Saturday, July 31, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 16. Sundrakandham Contd.

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 16. Sundrakandham Contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  56.20 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 16 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  16

Sundarakandham Contd.

Hanuman Destroys the Gardens in Lanka.

After leaving Sita Devi, Hanuman jumped onto the branch of a tree, a short distance away, and thought about the next step to be done as a royal messenger.  “It will be an incomplete mission if he does not meet with the king and convey the message directly. An ideal messenger will also do something significant beyond the prescribed duty. There is no easy way for me to get an audience with the King. I need to attract the attention of the royal guards so that eventually I will be able to see Ravana.” 

Thinking thus, he started damaging the gardens around him. Tree branches were brought down, and well-organized flower beds were thrown around. He made sure that the Simsapa tree, sanctified by Sita Devi’s presence is spared. Fruit-bearing trees were felled in large numbers, as if in a storm. A big ruckus ensued as the birds nested in those trees started flying away, spreading over the entire sky. Rama’s messenger showed his prowess by spreading mayhem in the city of Lanka in no time. Rakshasa ladies woke up and saw the monkey doing all these destructions. They told Sita: “Look at him! A strange creature with a bizarre sound! Was it this monkey who came in the night and chatted with you?  We are concerned looking at his monkey form. You must know who he is and what his mission is. Why did he come in the middle of the night when we were asleep? We thought we were good in magic and changing our forms at will, but this guy seems to excel in those. We are afraid of him.” 

As they were talking to Sita, certain guards went to Ravana and told him that a monkey was spreading havoc all over the city. “He has destroyed many the city gardens and uprooted several trees. He has also demolished garden structures and memorial sculptures in those gardens. Some of the security guards were killed. He is fearless and he is still wandering there.” Hearing this, Ravana was outraged.

The killing of Rakshasas.

“If a monkey were to do this kind of destruction, he must not be ignored. I want a hundred thousand warriors to get ready right now. Take your weapons and get him at once.” Hanuman made a terrible noise and several Rakshasa warriors fainted hearing it. Some of them tried arrows on Hanuman and he moved out briskly out of their way. He was able to ward off the arrows with his bare hands.  When the ordinary soldiers failed to contain him, Ravana sent five of his best fighters. Maruti sent them also to Yama, the god of death.  Then he sent the sons of his ministers and a special team of combatants to catch and bring him alive. They charged forward with the swords, maces, and other weapons and Hanuman did not lack in his valor either. He picked up an iron pillar and hit them hard and killed them instantly.  Hearing the news that his minister’s sons were killed, Ravana was shocked. He could not bear the defeat and shame of having been won over by a monkey. Finally, he asked his son, Akshakumara to lead the fight. Akshakumara paid his respects and consoled his father: “Father, do not be concerned about the monkey. I will go with my best fighters and bring him tied up in no time.”

Hanuman was sitting on top of a flag tower when he noticed Akshakumara approaching him. Akshakumara’s arrows hit him badly, but he hit him back on his head with a pillar. Akshakumara was killed instantly. Ravana was beyond grief, hearing about his son’s death. With an anguished heart, he went and saw Indrajit, his elder son, and told him what happened. “You must kill that wretched monkey who killed your brother. We will do his final rites after you kill the beast.”  Indrajit replied: “father, do not worry. I will put an end to this. His death is near for sure. I will tie him up using Brahma’s arrow. It is indeed shameful to see that a monkey has created all these troubles for us. I will crush him like a mosquito and by hook or crook, I will bring him to you. You take rest without any worries; I will take care of everything.” 

Indrajit, also known as Meghanada, left the palace fully armed with bows and arrows, mace, and other weapons. Hanuman jumped from the sky like the eagle Garuda, in front of Indrajit. They both assessed each other’s power and stood mutually appreciating. He shot five arrows directed towards Maruti’s head. Hanuman gave a befitting reply with eight arrows towards Indrajith’s heart and another six to his feet. He retorted with a strong arrow directed to Hanuman’s tail with a roar. That hit him badly and outraged him. He killed the charioteer of the enemy with one hit by an uprooted pillar. He also destroyed the chariot. Meghanada went and brought another chariot and started showering arrows towards Hanuman. Hanuman was wounded, but not defeated. Seeing this, Meghanada used Brahma’s arrow. Maruti had great reverence for Lord Brahma, and he accepted it. He fainted and fell unconscious for a moment. Indrajit tied him down and brought him to Ravana’s court. 

As Hanuman was blessed by the Devas before, he was unaffected, and he did not feel any pain. Anyone who chants Rama’s name will develop devotion and all their bondages will be cut asunder, and they will reach the abode of Lord Vishnu. How can Hanuman be afflicted when his heart is the abode of Lord Rama? When you are not affected by the bondage of birth and death, why should you be worried about the physical bondage with a rope? Hanuman conceded and agreed to be tied up. Several Rakshasas came to see him as he was tied up. Brahma’s arrow was withdrawn, and he was not affected by the rope around him. But he acted as if he was and kept quiet and let the Rakshasas carry him to the court of Lanka where Ravana was waiting for him anxiously.

Ravana said: “This monkey killed several of our Rakshasa warriors and Meghanada tied him up after winning him over, by using Brahma’s arrow. Prahasta, although Hanuman is a monkey, he is not an ordinary one. He is the destroyer of many of our people, including Akshakumara. Ask him why he is here and why did he destroy our city? Why did he start killing our mighty warriors? Check whose messenger, is he?” 

Prahasta, Ravana’s minister asked Hanuman: “Oh! Monkey, who sent you here? Please tell your truth in this court of king Ravana. Do not be afraid; we will set you free. This court is as good as the court of Lord Brahma. In the court of Ravana, we maintain Satya and Dharma.”

Hanuman answered with a smiling face, keeping his mind steadfast, meditating upon Rama. ‘Hear me out clearly, Oh! Lord of fools, I am the messenger of Rama. He came to live in the forest obeying his father. His wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana followed him. Did you not abduct Sita like a thief? Is that not enough reason for you to be killed? Your fate is determined by Lord Brahma.  Rama entered a pact with Sugriva, and they decided to help each other. Rama killed Bali and Sugriva regained the kingdom of Kishkindha. Sugriva sent thousands of us in different directions in search of Sita and I am one of them. I was fortunate enough to meet her here. About the destruction of gardens, please consider it as my natural behavior as a fickle-minded monkey. I had to kill some warriors, only because they came to kill me, and am I not justified protecting my life? Are there any animals on earth who do not fear for their life? Even if one is a thousand years old, he is in love with his body and will try to protect it. Your son tied me up only because he had the arrow of Lord Brahma. But my body will not be affected because of the blessings I got from Lord Vishnu. No one can kill me either. Please listen to me what I have to say for your good. Knowledgeable people must try to remove the ignorance from the minds of people who are not that bright. I will advise you about the ultimate knowledge that can redeem you from the shackle of birth and death. 

Hanuman started his advice: “Oh king, think about how the world functions without being swayed by delusion. Get rid of your diabolic attitude and adopt a pious stance. That will get rid of your fear of death. You are indeed the unwavering Atman, that is not separate from the Paramatma. Get rid of the six negativities, viz., lust, rage, delusion, greed, vanity, and rivalry. You are coming from a great lineage and do not denigrate yourself and go down in the path of sin. Do not entertain the discriminatory feeling between gods, demons, humans, animals, birds, and snakes, etc., because the differences are only in the physical body. Your essential nature is not the body, not even the mind. Prana and the body are not the essence of us. Atman is our essence. The supreme reality is not known even by the Trinity, Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheswara. It is the attributeless reality that does not undergo any modifications. What you experience with the five senses is only matter and the identification with the matter by the Jiva is the root cause of worldly sorrows. One can understand this by self-inquiry, and I urge you to start on the path of self-awareness. By developing devotion towards the Lord, you can develop purity of heart. Once the heart is immaculate, it can accept pure knowledge. An easy way to achieve this is by chanting the mantra with just two syllables. Rama! Rama! Rama! – This is the one mantra that can take you across the ocean of samsara. So, I urge you to start chanting the Rama mantra. Throw away your foolishness and seek refuge at Rama’s feet. You can reach Vishnu’s abode by embarking on this journey. Desiring another man’s wife is a lowly sin and do not be caught up in a behavior that will take you down on a slippery slope. Discard your hatred and take refuge at the lotus feet of Rama. Be assured that Rama has no enmity towards you. He is unbelievably compassionate. If you are fully immersed in His thoughts, he will take care of you, and you will not have another birth. What I just told is all truth, well approved by Sanaka, Sanantha, and other illustrious seekers who attained self-realization.”

