Thursday, August 5, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 21. Yudhakandham Contd.

 Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 21. Yudhakandham Contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  46.41 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 21 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  21

Yudhakandham Cond.

Sage Narada’s Stuti

Siddha, Gandharvas, Vidyadharas, Guhyakas, Yakshas, Nagas, Birds, Apsaras, Kinnaras, Charanas, Kimpurushas, Pannagas, Tapasas, and the Devas showered flowers from the sky and celebrated Rama’s victory. Sage Narada appeared in the sky with his lute and started extolling Rama’s virtue. “Rama, the one who makes people rejoice is dark and handsome, seen always carrying his bow and arrows to protect dharma. His face is like the full moon and his compassion knows no bounds like the ocean. Oh! Rama, Lord of Sita, the king among kings, Narayana! prostrations unto thy feet. You are indeed the witness consciousness and the Paramatma. You are the primordial reality that existed even before the beginning of time. Now you are acting out a play in the guise of a human being, afflicted by the sorrows and pleasures. You are the reality under which the processes of creation, sustenance, and destruction occur, but you are unaffected by any of these. You are the truth, you are Siva, you are Vishnu. Because of Maya, you appear and disappear sometimes with clarity, and sometimes blurred to common people. Within the time you take to open and close your eyelids, worlds are created and destroyed. You have taken a variety of avatars to establish dharma. My salutations to you! Knowledge of the self is the only way to get liberated and that is possible only with your blessings. I am excited to see you and able to prostrate at your feet. May your grace be upon me all the time! My mind is always pulled in six different directions, and I am unable to concentrate on the path of self-inquiry. Be kind and lead me on the path of virtue, courage, and wisdom. May I be allowed to sing your glory and wander around the world, telling your stories to keen people! May I be part of Satsang all the time! Oh! Hero of the Sun Dynasty! You have just killed Kumbhakarna and that is a big relief for the earth. Now it is time to take care of the ten-headed Rakshasa, Ravana. Lakshmana is destined to kill Meghanada tomorrow. May you ever be victorious! Please accept my salutations again!” So, saying, Narada disappeared.

The Killing of Atikaya

Hearing the news of Kumbhakarna’s death at the battlefield, Ravana fainted, and then he started wailing about his loss. Thrisiras and Atikaya came to see Ravana and offered themselves to lead the war. Devantaka, Narantaka, Mahodara, Mahaparswa, Matta, and Unmatta joined them. As these eight mighty warriors showed up ready for his command, Ravana was relieved somewhat. He bid them good luck in the battle. When these combat soldiers descended, the Vanara army in large numbers came out to fight them. They took huge rocks and trees to fight, but the Rakshasas were powerful. Many Vanaras were killed. Several elephants, horses, and chariots were destroyed, and blood was seen everywhere. Headless bodies started dancing on the battlefield. When the Rakshasa charged towards him, wielding a sharp spear, Angada stopped him with his fist and killed him in one blow. He killed the other warriors such as Devantaka, Mahodara, and Thrisiras. Hanuman and Nila helped him in the fight. Mahaparswan, Matta, and Unmatta were killed by the Vanaras easily. Then Atikaya came in a chariot driven by thousand horses and started showering arrows and the Vanaras started running away with their tails lifted. Then Lakshmana resisted him with appropriate arrows. But to his surprise, all those arrows fell with their tips damaged, after hitting the Rakshasa. Lord Vayu went to Lakshmana in the guise of a man and told him about the boon Atikaya had obtained from Lord Brahma. He was wearing a top Brahma gave him and if it was covering his body, he cannot be killed by an ordinary weapon. “Kill him using the Brahmastra. You can then kill Indrajit, and Rama will put an end to Ravana.” So, saying, Vayu disappeared. Then meditating upon Rama, Lakshmana used the Brahmastra on the Rakshasa, and he was killed at once. Vanaras took his head as a trophy of victory and jumped around, bringing it to Rama. Hearing the news of defeat from the Rakshasas, Ravana was devastated and thundered cry with a sigh, saying that it must be his fate!

