Saturday, August 7, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 23. Yudhakandham Contd.

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 23. Yudhakandham Contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  28.31m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 23 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  23

Yudhakandham Cond.

Aditya Hridhay Mantra

When the fierce fight was going on, Sage Agastya appeared, as if from nowhere. Rama got down from the chariot and paid respect to the great sage. Agastya told Rama in a pleasing tone: “I just came to wish you well and let you know that all your sorrows will end soon. All the three types of sorrows, the sadness due to separation, and all the dangers will stay away from you from now on. I will teach you a Mantra, a stuti, chanting which all your worldly afflictions will cease, you will live for long, and your fame will spread far and wide. Chant this stuti with devotion. All can propitiate the Sun God by chanting this stuti whether you are a Deva, Rakshasa, Celestial, Monk, Guhyaka, Yaksha, Kimpurusha, Apsaras, or Human to get benefitted. Sun is the primordial Deva, who maintains the fourteen worlds with his rays carrying divine energy. He is indeed the destroyer of these worlds when the time is ripe. For everyone from Devas to the Trinity, celestials to demigods, and humans to animals, Sun is keeping track of time like days, weeks, months, and the year. He is the eternal witness for all that is happening in the world and all that is done by all. Prostrate to Surya every day and take in his blessings. 

“Salutations to the one who dispels darkness. Salutations to Surya who dispels delusions. Salutations to the calm yet resolute Lord who is the most attractive. Salutations to Surya who sustains all living and non-living entities. Salutations to the one and only divine witness. Salutations to Surya, the embodiment of truth.” Chant these and you can get rid of all fears.” 

Hearing Agastya’s advice, Rama was pleased and got inspired to continue his duty with more enthusiasm. Rama with folded hands bid the sage goodbye. Agastya left in a sky chariot and joined Narada in the sky to watch the Leela of war Rama was fighting to upkeep dharma in the universe.

The Killing of Ravana

Rama asked Matali to drive the chariot straight to Ravana. Ravana stood there with stern resolve, ready to fight till the end. Arrows flew in all directions and the dust spread all over and reduced the visibility. Rama shattered Ravana’s flag post. He retorted with more arrows aimed at Matali and his horses. Ravana used maces, iron bars, and pillars on the enemy and Rama stuck to his expertise, the bow, and arrows. Their two chariots were running in all directions as if the charioteers were showing off their skills and the celestials were wonderstruck seeing the war between Rama and Ravana. They all agreed that it was a unique battle. Both were a match for the battle and the Devas started worrying. Surya was about to set and there was a tremor in the earth. Oceans were disturbed and the wind blew hard. The fight was akin to a duel between two oceans or two skies. Suddenly Rama cut one of Ravana’s heads and it fell on the ground. But a new head grew at that neck instantly. Rama repeated this one hundred and one times, and each time a new head came up. Ravana kept his ten heads intact. Rama knew that Ravana would have done ample penance for this to happen. The arrows that killed Kumbhakarna and other mighty Rakshasas were seemed reluctant to kill Ravana. 

Both continued to show their strength and prowess, but no one was relenting. When scores of arrows hit Rama’s body, a decisive thought rose in Rama’s mind and suddenly for him, the arrows felt soft like flowers and Ravana started losing his grip. They fought continuously for seven days and finally, Matali told Rama to use the Paithaa-mahastra, given by sage Agastya. Rama took that divine arrow and shot at Ravana using his full might and it pierced his heart and went to the ocean and cleansed itself, before coming back to Rama’s quiver. Ravana fell from the chariot like a huge tree and the Devas showered flowers on Rama, from the sky. Nature rejoiced to witness the long-awaited event. Sun was brighter and the air wafted pleasantly. Rishis chanted “Jaya, Jaya, Rama” from their Ashrams. 

Rakshasas who were still around Ravana ran back to the city and started crying aloud. Sugriva, Hanuman, Angada, Nila, and other Vanara warriors howled happily to mark the victory. Vibhishana, with a heavy heart, sat beside Ravana’s body and started wailing in a low tone: “All these are happening because of my fate. I had told him the consequences of his indiscretions and he kicked me out of Lanka. I cannot see you, the mighty king Ravana, lying on the bare ground. It must be my fate to witness this misfortune happening to my family. Who can divert the Lord’s will!”

Rama consoled Vibhishana and told him that Ravana was a great warrior. He died like a real fighter, and it is appropriate for powerful and gallant kings to leave their bodies in a battle. He fought against me, and he will go to heaven reserved for such heroes. Rama asked him to do the final rites for his brother, with all the royal rituals. As Rama was advising Vibhishana, Mandodari, Ravana’s widow came to see Ravana’s body. She cried falling on her husband’s body and wailed and other Rakshasa ladies joined her. Rama asked the Vanaras to make a funeral pyre. Vibhishana was relieved to hear Rama asking them to honor Ravana as a hero and to give him a royal cremation although his brother was a sinner of the worst kind. 

“If anyone dies of my arrows, know that all his sins are dissolved. Know also that all rivalry lasts only until death. Do the necessary rituals so that your heroic brother will get the virtuous path leading to heaven. Add sandalwood and other scented wood to the fire. Let there be drumming to celebrate the life of a valorous king, who was also a Brahmana.” Vibhishana performed the rites as instructed and set fire to the pyre. Ravana’s body was engulfed in fire. Matali prostrated Rama and bid goodbye and reached Indra.