Hearing the detailed expose’ of Hanuman, Ravana was even more furious. All his twenty eyes became red with rage and he decreed. “Cut this tiny monkey into thousand pieces. I have never seen anyone so impudent. He is not afraid of anyone, and he is not humble either. He must be stupid to blabber like this in front of me. Who is this Rama you are extolling about? Who is this Sugriva? I will kill them, then Janaki and you.” Hearing this Maruti was angry. Clinching his teeth, he threatened Ravana; “Even if a hundred thousand Ravana’s come to fight with me, they are not a match for my little finger. You cannot do anything against me.”

“Are there no one with a weapon who can kill this wretched fellow?” Ravana yelled.

Immediately, Vibhishana, Ravana’s younger brother interjected and stopped his brother: “Oh Lord, do not kill him. He is only a messenger. It is highly improper to kill a messenger. If we kill him, who will convey our message to Rama? Make an indelible mark on his body and send him back to his master.” So be it, said Ravana. 

Burning of Lanka

For a monkey, their valor is not displayed on their face, hands, or legs; it is on their tail. So, the Rakshasas decided to set fire to his tail after draping it in cotton. “Then he should be walked all around the city with drummers and announcers yelling out ‘this is the thief who came in the middle of the night and created havoc. When his tail gets burned, his monkey tribe will excommunicate him.”  They started draping long pieces of cotton clothes drenched in oil around Hanuman’s tail, but they could not cover the length of the tail. Hanuman’s tail grew in length and all the available clothes were not enough to drape it completely. They brought more clothes from other palaces and still draping of the tail remained incomplete. They ran out of clothes and all the available oil and ghee were used up. “This was a bad idea”, some of them opined. “Who came up with this stupid suggestion?” asked another one. 

“That is enough, let us set fire to it!” said someone, and so they did. The flame was fierce as the fabric was drenched in ghee. He was tied up with a thick strong rope and the guards were ready to take him around the city with his tail burning. The drummers beat a wild rhythm announcing the arrival of yellers with a piece of important news. As soon as they reached the Eastern gate, Hanuman transformed himself into a thin body and that made the rope loosen up and he wiggled out of the loops. Then he jumped up the gate tower after killing his sentries. He climbed up another tower laden with jewels and precious stones that almost touched the sky, and the fire swamped the building. He kept jumping from one building to the other, setting fire to everything in his path. As the fire grew, the whole city started to burn. Places that housed the elephants, horses, and other animals were destroyed. Several chariots and weapon storages were burned, and the animals fled the scene. Flames competed and reaching the sky as if to see who can grow taller and wilder with the help of air fanning them. After all, this is the sport of Maruti, son of Vayu. Lanka, with all its prosperity, could not stand the fire and most of the areas were badly affected. Vibhishana’s house was spared miraculously. Ladies came out of palaces and started wailing. Some of them died due to severe burns due to their dresses and hair catching fire. 

“What a calamity! This is indeed our king’s doing. When a king tries to grab other people’s wealth and their ladies, a kingdom is doomed, and the subjects will suffer the consequences. Our king was smitten by the beauty of a human lady, and he abducted her. He has done such atrocities before and this time the whole country is suffering for his sins.” Rakshasa ladies blamed Ravana for their misfortune. 

Tree branches, still engulfed in flames fell on some of them and they went to Yama’s abode. The flame stayed long with glitter as if to show that the God of Fire, Agni was happy to have received a sumptuous meal. Hanuman was not injured as he was dear to Agni. Sita Devi was also spared of the scorching fire as she was immersed in the thoughts of Rama. Thinking of Rama and chanting Rama’s name are sure shot ways to pass all the three levels of afflictions of worldly life, samsara.

Hanuman went back to Sita Devi and told her that he is returning after his mission. “Devi, I will convey your message to Rama, and he will come to rescue you soon.”

“Yes, your words consoled me, but tell me, how am I supposed to live here until he comes here without hearing any news from him?”

Hearing this Hanuman offered: “Oh! Mother, you can put an end to this grief of separation right away. Please sit on my shoulder, I will take you to your Lord in no time.” Hearing this Sita was pleased but told him that she trusts him but will hold on until Rama arrives. I want him to come here with his army of Vanaras, and fight with the Rakshasa and kill him. Then I want to go back with him in royal style. If I were to secretly escape along with you, it will not add to my husband's fame. You go back and serve him to hasten his arrival.” Sita blessed him and Hanuman, with folded hands bid her goodbye. Then he jumped and flew back, crossing the ocean easily. 

Hanuman’s Return

Vanaras, waiting at the seashore heard a roaring sound and looked in the direction of the sound with hope. “It must be Maruti coming back, completing his mission,” they thought. Hanuman landed on the mountain top and told them: “Yes, I met Sita Devi. With the blessings of Rama, I talked to her and then met with Ravana, the one with ten heads. Then, just before returning, I destroyed the city of Lanka, setting fire to most of their buildings and gardens. Oh! Jambava, let us go to Rama and inform him everything right away.” 

Vanaras embraced Hanuman and touched with their tails in appreciation of what he has accomplished. They were relieved and they jumped with joy. As they walked towards Rama, they saw a beautiful garden full of fruits of various kinds. Knowing that it is owned by Sugriva, they suggested to Angada: “Let us eat and drink quickly and then go to see Lord Rama.” They were all tired after a few days of fasting. Angada agreed and they were elated. Then the leader of the garden sentries, Dadhimugha, who was appointed by Sugriva tried to stop them. Hanuman and his comrades used their muscle power to chase them away. Dadhimugha ran to Sugriva and reported what happened. Sugriva was happy to learn that the Vanaras were celebrating, led by Hanuman. He told Rama: “I am sure, Maruti and his friends are returning after fulfilling their mission. Otherwise, they will not dare to touch my garden without permission. Do not worry about the garden. You may go and ask them to come here fast.”

Hearing that Sugriva was not upset with their trespassing, they happily walked fast to see Rama. Rama was waiting for their arrival and as soon as Hanuman saw him, he prostrated at his feet. He paid respect to Sugriva and elders and then told Rama: “I have met Sita Devi in Lanka, at the abode of the Rakshasa king, Ravana. She is living there with her unkempt hair and dress, sitting under a Simsapa tree. She looked emaciated as she has not been eating anything and is grief-stricken. Around her, there are Rakshasa ladies as her sentries. She keeps on chanting ‘Rama, Rama’, all the time. On the night I reached there, I approached her after transforming my body as a tiny Vanara, and started narrating your story in a way she would be interested in. I concluded the narration by saying: “I am, Hanuman, your servant, one of those Vanaras, sent out by Sugriva in search of Devi. It is my fortune to have been able to see you.” 

Devi was initially perplexed as to where the narration was coming from. Then she saw me and looked at me with compassion. She asked me who I am, and I told her everything. Although she was convinced about my intentions, I gave her your ring and immediately she started weeping. She kissed and caressed it and touched her forehead with it with great reverence. She asked me to tell you all about the conditions of her living, the abuse of the sentry ladies, etc. She wanted you and Lakshmana to reach there as soon as possible and kill the Rakshasas. Then I asked her to give me something to take back with me and show you as proof of having met her. She gave me her Choodaratna and narrated the story of the Crow, Jayantha, who lost one of his eyes when you shot a blade of grass at him. I consoled her and bid goodbye to her. After that, I did something naughty.  I destroyed their gardens and uprooted some trees. Then I killed a few Rakshasas who came to fight with me. Then Ravana’s son tied me up with Brahma’s arrow and I was taken to the royal court and they questioned me. I told him your message and escaped from there. On the way back I set fire to the entire city and burned their buildings and destroyed their stores of weapons. Then I came back, crossing the ocean. Now I am here seeking your blessings and refuge. Tell me what is to be done next.”

Hearing the messenger’s report, Rama was pleased, and Sugriva was relieved. “You have achieved the impossible! I will gift you everything you want, in return for having done this for me. Come to think of it, nothing can compensate for what you did for me.” So, saying, Rama embraced Hanuman lovingly. 