The Victory of Indrajit

“Oh! Sankara, my god! My sons and brothers are all dead along with the courageous warriors and ministers.” As Ravana was sobbing, his son, Indrajit came to see him. He prostrated in front of his father and told him not to worry if he was with him to help accomplish anything he wants. “I will kill your enemies so that you can live without any worries. Bless me to win the battle. You may please wait here to hear the good news.” 

Ravana embraced and blessed him. Indrajit went to the battlefield along with his army. Before the fight, he sought advice from his guru and reached Nikumbhila, to conduct a special Yagna to please Lord Mahadeva. He followed the advice from his guru and arranged materials to conduct the ritual and commenced the pooja. He lit the sacrificial fire and chanted the Vedic Mantras with the prescribed intonation to enhance his power. Such rituals are known to give results right away and Indrajit received the ability to vanish and appear rapidly, along with his weapons and chariot, at wish. After the Yagna, he went to the battlefield and started showering arrows at the Vanaras. They tried to resist them using rocks and trees. Suddenly he vanished from the scene and started showering Brahmastras out of nowhere! 

Vanaras could not see where the arrows were coming from, and they fell in the thousands and hundreds of arrows struck each of those gigantic warriors simultaneously. Maindan, Vividan, Gajan, Nalan, Gandhamadan, Panasan, Vinatan, Sushenan, Kesari, Satabali, Dhumran, Pramathi, Vegadarshi, Dadhimukhan, Gavakshan, Sarabhan, Durmukhan, Taran, Jyotirmukhan, Agnivadan, and even Angada and Sugriva got struck by his arrows. Sixty-seven crore Vanaras fell on the battlefield and Devas got worried. They discussed among themselves what they were observing on the ground. Suddenly Indrajit was able to aim and shoot Rama and Lakshmana successfully. They both fainted and fell to the ground.  Indrajit went to his palace and played the conch to declare success in battle that day.

Vibhishana was not injured as he had stepped away, thinking that, should an emergency occur on the battlefield, there must be someone to help the situation. In the night, Hanuman walked around using a fire-twig to see if there were anyone alive in the thousands of bodies strewn there. As he walked, he spotted Vibhishana, and they started the search together. They saw Jambava lying there injured and he was trying hard to open his eyes. Vibhishana asked: “Oh! Great one, can you recognize us? I know you cannot see us due to blood welling in your eyes. I am Vibhishana.” Immediately Jambava asked: “Oh! Vibhishana, have you seen Hanuman? Is he among the alive?” 

Vibhishana was curious. “Oh! Mahatma, how come you asked only about Hanuman? How come you have that much concern about him and not about Rama, Lakshmana, Sugriva, or Angada? Jambava replied: “If Maruti is alive, there is nothing to worry but if he is dead, it is like everyone is dead.” Hanuman was happy to hear Jambava’s words and prostrated before him: “Here I am, alive and well.” 

Jambava embraced him and kissed him on his head. “You are the only one who can give life to Rama, Lakshmana, and all others who have been struck by Meghanada’s arrows. You must reach the Rishabha Mountain which is situated beyond the Himalayas in the North. Four divine medicinal plants are there by the name Vishal Karani, Sandhana Karani, Suvarna Karani and, Mritasanjeevani.  These are standing there, as bright as the sun, between two tall summits of the mountain. They are indeed the Vedas being expressed in that form in nature. You must cross the ocean and pass several mountains, cities, and villages to reach the mountain. Go there and bring back the medicines. May you be victorious as always!” He blessed Hanuman. Hanuman jumped up the Mahendra Mountain to start his journey. He grew in gigantic proportions, and roared once; and as he jumped, the whole mountain trembled. As he was passing several great cities and countries, he saw Alakapuri, the city of Devas, Meru Mountain, and finally, the Rishabha Mountain.

