Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 27. Uttarakandham Contd

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 27. Uttarakandham Contd

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  45.00 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 27 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  27

Uttarakandham Contd.

Ravana Gets a Vision of the Hell.

Ravana saw various hells in Yama’s abode. He noticed that there are several torture chambers destined for sinners and golden palaces with pleasure chambers for people who died accruing good karmas. Kalasootra, Asipatravana, Soolaprota, and Vaitarani, etc. are cruel places executing varying degrees of punishments in hell. People are crying out loud when the dogs and jackals bite and chew their limbs. Some fall unconscious when hundreds of thousands of insects raid their bodies. Some are roasted in the red-hot sand of the deserts and there the people are forced to walk on their knees. Some people fall into deep, dark pits and wander without knowing where they are going or what is in front of them. Some others are burned alive and some cry out of thirst and hunger. Some are forced to embrace red hot copper statues. Yama’s servants laugh at them asking “aren’t you happy to be getting this colorful body?” Some people are taken to a hilltop and once they reach the summit, they are pushed downhill. Several arrows come and hit people from all directions, and they are confused. Some are forced to drink molten lead, and some are forced to swim in the pool filled with blood, pus, urine, and feces. Some are forced to lie down on sharp metal spikes, pierced halfway through their body. Vultures use their beaks to cut open the eyes of some of the sinners while thousands of hound dogs bite on their bodies, all while alive. Some people are made to suffocate as the Yama servants close their noses and mouth with their tough hands. Then they are drawn on thorns making red marks all over their bodies.  Ravana felt sorry for these people suffering in hell and took them out with the intent of rescuing them. 

Yama warriors were furious. “Who is the fellow trying to obstruct the justice and orders of our king Yama? He has ten heads and twenty eyes and hands. He is dark and huge like a blue mountain but looks like he is ready to meet Yama.” They approached Ravana with their arms when the Rakshasas stopped them. Yama warriors shot arrows and shattered the towers on the Vimana, but they were rebuilt instantly as if by magic. Ravana also used his skill in shooting thousands of arrows at the Yama army. They retorted with spears, maces, and pestles. Rakshasa's army got tired and Ravana stood there drenched in blood. He jumped out of Vimana with a resolve to kill everyone and used the Pasupata arrow. That arrow was so powerful that it started burning everything in the earth and the sky, and both armies roared aloud.

The Fight Between Ravana and Kala

Kala is another name of Yama, as the keeper of time. “I better jump in the battle and win this guy over,” he thought. Kala’s rage was so ferocious that the whole world was worried. Dhumraksha and other Rakshasas ran away but Ravana stood there to fight. Both used their might to shoot arrows back and forth for seven days and nights at a stretch with no success or failure for either, Finally, Death, an assistant of Yama offered to hit the Rakshasa with his shaft to kill him and Yama accepted it. It is well known that no one can escape the shaft of death. But, just before hitting Ravana, Lord Brahma told them not to hit him. “Do not kill him. I am destined to put an end to Ravana, and we do not want to stray away from the divine will. I had given a boon to him that he will not be killed by the Devas. So please go back to your abode.” Yama and Death agreed and receded. Without knowing the divine work, Ravana boasted that he has won over Yama and returned to his Vimana. He went to Vasuki’s abode and fought with the Serpent. There also, Ravana was victorious. 

The War of Nivatakavacha

Then Ravana went to Mahapuri, the kingdom of Nivata and Kavacha. They were blessed by Lord Brahma due to their penance. Dasamukha challenged them. They came out to fight and the battle was fierce, which lasted a year without any side winning or losing. Again, Lord Brahma came down and said: “There is no use even if you fight for a thousand years. I had given a boon to Ravana that he will not be killed by Devas or Asuras. You are also great warriors, but you two should enter a pact and move on.” They agreed and entered a treaty. Ravana stayed there for a year enjoying their hospitality. Then he realized that it was more than a hundred months since he left Lanka. Still, he went to the city of Kalakeya for another fight. There he killed seven Asuras. 

Victory over the Sons of Varuna

Ravana then went to Varuna’s abode. He went and paid his respects to the divine cow, Surabhi, who is the source of the ocean of milk. Then he challenged Varuna for a fight. Varuna’s sons and came to fight Ravana. Ravana’s army was so powerful that the army of Varuna could not resist them. However, the sons of Varuna fought hard and Ravana fell unconscious. Then Mahodara broke the chariot of the sons of Varuna. Ravana got from his stupor and fought with added vigor. This time Varuna’s sons fell unconscious. Their warriors showered water on them and pacified them. Ravana yelled at them and asked for Varuna to come and fight him. Varuna was not there as he was away at Lord Brahma to attend a musical concert. Prabhasa told Ravana: “You may leave victorious; consider that you have won Varuna as you defeated his sons. There is no one else available here to win over you.” Ravana was elated on winning several opponents and his arrogance grew.

Stealing Other People’s Wives.