Lord Siva concluded by saying: “Who will get such a great fortune, i.e., to be embraced by the Lord himself!” Paravati heard it with devotion and waited for the rest of the story.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 15. Sundrakandham Beginning.

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 15. Sundrakandham Beginning.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  55.51 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 15 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  15

Sundarakandham beginning

Lord Siva Continued Narrating the Story of Rama to Parvati. 

Hanuman got ready for his leap and told the Vanaras around him. “See, I have my father Vayu’s prowess to fly over the sky and cross the ocean. With Lord Rama's blessing, I will do it without any trouble. I will go to the Rakshasa’s palace and meet with Sita Devi. Then I will come back and give the news to my Lord, Rama. Those who keep in his mind the Lord’s form, and his name at the time of death, will get across the ocean of samsara easily. As the messenger of Rama, I will have his blessings to cross this ocean, easily. I have with me, Rama's ring to show Sita when I meet her. Do not worry about me as I pass above the fierce ocean through the air.” Saying thus, Hanuman raised his tail, and spreading his hands, lifted himself jumping to the sky, flew in the Southward direction to Lanka. 

Interruption on the Way

When Hanuman was flying above the sea like an object as bright as the sun, Devas wanted to test his ability. They asked Surasa, the queen of Nagas, to interrupt Hanuman on the way. They asked her to go and check his expertise in accomplishing the task. She suddenly appeared in front of Hanuman as he was speeding up on his way. “Oh! Brave Vanara, haven’t you noticed me standing here?” She roared at him. “I have been given a boon by the Lord that I am allowed to eat anyone who passes this way. Unfortunately for you, I am starving. You better get inside my mouth at once; do not waste my time.” 

Hearing Surasa, Hanuman told her: “I am going in search of Sita. I will go and see Sita Devi and then I will return on the same route. Then, as a messenger, I need to report back to Sri Rama all about meeting the queen and about Lanka. I promise you, that I will come and get inside your mouth with no fear, after completing my duty. You are a noble soul and I request you to guide my direction to Lanka. I do not know the way and you are fit to advise me.” Then Surasa told him that he was the food that came her way, and it was only her dharma to appease her hunger.” 

Hanuman did not have any time to spare, and he offered that he will get into her mouth right then and asked her to open her mouth wide. He enlarged her body a yojana wide and was about to enter her when she increased her mouth five yojanas wide. Hanuman increased his size ten yojanas wide and Surasa increased her mouth to twenty yojanas wide. Hanuman made his body thirty yojanas wide and Surasa’s mouth grew to fifty yojanas. Hanuman knew that this game is not going to work and suddenly he made himself into a tiny figure, small as a thump, and flew inside the mouth and returned flying fast. He chanted praises of the Naga queen and she was pleased. Surasa blessed Hanuman and told him to come back victorious with all the news about Sita and report them to Rama quickly. She was also anxious to see that the Rakshasas were destroyed, and dharma re-established. She also divulged that this was only a test Devas did to ensure Hanuman’s capability. 

Meeting the Mountain Mainaka

When Hanuman was flying like an eagle above the ocean, the god of the sea wanted to give him a welcome and treat him with food. He told the mighty mountain, Mainaka to rise above the sea and arrange for hanuman to alight for a while and start again refreshed. “He is an ardent devotee of Rama, and he will not rest until he has completed his mission. But we need to ensure his welfare and provide him with the food and nourishment on the way.” Mainaka, went and talked to Hanuman in the guise of a human and told him that he is the son of Himalaya. “Oh! Best among Vanara, please come and sit down on me for a while and take a rest. I have kept food and drinks for you. The water is nectar-like, and the fruits are sweet.” Hanuman replied: “I am going with a mission, that too for Lord Rama. As you know, it is not proper for me to take a rest or eat anything on the way. To me, the first thing is duty, and then I will think about eating, drinking, and sleeping. Please consider that I have respectfully received your hospitality.” So, saying he caressed the mountain with his hands and proceeded further, fast.

Hanuman Enters the City of Lanka

There was a demoness living in the ocean who had a peculiar ability to bring down anything that passes above her in the sky. As soon as she sees the shadow of the object in the sky on the water surface, she will catch it and make a meal out of it. She was known as Chayagrahani, a shadow-catcher. As Hanuman was passing, she tried to catch hold of him too. Hanuman was impatient and he kicked her hard once and killed her. He continued with increased valor and finally reached Lanka.

Early in the morning, as the sun was rising behind the mountains, Hanuman reached the gate tower of Lanka. Ravana’s Lanka was a large, well-planned beautiful city. It was situated on an island, in the middle of the Southern Sea. There were fruiting trees and fully bloomed plants and creepers everywhere. Varieties of animals and birds roamed in the city gardens freely. The buildings were laden with jewels and precious stones of various hues, and one could not compare Lanka with another city on the planet. The opulence of a prosperous kingdom was evident wherever you turn. Around the city, there was a tall wall and a deep trench, full of water with wild crocodiles ready to attack any intruders. Seeing the hurdles, Hanuman meditated upon Lord Narayana for a moment and became a tiny figure who can pass through any gates. Keeping the Lord’s form steadfast in his mind, he crossed the walls and tried to enter the city. 

Hanuman, being a monkey, is naturally naughty and he was of the size of a mustard seed, hardly noticeable, could travel anywhere. As he was about to put his left foot in, he heard a loud rumble created by Lanka Lakshmi, the guardian of the city. She yelled at him: “tell me, why are you here alone? Are you a thief? No human, Deva, Rakshasa, or animals are allowed inside these walls.” She hit him ones and Hanuman hit her back. His left-hand hit was so hard that she threw up blood. “Ok, I have seen your valor and power. Now I remember, our meeting is predetermined. Lord Brahma had told me about your arrival, long time back.  He told me about the appearance of Lord Vishnu in the form of a human, by the name Rama, to re-establish dharma. I know what happened in the forest and the fate of Bali. You must be the mighty one among the Vanaras who came Southward in search of Sita. I also knew that you would be coming alone and that a kick from you would be a fortunate moment for me. I was waiting for that for a long time here and now I must tell you Sita Devi’s whereabouts. Now you may enter Lanka without any fear. Eventually, the Rakshasa king is going to die at the hands of Rama. You are a great devotee and a blessed one that you will be able to see Sita soon. Near the house of Ravana, in the Asoka Garden, under the Simsapa tree, she is sitting surrounded by Rakshasa ladies. The noble lady sits there chanting Rama’s name all the time. Go and see her now and then inform your master all about her situation here. Oh! Great one, may you have a safe and quick trip back after completing your work here.” Saying thus, Lanka Lakshmi, who is indeed the goddess of prosperity receded from Lanka for good.

Hanuman Meets Sita

When Hanuman reached the Trikuda Mountain situated in the middle of the ocean and entered the city of Lanka, Ravana’s left side shivered. For Sita also her left side of the body trembled. Rama’s right side quivered as well.  If one takes birth in this world, he is bound to face sorrow and pleasure alternatively. Hanuman has entered the city, turning himself to the size of a thump. He started searching for Sita Devi everywhere. He thought she may be near Ravana’s scintillating palace. But suddenly he remembered Lanka Lakshmi’s words. then he started searching in the gardens in the city. He went through every garden and the banks of streams and lakes, full of fresh drinking water. He saw tall towers and buildings well-decorated showing off their beauty and facility, but Sita was not in any of them. 

As he was searching intently, a waft of air, guided him to the garden with a lot of tall Simsapa trees. He spotted Sita Devi there under a tree. She wore dirty clothes and had unkempt hair, with her body emaciated with ceaseless grief. She was lying down on the bare ground, always thinking about her Lord, Rama, and chanting his name incessantly. She wept silently at times and chanted Rama’s name other times.  Rakshasa ladies were taking turns in keeping a watch over her. Hanuman looked at her from behind a large branch of a nearby tree. Gazing at her with devotion and exhilaration, he was convinced that his life was fruitful as he was able to serve Lord Rama.

Ravana Arrives to Cajole Sita 

As Hanuman was immersed in the thought of talking to Sita, he heard a commotion nearby. That was Ravana’s arrival. In the previous night, he wore the finest of the attires but immersed in the thought of impending death, which may approach him anytime in the form of Rama’s arrows. He was thinking about the time when the Lord was going to liberate and take him to His abode, Vaikundha. “I have abducted Sita Devi to instigate the Lord to come and fight with me. If the time of my death is written on my cards, that is not going to be altered by any force. Even Lord Brahma does not know the intent of Lord Vishnu.” 