Kalanemi and Ravana

Ravana came to know that Maruti has already started in search of a special medicine and got worried. He went to Kalan mi’s house in the middle of the night without anyone noticing him. Kalanemi was surprised at the king’s visit at the midnight and asked him why. Ravana told him the situation. “You know what is happening in Lanka these days. In the battle, Lakshmana fell getting struck by my Sakthi arrow. Then my son killed the men and Vanaras, using Brahmastra. But I heard that Maruti has gone to get a divine medicine to make them alive again. You must go and disrupt his mission. I will tell you the way to do it easily. You go there in the guise of a Rishi and tell him great words of wisdom and delay him there. He will fall for a Satsang and do not allow him to leave with the medicine.” 

Hearing these dreadful words coming from such a learned person, Kalanemi tried to reason with Ravana.” Oh! king! You are an authority on Vedas, and you know everything. But take heed to my words. You know that I would not hesitate to die for you. I would die just as Maricha, and I will not falter. Tell me, what is the use if we live after all our family members are gone to Yama’s world? What is the use of getting a great kingdom then? Will we ever have a peaceful life? What would you do with Sita Devi? After all, the body is just the matter, a concoction of the five elements.  What is the use for keeping the body alive? You better return Sita to Rama and give the kingdom to Vibhishana. Then you should take up Vanaprastha. 

Take your bath, daily, early in the morning and keep your body and mind clean. In the evening, do your daily oblations and watch the sunset before going to bed. Leave all the worldly attachments and control your senses. See that your Atman is not separate from the Paramatma. Know that the essence of all the living and non-living entities is the same reality, untainted by the vacillations of matter. Everything is under the spell of Maya and our identification with the body is the reason for our sorrow. Maya has the power to take you for a ride and that is the reason why we all behave differently. But with the Satsang, if we happen to find a guru and if he was able to show us the reality, we will be freed from the spell of Maya. The guru would advise you in the path of knowledge through meditation to reach the goal. But if we are not ready to meditate, then we can resort to a state of constant devotion to the Lord. The picture of Lord Rama, with Sita and Lakshmana, is an image worth keeping in mind all the time. If you meditate upon this image incessantly, you will be freed. You will get rid of all the afflictions you have been carrying through several past lives. Extol the virtues of Rama all the time. Be immersed in devotion to him!” 

Hearing these words from Kalanemi, Ravana was furious beyond a limit. He took out his sword and charged towards him ready to slit his throat. “I better kill you right away.” Kalanemi noticed the resolve in Ravana’s eyes and acquiesced. “Ok, I will do as you asked, and I know that I am doing this for my good as I will have my death at the hands of a noble soul. I am starting forthwith to do as you ordered.”

The Killing of Kalanemi.

Immediately Kalanemi left Ravana and reached an Ashram created magically in the Himalaya, and he wore the garb of a Rishi. When Hanuman was passing by, he saw an active Ashram with several Rishis doing penance.  The area was very beautiful with plants and trees full of fruits. He thought for a moment “I haven’t come across this place before! Could it be that my mind is playing a trick? Did I lose my way to Rishabha Mountain? In any case, let me see the chief of this Ashram and will have something to drink and eat. I can see from here the two mountains where the medicinal plants grow” 

Hanuman noticed that the Ashram was large and opulent. Kalanemi was the chief, and they were just completing a Yagna to please Lord Siva. Maruti prostrated the Rishi and told him: “My name is Hanuman, and I am a servant of Sri Rama. I am going to Rishabha Mountain to get some medicinal plants for my master. I just came in to get a drink of water.” Kalanemi was pleased and offered him to drink water from his water jug. “Drink as much as you want and eat some fruits. You must take a quick nap as well. Do not worry a thing as I can see the past present and the future with my divine vision. Vanaras and Lakshmana have woken up from their stupor and they are ready to fight again.” 

“You are such a compassionate one”, said Hanuman. “I am too thirsty and a jug full of water is not enough for me and please show me a stream or a lake.” He sent a young monk with Hanuman to show him the lake. “Please wash your face and drink water and then come back fast. I will teach you a Mantra to access the medicine easily.” Kalanemi said. 

