said: “No one in the three worlds can win over Rama. I know, Rama is indeed the Lord Mahavishnu in human form. He has taken divine avatars earlier as well. He took avatar as a fish to rescue Manu and the Vedas. Then he became a tortoise during the churning of the milky ocean. Then as a boar, he lifted the planet earth. He was a man-lion when he killed Hiranyaksha. He became a dwarf, Vamana, and measured the three worlds in two steps and the third step destroyed Mahabali’s ego. As Parasurama, he killed the Kshatriya-Rakshasas several times before this avatar of Rama. I know, he has taken birth as Dasaratha’s son to annihilate you. You have abducted his wife and that became the cause for your fall and our son’s death. You must be ashamed of yourself. Return Sita to Rama and give the kingdom to Vibhishana. Rama is compassionate and he will let us go to pursue penance in the forest.” 

Ravana replied with a stern voice: “There is no use in me living after having caused the deaths of my brothers, sons, and confidants. Do not worry; nothing will happen to me. I will return victorious, and eventually, we will also enjoy Vaikundha, the abode of Vishnu.

Rama-Ravana Battle

Ravana sped in his chariot, ready to fight. A big army of Rakshasas under ten commanders went with him. Hanuman and the Vanaras saw this huge army and were concerned about it. Rama told them “Go and get them, do not hesitate.” Rama jumped into the battlefield and showered arrows at the Rakshasas as if there was one Rama, each fighting against every Rakshasa, individually.  The whole day passed by in the fierce battle and almost everyone on both sides got injured. Even the mountains, seas, and trees were covered with arrows coming from all directions. There were headless Kabandhas seen everywhere and dead bodies of elephants, horses, Rakshasa, and Vanaras were strewn all over the field. Vultures and other meat-eating animals started gathering in great numbers, seeing the feast waiting for them. The sweet sounds of the bells attached to Rama’s bow were heard more often and the Devas showered flowers from the sky. Celestials started dancing seeing Rama’s victory in the battle. Eventually, most of the Rakshasas fell. Rama appeared bright and shining on the battlefield just as the sun appearing in the clouds. Rama told Sugriva and Hanuman: “There is no one else to fight like this except for Lord Siva and Vishnu.”

Rakshasa ladies started crying knowing that their husbands, brothers, fathers, and sons were all dead. “Who will be there to look after us! That wretched lady Surppanakha is the root cause of all these tragedies. She had an eye for Rama and that was detrimental for our clan. Ravana is viler than her. He wanted Sita and that desire is the cause of all the destruction that happened in Lanka.  Khara and Thrisiras were killed easily by Rama along with their army. Later he killed Bali and Sugriva became the king of Vanaras. He sent out Vanaras in search of Sita and Maruti created havoc in Lanka, coming as a messenger. To fight Ravana, they made a dyke in the ocean and came to Lanka in great numbers. Vibhishana advised him, but the dull-witted Ravana would not listen. He sent his sons, brothers, and all the great warriors to fight with Rama’s army and they were killed. You did all kinds of atrocities against Brahmanas, Devas, and your subjects, to amass wealth. You did not leave even your gurus from your brutalities. This rascal has made our life miserable.” 

Hearing the ladies, Ravana could not wait any longer. He jumped in to fight more vigorously. Viroopaksha, Mahodara, and Mahaparswa accompanied him and accessed the arena through the Northern gate. An intense fight ensued between the two armies. Sugriva killed Virupaksha and Mahodara. Angada dealt with Mahaparswa. Rama used several divine arrows on the Rakshasas. Ravana used an arrow given to him by Maya and Rama resisted it with a Gandharva Astra. Then Ravana used a Surya Astra and Rama cut it down. Ravana shot ten arrows and Rama retorted with one hundred arrows at the same time. Ravana was wounded but continued his fight. Lakshmana’s seven arrows destroyed the chariot. Vibhishana killed the horses of his chariot, beating with a mace. Then Ravana used a special spear gifted to him by Maya, at Vibhishana.  Lakshmana prevented it from hitting Vibhishana. That made Ravana furious, and he used his ultimate weapon, Sakthi on Lakshmana. That was a brutal blow and Lakshmana fell unconscious having struck with the sharp spear, Shakthi. Vanaras could not pull out the spear and Rama had to come. 

“Keep watch over Lakshmana. This is not the time to grieve. I will kill all of them and you are going to witness an exciting battle. Rama and Raghava cannot exist at the same time on earth anymore. I will kill Ravana in such a way that my fame will never vanish if the seven seas, seven islands, seven mountains, Sun and the Moon, the sky, and the earth remain. Devas, Rakshasas, Nagas, Celestials, and the Rishis, must watch it.” Thus, saying Rama commenced the fight directly with Ravana. His bow strings vibrated as he held the arrows tight against it and the whole world noticed the sound. But he was distressed knowing Lakshmana’s condition. He told Sugriva: “I am getting tired, and my strength has been depleted seeing Lakshmana’s injury. My grip on the bow is not strong enough to kill the Rakshasa.” 

Sushena came forward and told him that Lakshmana’s body can still be rescued. The body has not started turning into blue color and if only we can get the medicine, Vishalya Karani, we can wake him up. Immediately, Maruti flew to the Himalayas and brought the medicine in no time and Lakshmana got up. He embraced Rama and Lakshmana reminded Rama that whatever happens, he cannot go back from the promise he had given to the Devas and Rishis. “Please go ahead and kill him and rescue the world as soon as possible.” 

Rama once again went to fight with Ravana resolutely.  A heavy fight ensued, and both were attacking each other the best way possible. Seeing Rama may be a bit relaxed, Indra told the charioteer, Matali to take his chariot to assist Rama. “You must drive the chariot knowing Rama’s wish.” Matali went to Rama and offered his help. “Please use my chariot, sent by Indra for your use. I will drive it so fast that Ravana will not have a chance. Ravana was surprised to see Rama in a new chariot as tall as his. Arrows started to rain from both sides. Several divine arrows were exchanged, such as Gandharvam, Rakshasam, Nagam, and Garudam, etc. Ravana’s arrow hit Matali and his horses. Rama was tired when Ravana used a spear at Rama. Immediately Rama took the powerful spear, Sakthi from Indra’s chariot and hurled it at Ravana. But that was cut into a hundred pieces by Ravana. Then Ravana shot several Nagastras which were met with Rama’s Arrows. Then Ravana’s charioteer turned the chariot around and sped away to avoid the onslaught of arrows. 

“Why did you run away like a coward? It is insulting to me. Are you working for Rama?” Ravana asked him in an angry voice. He replied: “Oh! Lord, it is not because I love Rama and hate my master that I moved the chariot away; I saw you getting tired fighting Rama and as I am a faithful servant to you, I thought it would be better for you to take a short rest. You can return with increased vigor and that was my intent. A good charioteer should not wait for a command always. He must look after his master’s and horse’s food and drink needs. He must also know when the enemy is getting powerful and weak. A good charioteer will do what is appropriate in each situation without being told what to do.” 

Ravana was relieved and embraced him gifting him a gold bangle. “Ok, I am pleased with your work, let us go back now. From now onward, there is no retreat for us without winning the battle. We will know in a day or two which way it is going to go. The chariot sped back to the arena and Rama was standing there waiting for them to get back. Both fought with their full might.


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