As Ravana was thinking thus, he saw a dream in which a tiny monkey appeared as Rama’s messenger. He had a premonition that the tiny Vanara will convey Rama’s message to Sita and take back her message to Rama. “I should go and threaten him, and I am sure he will tell Rama about that also. When he hears that, Rama will not delay his trip to Lanka. That will be my opportunity to die at the hands of Lord Rama. I do not see any other sure shot method to get liberated. Although this is a dream, I know that dreams come true to some people some time.” Ravana started from his palace determined to approach Sita. He wore the best outfits and ornaments with the finest fragrances and jewels. As he approached Sita, she was petrified. She covered her breasts with her thighs and sat with her head down. She was distraught but immersed in the thought of her beloved, Rama. Ravana, influenced by the God of love, Cupid, went and sat near her. 

Ravana’s Disappointment

He started talking to her in a sweet and calm voice. “Listen, dear, you are the beauty personified and I am your slave who is sitting at your feet begging for your mercy. Be kind to me and be pleased with my love. You know that I am the emperor of Asuras, and I am the most suited mate for you. Please turn your gaze towards me and recognize me as your ideal suitor. Think about your husband Rama. He is not approachable to anyone although sometimes some of the people may get to him. You will not have any use in thinking about the son of Dasaratha. Moreover, he is not interested in anything or anybody, even you. Even if you stay near him, or serve him, he will not express any love towards you. He is not coming to rescue you as he does not appreciate you as you think. He has no attachment to anyone. He has no pride, and he does not discriminate between someone who eats dog meat and a pious Brahmana. For him, dogs and cows are the same. For him, a royal woman like you and a tribal, unsophisticated woman are the same. He would have already forgotten about you, and it is time that you stopped waiting for him. He will not be coming for you, but see, I am here to treat you right, in the way you deserve. Why do you want to let go of a diamond in your hands and go after a piece of fool’s gold? You will be served by Deva, Asura, human, and celestial maids if you agree to be my wife. Do not waste time, be my wife, and enjoy life. Even the god of death, Yama, is afraid of me, and people will wait for your commands. I am being worshipped by the whole world and I am worshipping your lotus face. I am falling at your lotus feet and asking you to accept me.” He continued to plead with her with folded hands, asking her to marry him. 

Sita would not even look at him. She plucked a blade of grass and threw it with contempt. “You are terrified of the son of the Sun dynasty, Rama, my Lord. That is why you abducted me like a coward in the guise of a sage. It was like a stray dog stealing the Havis prepared for a noble Yagna. Take it from me, what you have done is unpardonable and you will face the consequence for sure. You will face the sharp arrows of Emperor Dasaratha’s son. He will destroy you and your mighty army. He has taken birth on earth at the request of Lord Brahma and his mission is to kill you. I was born to the great king Janaka, and I am just an excuse to make that happen. Know that he will come here without delay and execute you before taking me back.” 

When Ravana heard such harsh words, he was outraged. He could not contain himself and he took his sword and approached her. Suddenly, Ravana’s wife, Mandodari came forward and stopped him. “No, no, do not be swayed by rage and do the unthinkable. This lady is from the human species, and she has no friends or relatives here. She is grief-stricken and has been forcefully separated from her husband for a long time. She has been hearing unkind words from her security guards all these days. How does it fit that the mighty king, Ravana, killing such a helpless lady! All the reputation you have amassed as a hero will be gone in a moment. Do not be foolish in your deeds. If you want, you can get any woman of your choice from the Devas, Asuras, Humans, Animals, or Celestials. Leave her alone. Do not be succumbed to unwise actions.” Hearing his wife’s words of advice, Ravana was embarrassed and told the Rakshasa attendants “You make her agree to my request. Use whatever ways that are needed to acquiesce her to join me. I will wait for two months.” Ravana returned to his chamber.  

Hearing the unbearable words of Ravana, Sita was glum and sat down keeping her face down. At that time, Trijada told the Rakshasa ladies who are her co-guards: “Listen, my friends, we better respect this pious lady. I went to sleep last night, and it was not a good night’s sleep for me. Last night, in a dream I saw the Lord of the universe, Rama, and his brother, Lakshmana sitting on Airavata, the white celestial elephant. They had just destroyed the city of Lanka after killing Ravana. Then they gave the kingdom to Vibhishana. Rama took the hands of Sita and went to Ayodhya. Ravana, after his death was seen naked, drenched in oil, in a deep pit, filled with cow dung, along with his brother, son, close confidants, and ministers.  Vibhishana, the king of Rakshasas, stood near Rama, serving him.  So, do not have any enmity towards Sita. My dream is going to work out for sure. Hold on for a few more days and take care of queen Sita.” Hearing these words from Trijada, the Rakshasa ladies looked at her with surprise and went to sleep. Sita Devi, although tired and sad, was solaced hearing about Rama.

Hanuman Talks to Sita Devi

“At daybreak, these ladies are going to eat me alive, and I don’t have anyone to turn to! I do not see that even death is interested in me. My heroic husband also does not seem to care. He may have forgotten about me. I better take my life as he is heartless.” 

Dwelling in such disappointing thoughts, she stood up for a while holding a low branch of the Simsapa tree. She again started to weep, whining about her misfortune and fate. Hanuman was observing her all the while and finally decided to open his mouth. He started narrating the story of Rama in a low, but melodious voice. ‘In the Surya dynasty, there was an emperor by the name Dasaratha, and he had four sons, all handsome like the god of love. Rama, Bharatha, Lakshmana, and Shatrughna were their names. Rama started a life of exile in the forest as ordered by his father. His wife Sita and brother Lakshmana followed him to the forest. One day Ravana abducted Sita in the guise of a fake sage. Rama and Lakshmana were devastated and they searched for her everywhere.  As they were walking, they chanced upon Jatayu, the mighty bird with his wings cut off. After giving him moksha, they moved on and met with Sugriva and entered a pact. Rama killed Bali and gave the kingdom of Kishkindha to Sugriva thus fulfilling his side of the agreement. Later Sugriva sent thousands of mighty Vanaras in all directions in search of Sita. I am one of those Vanaras, who jumped across the ocean inspired by the wise words of Sampathy. I was searching for Devi everywhere in this city with my father’s blessings. It was my great fortune that I spotted this Simsapa tree and you, under it. I am the foremost servant of the Lord and please accept my obeisance.” Saying thus, the best among the monkeys sat there raptly. 

“Who is the one noble soul who recited the story of Rama from the sky here? Perhaps Vayu, the God of Prana, started singing the story of my Lord on his own, to express his compassion? Am I hallucinating? It cannot be a dream as I have not slept at all. What I heard is surely the nectar for my ears. If a man has sung his story so melodiously, he is a perfect one. May I be able to see his face now!” 

Hearing Sita Devi’s murmur, Maruti, came down from the tree and prostrated at her feet. He stood at a respectful distance with reverence. “Perhaps the Rakshasa is trying to deceive me by appearing in front of me in a monkey’s disguise.” Thinking thus she was afraid to look at him again. Seeing her sitting down again with a disappointed face, Hanuman said: “Oh! Queen, I seek refuge unto your lotus feet. Please do not doubt me. I am your servant, not an enemy. I am the servant of Rama and a minister to Sugriva, and I am the son of Vayu. Oh! Mother, I will not cheat anyone in my thoughts, words, or deeds.”

When the son of Vayu, Hanuman addressed her so sweetly, Sita asked: “Who are you who speaks with such clarity and kindness? Not many people are this eloquent in their communication. How come you are in the garb of a Vanara? Tell me why you said you love me greatly?”