Hanuman trusted him and he entered the lake closing his eyes. The young monk had already left. As he was about to drink water from the lake, a crocodile rose from the water. Hanuman looked at the beast and saw its mouth wide open, ready to gulp him. Hanuman used his bare hands to pull its jaws apart and killed it instantly. A divine light went up from its body and vanished into the sky and out came a celestial lady. “You freed me from the cursed life I have been living so long. I was an Apsara lady and got cursed by a sage and became a Rakshasi. My name is Dhanyamali. I will tell you something important. The Rishi in the Ashram is not a genuine yogi. He is Kalanemi, a demon living there in disguise to distract you from completing your mission. Ravana sent him here to trick you. Go kill the wretched fellow and access the medicine fast. You are the best among the Vanaras; may you ever be victorious!” 

So, saying, she left Hanuman at the lakeshore. Hanuman went back to the Ashram and Kalanemi asked him why he took that long to return. “Come, I will teach you the Mantra as promised. You can give me an appropriate Dakshina, and I will bless you.” Maruti did not wait for long. He tightened his fist and hit the Rakshasa once and that was enough to kill Kalanemi. 

Hanuman Returns with the Medicine.

Hanuman paid tribute to the mountains with folded hands, and he looked around for the medicine. He could not locate the Rishabha summit. In a rage, he plucked the whole mountain range and held it tight in his hand, and flew back to Lanka. He kept it at Rama’s feet, and everyone rejoiced once they got a waft of the medicine caressing them. Rama asked Maruti to return the mountain to its original spot and he flew back in no time. Hanuman returned immediately. Rakshasas had put their dead in the sea and so their bodies did not get in touch with the medicinal air, and they did not survive. 

The Killing of Kumbha and Nikumbha

Vanaras were ready to play dirty after having been beaten by Indrajit. Angada and Sugriva ordered: “Go and destroy their houses, trees, gardens, and walls. Spoil their lakes and other facilities. Bring down their towers. Set fire to their building and that way we can catch them while they run for their life.” The warriors were waiting for such an order, and they created mayhem in the city. Elephants, horses, and other animals were killed in the fire that broke all over Lanka. Maruti had set fire to Lanka when he came as a messenger, but this time the army of monkeys had a field day. Rakshasa ladies cried out in pain, and they ran out of their houses. Rama and Lakshmana used their arrows somewhat indiscriminately and Ravana was worried sick. He asked Kumbha, son of Kumbhakarna to fight the Vanaras. Nikumbha, his younger brother did not want to stay back, and he too entered the battle. Kampana, Prajanghana, Yupaksha, and Shonitaksha, joined them, only to be killed by the mighty Vanaras such as Angada and Sugriva. The battle was severe with a lot of arrows flying in all directions injuring both sides. Several duels were happening at the same time. When Kumbha started shooting arrows like rain, Vanaras ran in all directions. Sugriva killed Kumbha and Nikumbha came forward to avenge his brother’s death. It was Hanuman’s turn to kill him. Rakshasas were weakened and they reported to Ravana what happened on the battlefield. 

Ravana asked Makaraksha to fight and conquer the Vanaras. He was also a ferocious fighter and a great archer. He shot several Magistrals and the Vanaras were afraid. They came to Rama fearing the scores of snakes coming out of those arrows shot by Makaraksha. Rama took his bow and pulled it hard to shoot the Rakshasa with all his might. The Rakshasa was shot, but he would not run away defeated that easily. Rama destroyed his chariot and horses along with the charioteer. 

Then the Rakshasa charged at Rama with his spear and Rama used the Agneyastra to split his head off. Hearing the news about the death of his best warrior, Ravana was outraged with fear, anguish, and anger. He jumped out of his throne ready to fight. Meghanada came to his father and said: “Please relax for now in the palace; do not get upset because of this setback. I will kill the enemies and put an end to your sorrow.”  


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