Rama asked Vibhishana to take charge as the king of Lanka. Hearing this, the Vanaras along with the Rakshasa citizens, prepared a quick ceremony to formalize it. He was already the coronated king of Rakshasas. Rishis blessed him: “May you reign Lanka as long as Rama’s story is sung in the world over!” Rakshasas came to see the new king with lots of gifts and Vibhishana submitted them at Rama’s feet and offered his salutations. Rama blessed him and to please him, told him: “Be happy. Consider I have accepted all your gifts”. Then Rama embraced Sugriva: “Yes, we have accomplished what we had in mind, because of your help. Without your help, I could not have killed Ravana.”

Rama Meets Sita After the War

Rama told Hanuman to inform Sita Devi, the news of the killing of Ravana. “Please listen and observe her facial gestures and let me know how she responds.” Maruti went to the city and the Rakshasa welcomed him with open arms. He went and prostrated at Sita’s feet. With a smiling face, Hanuman told her everything about the battle. “Lakshmana, Vibhishana and, us Vanaras fought under the command of Rama and killed many Rakshasas, and finally Rama killed Ravana in a fierce fight. The Lord has asked me to tell you the news.” Sita was overjoyed. With a cracked voice, she said: “Oh! Best among the Vanaras, tell me how I would go and see him. I do not have the patience or courage to wait any longer. You must make it happen without delay.” Hanuman went back to Rama and reported Sita’s desire. “I am devastated without seeing Sita Devi and please bring her to me as soon as possible. Let her take a bath and wear royal attire. Bring her on a palanquin.” Rama said. Hanuman went back along with Vibhishana, to Sita, and the older ladies helped her get ready with all the fine attire and ornaments.

As the palanquin moved from the city to where Rama was waiting, there was a commotion among the Vanaras crowding to have a glimpse of Sita Devi. The sentries shooed them away and they were sad. Hearing about this Rama, out of his compassion, ordered Vibhishana not to stop the Vanaras. “Did I ask you to stop the Vanaras from seeing Sita and mistreat them? What is wrong with them wanting to see Sita Devi? She is like a mother to them, and no one should stop children from meeting with their mother. Now all of you can go and see her!” So, saying Rama blessed them.

 “Oh! Daughter of Mother Earth, come to me. Why is there a scandal on you?” Rama was thinking about how the Maya Sita was created to play her part in the drama. He pretended to be angry and expressed his concerns. Sensing the discomfort of Rama, Sita Devi declared: “To make my husband have full confidence in my chastity, I will jump in the fire right away. Lakshmana, make a fire, I don’t fear the test.” 

Lakshmana, with Rama’s permission, made an altar with large flames of fire. Sita Devi, circumambulated the fire three times with folded hands and meditated on Agni and other Devas. Then she said: “Lord Agni, you are the witness of everything and if I had ever thought about anyone other than my husband, you would know it. It is time for you to tell the truth.” She jumped in the fire without a semblance of concern on her face. The whole universe stood still for a moment. Devas and celestials lined up the sky and the forefathers witnessed the Agni test. 

Indra and Brahma extolled Lord Rama as he has accomplished the mission of his avatar. Everyone was happy to see that Ravana’s reign had been ended by Rama’s arrow. Lord Agni came from the flame along with Sita Devi and declared: “You had entrusted me, Sita, while you were in the forest and now, I am returning her to you. Do not entertain any doubts about her. Accept her as your queen.” Rama paid his respects to Agni and accepted Sita Devi. Rama and Sita sat there for a while giving Darshan to all.

Indra’s Stuti

Indra prostrated at the feet of Rama and started chanting a beautiful stuti. “Oh! Lord, Rama, Ramachandra, we seek refuge at your feet. Who else is there to protect us? Who else is there as compassionate as you! May I be able to think about you all the time and chant your name incessantly! May I be able to tell your stories and hear about your escapades. Lord Siva is chanting your name for self-cleansing, and he wears the water from washing your feet on his forehead. Salutations, Rama, Salutations!” 

When Indra praised Rama, he asked Indra to ensure certain favors for the monkeys. “You must make the Vanara warriors died in the battle, wake from the dead, and they should not have a memory about it any longer. You also must make all the fruits sweet whenever the monkeys bite on them. Whenever they drink water off the rivers, they should feel they are drinking honey.” Indra agreed and made these possible immediately. Monkeys woke up as if they were sleeping for a long time. They came and prostrated Rama. 

Lord Siva came to see Rama in a sky chariot and told him: “Look, your father Dasaratha has come from heaven to see you.” Rama hurried and met with his father. He prostrated at his father and Dasaratha embraced him tight and kissed his forehead. Sita and Lakshmana also paid their respect and the king embraced them. “Oh! Rama, you were born as my son, but today I realize that you are the immaculate Paramatma. With that knowledge, I got relieved from the cycle of birth and death. May I not be swayed by your Maya power anymore.” Rama bid his father goodbye and Dasaratha reached the heavenly abode. Lord Brahma returned to Sathya Loka. Lord Siva, along with Parvati, returned to Kailas. Devas, Rishis, Narada, and the other celestials also receded to their respective abodes. 

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