“Oh! Devi, with an adorable face, whatever I said is true, in the name of Lord Rama. As per Rama’s directions, you became two – Maya Sita and Yoga Maya Devi. Maya Sita stayed back in the Ashram and Yoga Maya stayed behind the Fire.  Maya Sita was infatuated by a golden deer and Rama went after it with his bow and arrows. He killed the Rakshasa, Maricha, who came in the guise of the golden deer. What to talk about what happened in the Ashram then? Rama met the mighty bird Jatayu who told them what happened. Then Rama liberated Jatayu, and the brothers were wandering in search of you, ever since. They met Kabandha and gave him Moksha. Then they saw Sabari and blessed her. She was the one who showed them the path to Rishyamooka Mountain, and I met them on the way in the guise of a Brahmachari. Knowing what happened, I took them on my shoulders and went to see Sugriva. They entered a pact as both were suffering due to mishaps in their lives. Rama killed Bali and gave the kingdom to Sugriva. Sugriva ordered to send ten thousand Vanaras each in all ten directions to find you. Lord Rama called me aside and gave me a ring that has the Lord’s name engraved in it and asked me to give it to you. He also gave me a word that only you both would know. I am excited to pass them to you.” 

So, saying, he handed over the ring and stood back with reverence. Sita Devi was pleased and wept tears of joy. She touched the ring with the Rama’s name engraved, on her forehead with devotion and kissed it ardently. ‘Oh! Dear, the best among Vanaras, you are indeed the savior of my life. You are here to do me a favor and I am convinced. You are so devoted to Rama, and I am not surprised. My Lord will not send anyone less competent as his messenger. You know where I am sitting and how I live separated from my lord. Out of his love and compassion towards me, he will come and rescue me in two months, and you help and serve him. I will live until then as I have something to hope for. Please tell him to kill Ravana, the ten-headed Rakshasa, and rescue me at the earliest.” 

Maruti told Sita that Rama will be here soon to stop all her sorrows. “Perhaps he will get here before I convey your message to him. He will send Ravana and all his comrades to the city of Yama without delay. Then he will take you to Ayodhya in the royal chariot.”

Hearing this, Sita Devi asked him: “How will they cross the ocean along with the thousands of Vanaras?” “I will carry them on my shoulder!” he replied. “You do not have anything to worry about. They will destroy Lanka with all its pomp and show. May I take leave of you? But before I leave, please give me something to give Lord Rama. Please Tell me an incident only you two would know about.” Sita thought about it a short while and removed the Choodaratna from her hair and handed it to Maruti. Then she narrated an incident. “Son, please pass on this to Lord Rama and he will be convinced. When we were living near the Chitrakooda Mountain, l was drying some food on a mat in the sun. I was sitting near the mat to shoo off the birds coming to eat it.  Lord Rama was sleeping, resting his head on my lap.  There came a crow so cunning that it started eating the food despite my attempts to shoo him off. It was Lord Indra’s son, Jayantha, in disguise. I used the twigs and leaves on him, and he got mad. He bit me with his beak and pierced me with his nails. When Rama woke up, he saw blood dripping from my body and was outraged. He took a blade of grass and threw it at him chanting a mantra. He was petrified and ran everywhere seeking refuge from it. He could not escape and finally reached back at the feet of Rama seeking refuge.  Rama told him that his weapon, once shot, will not be futile and it will hit one of his eyes. Thus, he had saved me then but see my fate now! Come to think of it, I should take the full blame, for sure.”

Hearing Sita’s narration, he consoled her: “He did not know your whereabouts and that’s why he did not come sooner. Now, wait and see how quickly things are going to turn around. The army of Vanaras will come and destroy Lanka.” Hearing this, Sita asked Hanuman: “You are so tiny, and your comrades also must be small. Have you ever seen any of those Rakshasas? They are as big as mountains and their power is unmatched.” Hanuman suddenly grew and stood like a gigantic beast. “Just imagine, we have several thousands of warriors of similar size and power.” 

Sita was pleased to hear Hanuman’s answer and said: “You are going to end the Rakshasa clan for sure. You may go back before the Rakshasa ladies wake up and cross the ocean back quickly. Tell my Lord my news and hand over the Choodaratna. Then come back with your army under his command. May you have no obstacles on the way back. May you live forever. May you ever be victorious.” Hanuman prostrated at her feet and bid her goodbye. He went around Mother Sita three times in reverence, before departing. She blessed Hanuman to be ever victorious.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 14. Kishkindhakandham Contd.

 Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 14. Kishkindhakandham Contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  36.00 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 14 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  14

Kishkindhakandham Contd.

The Anguish of Angada and Associates.

The group of Vanaras in search of Sita roamed around in the forest for several days, still, they could not find her whereabouts. The time limit stipulated by Sugriva was going to be over soon and they were concerned. Angada anxiously told his team: “We have searched everywhere, even in the nether worlds, Patala, still Sita Devi is nowhere to be seen. Several days passed, it is going to be almost a month soon and if we return to Kishkindha without any news on Sita, the king will not spare us. Sugriva's edict cannot be futile, and we will be facing the death penalty. My situation is still worse because I am the king's enemy’s son. After all, it was Rama who rescued me, not Sugriva; he does not have any interest in my welfare. Sugriva is not virtuous; he is keeping his brother’s wife as his own. I am not going back to Kishkindha; I better die here itself. But you may go back without me.” 

As Angada told them these words, the Vanaras cried and together they consoled him. “Do not worry, we are here to help you. Let us go back to the cave we visited earlier for tonight and sleep well there. There will be enough food and water there for all. It would be like heaven for us. There is no one to threaten us there.” 

When Hanuman heard these words, he admonished the monkeys: “How come you are entertaining such lowly thoughts? It is not the way to think. Oh! Angada, Sri Rama has great love for you. He used to say, ‘Angada is my dear Tara’s son’. Only I know how much Rama loves you. You are dear to the Lord more than Lakshmana himself! Just as gold will not lose its luster, the Lord’s love is blemish-less. So, you do not have to worry about any punishment from Rama. Sugriva is also devoted to Rama, and he has no enmity towards anyone. What is the use of hiding even inside a dark cave? Rama’s arrow can get you anywhere if he chooses. There is nothing inaccessible to Rama’s arrow, in the three worlds. When the danger is imminent, sometimes, the advice of the nice people around you may not help. Do not heed their suggestion to hide in the cave. Let me divulge you a secret. Rama is not just a human. He is Narayana, the Paramatma, the reality of the Universe. Sita is Mother Maya, the stupefying force that binds all. Lakshmana is Adi Shesha. They took human forms with a motive to destroy the Rakshasas, especially Ravana and to re-establish Dharma. Know that we are also blessed by being able to serve Rama. We will also get liberated once we complete our duties to Rama.” Angada was consoled and they continued their walk through the banks of the Southern Sea and reached the foothills of Mahendra Mountain.

There they saw the ocean to be very deep and impossible to fathom. They started to worry as the month was about to be over without any trace of Sita. “We couldn’t locate Sita and couldn’t find Ravana anywhere. Sugriva’s decree is for real, and we better be ready to face death. For us, death is also a path to moksha” Thinking thus, they made beds with Darbha grass and laid down waiting for death to embrace them eventually as they were planning to stop eating anything starting from that day.

Meeting the Great Bird, Sampathy

At that time, a mighty vulture walked out of its cave on the top of Mahendra mountain. The bird was old, its wings burned, and it observed happily that several monkeys were lying down on the bank of the sea. “This must be God sent as I am old, and these animals without wings will be my food for a while. I will have enough food to eat until I die.” Hearing the monologue of the vulture, the monkeys got frightened. They talked to each other that “this vulture is going to kill and eat us all. Nobody can prevent our fate. we cannot achieve anything in life, and we did not do what was asked of us by Lord Rama. We do not know what is in store for us because of our incompetence. If we die in the hands of this vulture that means our life has been proven to be futile and we are indeed sinners. But the other vulture Jatayu was so kind to us. He was such a pious bird who died doing the work for Lord Rama. Although he was just a bird Rama gave him liberation.” 

Hearing the Vanaras speaking highly of Jatayu, the bird asked: “You are saying the words that are melodious to my ears. Who talked about Jatayu here? Tell me who you are and do not be afraid.” Angada went to the vulture and paid obeisance to the mighty bird.  He said: “you would know about the king of Ayodhya, Dasaratha, and you would have heard of his son, Rama. As he was in the forest doing his penance along with his wife and brother, Ravana, the wicked Rakshasa abducted the wife. As Ravana was flying with her on his Vimana, she cried out for help. That is when the mighty vulture Jatayu attacked Ravana with all his might and destroyed his air chariot. Unfortunately, Ravana took his sword, Chandrahasa, and cut his wings off. Because of Sita's blessing, Jatayu lived until he was able to deliver the information to Rama. Jatayu attained liberation because he was able to breathe his last, gazing at the lotus face of Rama, the Paramatma in human form. 