Ravana took by force the wives of several Devas, Asuras, Gandharvas, Sages, Siddhas, Men, Kinnaras, and Yakshas and their heart-wrenching wailing was pathetic. “Ha Ha, father! Ha Ha my lord! Ha Ha, mother! Ha Ha, my son! Ha Ha, my friend! See our fate! This wretched fellow is not allowing us to leave. We are afraid of him all the time. Is he going to eat us alive? He has no discrimination! We are cursing him to face death due to a divine woman.” But Ravana was oblivious to the curses he accumulated due to his atrocities. Finally, he reached Lanka where he was received with grandeur, and he continued reigning Lanka. One day Ravana told Surppanakha: “I was busy fighting all these years and so far, could not find a husband for you. You may go and live in the Dandaka forest along with Khara and Dooshana. There you may choose any one of your likings that comes along your way.” She left and reached Dandaka forest.

Meghanada Gets Several Boons.

Ravani, Son of Ravana, Meghanada, did many a penance and got several boons from Devas. He started to challenge and win over everyone. He went and paid his respects to his father when Shukra told Ravana: “Your son has done several penances and received several boons from Devas. He can drive his chariot at his will and his enemies know his prowess. Lord Siva gave him a quiver full of arrows that would never go empty and a chest shield to protect him in wars.” Then Ravana told him: “There is no point in propitiating the Devas by doing Aswamedha and other Yagnas as Devas are our arch enemies. It is better to serve the Lord of the universe.” He went to the Vimana and got the crying ladies out. Seeing this, Vibhishana told: “Look at his indiscretions! Forcefully grabbing chaste ladies like this will bring misfortune and infamy for sure. Those who have done cruelty to other people’s wives in the past have suffered for it. Hear such an incident occurred in our family. You know our grandfather Malyavan’s daughter Pushpolkkata, our mother’s elder sister. Her daughter Kumbheenasi was abducted by the demon, Madhu. Meghanada was busy discussing with Sages and no one noticed the act. I was not in the city either. It hurt our reputation badly. If we kill him, it would be like making her a widow. So, we relented and decided to let it be.”

Hearing the news of abduction, Ravana was outraged. He declared: “I am going to kill Madhu and win over Devas as well. As Kumbhakarna and his army assist me, Meghanada should lead it and I will be joining on my chariot. Vibhishana, you be here and watch Lanka.” The army got ready with drums, pipes, and all the splendor for a mighty war.  They went to Madhu’s palace where Kumbheenasi met his brother and said: “Please do not kill my husband. He will support you in all your endeavors. If you are going to fight the Devas, he will work with you.” “OK, ask him to come and see me. I will give him refuge.”, Ravana ordered. Madhu went to Ravana and paid him respects. Madhu welcomed him with a feast and a grand reception. Ravana asked him to join his warriors going to fight the Devas.

The Ravana took rest near Kailas and the Rakshasas went near Alakapuri. There was a waft of fragrance in the cool air, and it was a night of the full moon. In the city of Kinnaras, the couples were singing songs of love and he got mesmerized in love and lust. While he was in a great mood, longing to get a lady companion, he saw a damsel, fully decked in her fineries walking towards him slowly. He asked: “Who are you and who is the fortunate man of your life? I am eager to join you. There is no one as great as me around here. Please spend some time with me. Then you can leave.” Hearing this, Rambha replied: “I am the wife of Nalakubara, son of your brother Kubera. So, you should treat me like your daughter. Do not have any ill thoughts about me and leave me alone.” Ravana tried to talk her into agreeing to his demand. “Common rules of conduct do not apply to celestial ladies.” So, saying he grabbed her and embraced her forcefully. She ran away and complained to her husband Nalakubara. He cursed him: “if you ever embrace a lady without her will, may your head shatter into seven pieces!” Since then, Dasamukha would not touch any ladies without consent.

In the morning, Rakshasas started their war against the Devas. The whole world trembled out of fear. Hearing the commotion, Indra was afraid. He escaped to the banks of the sea of milk and praised Lord Narayana. “If we fight with them, we will not win. As Lord Brahma had blessed him, Ravana cannot be killed.”

Narayana consoled them: “Do not worry, I will resolve the issue, once for all. If I enter a fight, I will see that my enemies reach the world of Yama. Your time will come and then you will be victorious.” 

The battle of Indra and Ravana

Then a great commotion ensued from the sound of the battle between Asuras and Devas. Several elephants, horses, and warriors were fighting each other and several of them died immediately. Sumali’s son shot a series of arrows upsetting the Devas. Then Vasupravara got on the battlefield and shattered Sumali’s chariot and then hit him once that sent him to Yama’s abode. Seeing this, Meghanada jumped onto his chariot and made noise with his bow. Devas ran hither and thither. Then Indra declared: “Do not run away, my son Jayandan is going to fight him.” Jayandan was a great warrior who made the Asuras run amuck. Meghanada fought with Jayandan and both sides suffered the loss. Meghanada shot an arrow at Matali’s son Gomukhan and Jayandan shot one on Meghanada’s charioteer. The Devas and Asuras made each other suffer badly on the battlefield. 