Rama and Sugriva agreed to help each other, and Rama killed Bali, my father, to support Sugriva. Sugriva is the king of Kishkindha now and I am the prince. Sugriva has sent out ten thousand Vanaras in all directions to search for Sita and we are one of those teams that came Southward. We could not locate Sita or Ravana and the time given to us for this is going to be over soon. If we do not get back to Kishkindha with some news, we must face death at the hands of the king and we are conceding defeat. If you know anything about Sita’s whereabouts, please tell us. Now you know who we are and tell us about yourself."

The vulture replied: “I am Sampathy and Jatayu is my brother. I have not seen him for a long time and after several thousand years I am hearing about him from you, strangers. I want to do the final rites for my brother; so please take me to the water. I will help you in your mission.” The Vanaras helped him to go to the seashore and Sampathy did the final rituals for his brother Jatayu. Then he started telling Janaki’s whereabout. “The Trikuda mountain is very tall and there is the city of Lanka situated. There is a deep ocean in between here and Trikuda. In Lanka, Janaki is residing in a garden, surrounded by Rakshasa women guards. It must be at least 100 yojanas away and I can see that far clearly as I am a vulture. Those who can jump that long will be able to meet with Sita. You must kill the culprit who killed my brother. You must cross the ocean and go to Lanka and find about Sita. After getting the information, Rama would kill Ravana for sure. Think about the ways to accomplish this without delay.”

“Jatayu and I, at a young age, used to try our ability to fly distance, and once we flew up and reached the field of Surya and got tired of the scorching heat. Jatayu’s wings started to burn and to protect him I flew on top to give him cover and that resulted in my wings being burned. I fell to the ground and so did Jatayu. For a bird, the wings are the most important part of its body. I lay down there for three days, unable to see anything. When I woke up, I saw that my wings have been burnt. I walked down to a nearby Ashram and met with a sage there. The sage knew me and asked what happened. I told him about our adventure of reaching near the Sun. The sage consoled me: “Know that the body is the sole reason for sorrow and the cause for the body is past karmas. We get attached to the body and identify ourselves with it to undertake karmas under the influence of Maya. The Jivatma, working through the body entertains the notion that it is the doer and enjoyer of karmas.”. Thus, he advised me regarding the cycle of birth and death and how life is born in the earth as various species. He concluded it by saying that when I see a group of Vanaras searching for Sita, I must tell them all I know about Lanka. He also told me that I will get new wings after that.”

Suddenly, Sampathy got a pair of new wings, and he was elated. “Words of the great sages will not be futile and the greatness of the story of Rama cannot be fathomed by anyone. Is there any name as potent as Rama’s? I bless you to see Sita Devi without delay. By constantly remembering Rama’s name, you will be able to cross the ocean and rescue Sita. Know that Rama’s name is a boat by which everyone can cross the ocean of samsara itself! You, the devotees of Rama will not have any difficulty in crossing the ocean.” Sampathy flew away to the heights in the sky with his new set of wings.

Plans to Cross the Ocean

Then the Vanaras discussed among themselves how to cross the ocean full of crocodiles and other dangerous creatures. “The other shore is so far away that we can't even see. Why should we worry about something which cannot be done, that means our death is near?” So, said one of them. Then Angada talked to them with a renewed enthusiasm. “Do not give up so easy; we do have capable warriors with the power and ability to achieve anything. Each of you must come forward and tell me how far you can jump and what you are capable of. Then we can find who will be able to cross the ocean and save our life.” When Angada asked them to tell what they can do, one of them said, “I can jump ten yojanas”. Then another one declared, “I can do twenty”. So, it went like thirty to ninety yojanas by various mighty Vanaras. But the distance was one hundred yojanas, and no one came forward with that capability. 

Then the oldest Vanara in the pack, Jambava said: “Oh! Mighty Vanaras, it looks like none of us will be able to cross this ocean. Long ago, Lord Vishnu was able to measure the three worlds in his three steps. That was my time of youth, and I circumambulated the Lord twenty-one times in ten minutes, beating drums to extoll the Lord’s prowess. Now I am old, and I lost my power to cross this puddle of salt water. Lord, in the form of time, works in mysterious ways!” Then Angada said, “I can jump a hundred yojanas one way, but I have my doubts about jumping back. If no one can accomplish the task, there is no other way than for us to face death. The best way to do that is by fasting until death.”

As they were discussing, Jambava asked Hanuman. “What are you thinking and why are you sitting silently? I do not see anyone else who may be able to do this. After all, you are the offspring of Lord Siva, and you were brought up by Vayu, Lord of the vital sir. In power, speed, and prowess, you are equal to Vayu. You are the son of the mighty Vanara, Kesari, and the pious Mother, Anjana. When you came out of Anjana’s womb, immediately you started jumping around. I know that you had jumped then up to the range of the Sun as you were captivated by the rising sun. You thought it was a giant fruit ready for you to eat. Lord Indra hit you with his weapon and you fell to the ground. Vayu lifted you and reached the nether world, Patala, to treat you. Then the Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheswara) blessed you to live for eternity, through the eons and through time, even when the world as we know it, ceases to exist. They gave you the name Hanuman as you have the mark of a cut at the jaw caused by Indra’s weapon. Have you forgotten all those occurrences of the past? Remember, you have the ring Rama gave you as an insignia to show Sita Devi. Rama would have foreseen what was to occur. Who can fully describe your valor and prowess?” 

Hearing these encouraging words of Jambava, Maruti, the mighty Hanuman, roared like a lion and that made the whole world tremble. He grew to a gigantic form, as the Vamana did while measuring the three worlds. “In one jump, I will cross the ocean, reach Lanka and destroy the city. I will destroy Ravana and uproot his clan and bring back Sita.  Or else I will go and see Rama after tying up Ravana and keep him on my left hand while carrying the Mountain Trikuda, along with the city of Lanka on my right hand. I can do all these since I have Rama’s ring with me. 

Then Jambava told Hanuman: “First you go and meet Sita Devi and return with the news. We can fight Ravana later. Rama is going to kill Ravana for sure. You can show your valor then. When you travel through the sky, may you not face any obstacles!. God of air, Vayu is always with you, and you will be successful.” Vanaras excitedly bid him goodbye, wishing him luck. Hanuman went up the Mahendra mountain and took the position. With ultimate concentration, he looked towards Lanka like an eagle, the arch-enemy of snakes. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 13. Kishkindhakandham contd.

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 13. Kishkindhakandham contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  27.21 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 13 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  13

Kishkindhakandham contd.

Search For Sita

Sugriva and Hanuman took a chariot and sped to see Rama. Hanuman, Neelan, and Angada followed with a large army of Vanaras. Drummers and other artists followed the retinue. Rama, staying in the cave at the mountaintop, was unkempt with his beard and in the garbs of a mendicant. Sugriva went and prostrated at the feet of Rama, and he embraced him dearly. Rama and Sugriva exchanged pleasantries and ate some fruits and roots, and spend some time happily. Then they started planning the search for Sita.

Sugriva told Rama: “Please look at the mighty Vanaras lined up ready for your command. These are great warriors who have proved themselves in various ways. They came from various forests and islands, ready to take up any tasks. You may see that some of them are gigantic and some of them are very handsome, but they are all warriors. They are part of Devas, appearing here as Vanaras to serve you. They just need some fruits, roots, and leaves to sustain themselves and they can work hard for you. Here is Jambava, Hanuman, Neelan, Gajan, Gavayan, Gavakshan, and so many famous Vanaras leading the pack. Please tell them what to do and they will oblige.” 

Rama asked Sugriva to assign them to different directions in search of Sita. They decided to send one hundred thousand Vanaras each to all directions. They must search everywhere and he gave them thirty days to complete the task. Those who return after thirty days without getting the whereabouts of Sita will be facing death for sure. Vanaras prostrated the Lord and started their journey.

When they were about to leave, Rama called Hanuman aside and said: “I have a great feeling that you will be the one who is going to meet Sita. When you meet her, please give her this ring engraved with my name so that she will be convinced. Also, please tell her this secret word, only she and I know.”

Vanaras, in big numbers sped Southward, towards Lanka, where Sita was supposed to have been taken by Ravana. They searched for Sita everywhere on the way and chanced upon a demon and killed him instantly. 


They entered the dark forest and the Vanaras were tired of hunger and thirst. Their mouth and throat were dry, and they were looking for a place to drink some water. They saw a deep ditch and thought there would be water in it but could not find any indication of that from outside. Then they saw some birds with water dripping from their wings flying towards them out of that ditch. Then they knew there would be water available nearby, in that ditch. They decided to enter the ditch and started to walk. It was completely dark, and they held each other’s hands. After walking a while, they saw a beautiful place, golden hew, with lots of water springs. There were trees and bushes full of varieties of fruits. It was an enchanting place, like heaven, full of great things but no human beings were seen. After a while, they saw a woman, a Yogini, who was meditating without any movement, resplendent like the flame of an unflickering lamp. Vanaras paid obeisance to her, and she opened her eyes. Seeing the monkeys, she asked: “Who are you and what is the purpose of your visit? How did you find your way here?”

Hanuman told her about the mission starting from the story of Rama, the abduction of Sita, and the search they are engaged in. “We are hundred thousand Vanaras working the Southern areas in search of Sita. We are hungry and thirsty after the long walk and saw this cave, as we looked for water. Although it was my mistake, it ended up being a blessing for us because we saw you. We do not know who you are, but we are really lucky to have met you.”

“Why don't you all drink and eat whatever you want and after that I will tell you all about myself” The Vanaras well happy to hear this and they ate and drank to their heart's content. They came back to the Yogini ready to hear her story with folded hands. With a smile, she told Hanuman about herself: “Hema, the daughter of Vishwakarma was able to please Lord Maheswara with her dances and he gifted her this place. I am her friend, and my name is Swayam Prabha. I have lived here with her for a long time enjoying the facilities. Hema was a seeker of liberation, devoted to Lord Vishnu. Eventually, she reached the Brahmaloka, and she blessed me to live here as a Yogini without fearing any animals. I got this boon that I will be relieved from the cycle of birth and death when a large group of Vanaras come in search of Sita and visit me here. She had asked me to serve you food and drinks and then to meet with Rama. “Rama is none other than the Paramatma. If you meditate upon the ultimate reality, you will reach it.” She had told me so. I am leaving now to see Rama, but before that, I will show you the way.  Close your eyes. Immediately they reached the forest path they were in, before entering the ditch. 

The Yogini left the cave and reached Rama without delay. With a trembling voice and with her body hair on ends, she circumambulated the Lord and started chanting a wonderful hymn praising him. Her voice crackled, taken aback by the deep devotion and exhilaration of having met Rama. “Oh! Lord, I am your maidservant seeking your compassion. My years of penance found fruit today by being able to see you in person. How can someone limited like me know you, the ultimate reality? May I be blessed with the ability to chant your name all the time!” As she concluded her hymn, she prostrated at the feet of Rama, and he was pleased. He asked her to tell him her wishes.  She said: “Today all my wishes were fulfilled just by seeing you. I ask of you only one thing. May I have unshaken devotion unto your lotus feet! May I be allowed to be in the company of your devotees all the time!  Also, may I not be put in a situation to be in the company of people who have no devotion for you. May I be able to chant your names all the time! May I be blessed to keep your fully decked and ornamented form always fresh in my mind!” Hearing her innocent requests, Rama was pleased. He blessed her to continue her sadhana at Badri. She did it as advised, and finally reached the abode of Lord Vishnu.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 12. Kishkindhakandham Contd

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 12. Kishkindhakandham Contd

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  32.20 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 12 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  12

Kishkindhakandham Contd

Coronation of Sugriva

Rama asked Sugriva to help Bali's son, Angada to do the final rites for Bali. They conducted the ritual suitable for a King's final journey. After completing the rituals and the associated celebrations they came to Rama. Sugriva requested Rama to take the helm of Kishkindha. “You be the king, and Lord, I will serve you as Lakshmana does.” Rama was pleased with the offer but insisted that Sugriva is going to make a great king. “Sugriva, you are me and I am you, and have no doubt about that. You are fit to rule Kishkindha. In my case, I must live in the forest for fourteen years and so, I will not reside in a city or a palace until I finish that period. Lakshmana will coronate you as the king and Angada, Bali’s son will be the king in waiting. You rule the Kingdom and take care of Angada as if he is your son. I will go and stay there on top of the mountain for four months of rain when it is impossible to move around searching Sita Devi. Once the rainy season is over you must help me in the search. Until then you enjoy being the new king, with your wife.” Lakshmana coronated Sugriva and came back to Rama. 

Rama Instructs the Kriyamarga to Lakshmana 

Rama walked up the Pravarshana Mountain along with Lakshmana where they found a cave and made it their home. The area was beautiful, full of glittering minerals and fruit-filled trees and plants. There, Rama, the human form of Lord Vishnu stayed with his brother. Rama was mostly engaged in meditation and often reached a state of samadhi. One day, Lakshmana told Rama that he would like to be instructed on the Kriyamarga of spiritual life. “I've heard that kriya marga leads us, who follows the four-fold varna division of the societal life, to moksha. Please instruct me in detail what sages such as Narada, Vyasa, and Brahma are accomplishing by doing pooja to Narayana. Tell me how to attain moksha in this life itself. Your instructions will guide others as well." 

Rama said: “Listen Lakshmana, you may do pooja to me in a variety of ways and it is difficult to tell you about it exhaustively. I will narrate it concisely as you are so dear to me. If one develops the qualities of a Brahmana or if you are born in the family of Brahmanas, seek advice from a teacher and start your contemplation. The whole pooja rituals can be done within the lotus of your heart, or you can do pooja on fire, idols, sun, water, or an altar. But if you have a proper Salagrama stone, that would be ideal. Chant the hymns of Vedas, take bath early in the morning, and conduct all the rituals daily in the morning and evening twilights. Imagine me as your guru and do pooja on my idol, with incense, flowers, and light. Gather all the materials required for the pooja and arrange them in a place ready for the daily Yagna. If you do not have any of the materials, if you can offer me a drop of water with ultimate devotion; I will be pleased. Of course, if you can afford it, do offer me everything including a lot of incense, flowers, and sweetmeats. I like everything offered to me with devotion. After the ritual of pooja, you can offer music and dances, and other art forms to please me. Keep me always in your mind and accept the remnants of the pooja as the Prasada, a symbol of my blessings to you.  Do this daily and you will develop devotion, and that would lead to moksha. When you drop your body, you can attain Saroopya, a form similar to mine. Even just learning about the kriya marga, is like doing those rituals daily and you will be benefited.”

After instructing thus, Rama fell back into the mode of an ordinary human being affected by samsara, grieving, thinking about Sita. He lost sleep for days on end and Lakshmana had to console him!

Hanuman and Sugriva

When they were happily living thus in Kishkindha, Hanuman told Sugriva: “I am going to tell you something for your good. Rama did everything he promised for your benefit because he is known to keep his promises. Have you ever thought about what you must do for Rama? With Rama’s help, you got the Kishkindha back and Bali is no more for you to fear. If you do not fulfill your side of the agreement, you will also face the same fate as Bali. A person who does not return the favors he received is as good as dead while living. You know that Rama is staying on top of the mountain along with his brother, grieving about his wife and he is expecting you to start working for his goal. It seems you forgot about it, and you are enjoying life by drinking and spending time with your wife.” 

Hearing Hanuman’s wise words, Sugriva said: “Yes, my dear Hanuman, what you said is true. If a king has a minister as wise as you, he has nothing to fear. Let us send our messengers immediately to all ten directions and engage Vanaras living in seven islands around the world to coordinate the search. Send ten thousand Vanaras for this purpose and give them a message stating the purpose of the search. Instruct that all of them to return in two weeks and if they do not oblige, they will face the punishment of death.” Hearing Sugriva's instructions, Hanuman sent out ten thousand mighty monkeys to ten directions to carry out the search mission.

Sri Rama’s Grief of Separation from Sita

One day, as Rama was sitting on the top of the mountain, told Lakshmana in a heartbroken voice. “Lakshmana, I have a feeling that Janaki may have been killed by the Rakshasas. Perhaps she is living thinking about me, grief-stricken and emaciated. If anybody tells me where she is, I will go there and fight with her abductor and forcefully bring her back. I would kill the culprit and destroy his family. Oh! Sita, when am I going to see you again? As you are away from me even the cool moonlight feels like scorching sun. Even my comrade Sugriva seems to have lost his love towards me as he got his work done. Now he must be enjoying life with ladies and the facilities of his palace. He had promised to come here after the four months of rain but has not come yet. If he continues to ignore me, I am not going to be patient anymore. I will destroy Kishkindha along with all the people in it.” 