Puloma, the grandfather of Jayandan took him away and hid him in the ocean. Indra asked Matali to drive the chariot fast. All the celestials were rooting for Indra, but there were bad omens seen all over. Ravana also came to give cover for Meghanada. Kumbhakarna came to attack Devas. Rudra came to help Devas and killed many Asuras. Asuras started falling by thousands and Ravana’s son got angry. He shot continuously and Indra was busy shooting arrows as well. When Asuras advanced to the middle of the field, amidst the Asuras, they were rounded by the Devas. But they soon realized that they could not kill Meghanada due to a boon given to him by Lord Siva. When Devas rounded up Ravana, Meghanada started showering rains of arrows from his hiding. When the Devas got tired of getting hit with the Asura’s arrows, Indra started searching for Meghanada. He could not locate him, and Indra was tired. Suddenly Meghanada came out of hiding and tied up Indra. Gandharvas, Haha, and HooHoo went to fight Ravana. Ravana’s son again continued his flight from the hiding and rescued his father. Devas went to Lord Brahma and informed the situation. They all went in their Vimanas and waited in the sky above Lanka.

Freeing Indra.

Seeing Lord Brahma coming to Lanka, Ravana paid his respects. “Live long without any enemies and reign the three worlds! You are fortunate to have Meghanada as your son. There are no warriors to match him. As he has won over Indra, I am naming him Indrajit. Untie Indra and set him free. I will give you a boon in return. Ravana asked Lord Brahma the boon he wanted. “If I do a fire sacrifice properly, I should get a chariot from the fire that would make me immortal, and I should be invincible. If I were to be unable to complete the Yagna properly, let death fall upon me; otherwise, no one should kill me. Many others in the past have received boons by doing penance. But I am getting them with my muscle power; I can let Indra go if you agree.” Lord Brahma had to agree to his strange demand and Meghanada let Indra free.

They all left for Deva’s abode, but Indra was still upset. “You have abused Ahalya in the past and now you are suffering the consequence. Do the Yagna – Mahamakha- without delay to get rid of all bad luck from you.” Indra conducted the Yagna and got back his enthusiasm.  Sage Agastya continued: “This is why I said, Ravani is more powerful than Ravana.” Everyone who heard Sage’s narration of the history rejoiced. The sage left the palace after bidding goodbye to all. 

Rama, along with his brothers did the daily rituals and rested in the palace happily. Some singers would wake him up on time and all his relatives and kings from the kingdoms nearby gave him company. He lived in Ayodhya as Indra lives in the city of Sudharma. 

Send off given to Kings.

When Sita’s father Janaka bid him Goodbye, Rama sent with him lots of gifts including precious stones and ornaments. “Do not forget us” he requested his father-in-law. Their uncle Yudhajith bid goodbye to the king and left with a lot of gifts including silk and other fineries. Then Kasi’s king left with hundreds of elephants, chariots, and horses. There were three hundred prominent kings who were sent off with innumerable gifts of various kinds. They were relieved that they did not have to get involved in making the dyke across the ocean and in fighting with Ravana. They counted their blessings to have met Rama, their victorious emperor. Rakshasas and Vanaras also stayed there for about two months and had a great time, and the time passed as if it was just a couple of days. Rama bid goodbye to Sugriva. “Take care of all your Vanara subjects without giving them any trouble. Live a life of dharma.” All were given several gifts and they returned to Kishkindha.  

To Vibhishana, Rama said: “Let us not lose sight of this relationship we have developed. May you rule Lanka, for long, as a devotee of the Lord!” Then it was the turn of Hanuman to leave. “I do not have the courage and strength to think of being separated from you. So, grant me enough life to continue to be your devotee as long as your name and your story are alive in this world.” Rama smiled at him and said: “Maruti, do not be concerned. If the worlds exist, my name and fame will be alive. You will live to see that. I bestow you with the Brahma’s stature. May you never face the sorrow of birth and death!” All guests left and lived happily in their abodes.

The Vimana, Pushpaka, paid respects to Rama and said: “When I went to Alakapuri, Kubera told me that “Ravana had taken the Vimana away from me and Rama killed him. That means the Vimana belongs to Rama. Go and serve him.” I am here to serve you and Lord; I am also reluctant to be separated from you.”  Rama said: “OK, come to me whenever I think of you; stay in Chitraratha for the time being.”

The spring season arrived, and Sri Rama enjoyed his time with Sita Devi in the Royal palace of Ayodhya. After they spent four months thus, Janaki Devi showed signs of pregnancy. Citizens of Ayodhya rejoiced to hear the news and Sri Rama, the embodiment of Vedanta, reigned the fourteen worlds fully observing the Varna dharma, happily with his brothers, ministers, and sages.


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