When Lakshmana heard this, he was outraged at Sugriva. “I'm going to kill Sugriva right away. Please permit me to leave for Kishkindha.” He took his bow and a quiver full of arrows and got ready. Then Rama reminded him: “Sugriva is my friend, and he does not deserve to be killed. You go and remind him that the arrow that killed Bali is still with me. Tell me his response and we will do the rest later.”

Without delay, Lakshmana went to Kishkindha and stood at the gateway. His gaze was so furious that the monkeys thought they will be burned in his rage. Lakshmana raised his bow and made a noise by striking its string. The monkeys were petrified, and they ran everywhere, defecating themselves out of fear. When prince Angada heard that Lakshmana has arrived, he ran to the gate to welcome him.  Angada prostrated in front of Lakshmana and embraced him. Lakshmana asked him to convey a message to Sugriva that he should not cheat his partner, Rama. It was high time that he started to search Sita as planned. if he does not, he will face the same fate as his brother Bali. Angada went to Sugriva and conveyed the message. Sugriva asked Hanuman to pacify Lakshmana and bring him inside the palace of Kishkindha. He also asked Tara to talk to Lakshmana and please him with nice words. 

When Hanuman and Angada came into the palace with Lakshmana, Tara with folded hands received the guest with pleasantries. She told Lakshmana with reverence: “Lakshmana, my Lord, this is your palace as well. How come you are angry with your devotee, Sugriva?  After all, he is an ordinary monkey who is, by nature, fickle-minded. He has been running in the forest in fear of his brother for a long time and when he got some relief due to your compassion, he may have gotten indulged in pleasure and forgotten about his duties. Excuse him and be kind. He has already commissioned ten thousand mighty Vanaras to ten directions searching for Sita Devi. Be assured that now he will not slack in his effort.” Hearing this, Lakshmana went to see Sugriva.  He stood up from his throne and welcomed Lakshmana. “How come you forgot Rama and his work? You know that the arrow that killed your brother is still with him.” 

“Please do not be angry with us, I will not stray away from the truth and by promise. Moreover, I am a devotee of Rama. I have already started his work and my Vanara warriors will accomplish it very well.” Sugriva prostrated at Lakshmana’s feet and offered fruits and roots as a symbol of respect. “I know that Rama will win over everyone in no time, and what we're doing is only to help that process. I will never forget that you have rescued me with your compassion.” 

Lakshmana felt bad about the outrage he had and told him: “Please forgive my harsh words, uttered out of grief. Let us go to the mountaintop where Rama is anxiously waiting to see us. 


Monday, July 26, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 11. Kishkindhakandham Contd.

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 11. Kishkindhakandham Contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  29.00 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 11 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  11

Kishkindhakandham Contd.

Fight between Bali and Sugriva

Sugriva, the son of God Surya, went to Kishkindha along with Rama, Lakshmana, and his four ministers, and challenged Bali for a duel. Rama and Lakshmana stayed back behind the trees. Bali was outraged at Sugriva's challenge; came down dashing to fight with his brother. He hit Sugriva hard, and Bali also got a heavy beating from Sugriva. As they continued fighting both their bodies were smeared with blood and Rama could not distinguish between them. Rama was planning to use his arrow, but he could not identify Bali. Sugriva was beaten up badly and he threw up blood. Bali also got his share of beating and he returned to his palace. 

Tired from the fight Sugriva complained. “Rama, my Lord, I thought you would help me by killing the culprit by your sure-shot arrows. It seems your idea is to get me killed in the hands of my enemy. If that is how you are planning to help me, what is the use of having a pact?. If you think I deserve to be killed, why don’t you do it yourself? I thought your promises are written on stone and you live for truth.” As Sugriva was done complaining, Rama embraced him and consoled saying that he could not identify Bali from the duo. “Next day, when you challenge him for a fight, wear a flower garland around your neck so that I can identify you.” 

The next day Lakshmana put a flower garland around Sugriva’s neck and sent him down for the duel. Sugriva went back to the gate of Kishkindha and challenged Bali again. When Bali started from home, his wife Tara asked: “Why are you going for the fight without thinking about it twice? Yesterday you defeated him, and still, Sugriva is back challenging you again. I smell something bad behind his return. Surely, he has a friend who is going to help him this time.”

Bali replied: “Tara, leave me to fight the battle I have to face. Sugriva does not have any relatives to help him in the fight. Moreover, no one has enmity with me. In any case, if someone comes to your door challenging for a fight, a warrior will not shy away. I will kill the enemy and come back.” Hearing this Tara told him the news she had heard from their son Angada. Angada went hunting, and he came to know about Rama, the son of emperor Dasaratha wandering in search of queen Sita who was abducted by Ravana. Rama has entered a pact with Sugriva to find his wife and in return, he would help him kill Bali and regain Kishkindha for him. 

“I am sure that Sugriva is here with the ploy to fake a fight with you as agreed with Rama. Please accept Sugriva as your brother and live peacefully and you should go and see Rama, seek refuge in him.” Tara requested Bali not to go, but Bali wouldn’t listen. He embraced Tara and replied. “Dear, do not get succumbed to fear like ordinary ladies. You have nothing to fear if Rama and Lakshmana came here with Sugriva; they know that I am their ardent devotee, and no one loves Rama more than me. They will side with me for sure. Sri Rama is indeed Lord Narayana in human form. He has come to earth to restore Dharma. He does not have any partiality towards anyone. He is known to be unattached, and he is the Paramatma. When I see him, I will fall at his feet and bring him to our palace. They will get more help from me, the mighty Bali, than from the meek Sugriva. Paramatma is sure to help those who surrender to him. He is attained only through devotion, and you know that I am a big devotee of the Lord.” Bali went to fight Sugriva and Tara wept silently thinking about what would happen in the fight.

A fierce fight ensued, and both the brothers were showing no mercy in hitting each other. They used their hands, feet, fingernails, and teeth in the fight as they are monkeys. The fight was akin to a fight between two Kalas, the God of death. The fight between Bali and Sugriva had no comparison with any other fights anyone has ever observed. It was like two mountains fighting each other and two oceans colliding. Bali was wearing a chain that his father gave and Sugriva was wearing a flower garland he got from Rama. They were equal in their prowess and strength. Rama saw that Sugriva was getting tired and decided to help him. He took an arrow and shot at Bali from behind a tree. Bali’s chest was split open by the arrow, and he fell like a huge mountain and the earth trembled. Hanuman with folded hands praised Lord Rama. Seeing Rama and Lakshmana along with the Sugriva and Hanuman, Bali was grief-stricken and expressed his rage and grief.

“Rama, what did I do to you, to be killed like this?. You did not behave like a true warrior, but your action was that of a cheat. You will not get any fame by killing me from behind a tree like a coward. You are of royal blood, and I expect better conduct from you, even in a fight. If you are a fair fighter, you should fight straight, face to face. What can Sugriva do that is not doable by me for you? If it were to avenge abducting your wife, haven't you heard that I had defeated Ravana easily in the past? If you had asked me, I would have tied up Ravana along with the city of Lanka and Trikuda mountain in just half an hour and brought them to your feet. You are known as a follower of Dharma but what you did to me is not dharma.”

Rama replied in a compassionate, but stern voice: “I am here to establish Dharma and I do not compete with anyone.  You have sinned gravely, and the punishment for sin is death. Under the influence of lust, you are keeping your brother's wife as your own. You should have treated her like your own daughter. If someone is not following the proper conduct, a king has the authority to punish him, and he will exercise that right. I know you are a pious soul, and I hope you know what dharma is.”

Bali was consoled hearing Rama’s words, and he asked for forgiveness and praised Rama with a beautiful hymn. “Due to my audacity, I ended up arguing with you. Please excuse my obstinate words. I realize that I am the lucky one to leave my body gazing at your Lotus feet and that will ensure my liberation. This good fortune is not attainable even by great yogis. Even your vision can liberate us from samsara. I know about your mission of killing Ravana. As I get ready to move on to your abode, please bless my son Angada who is equally strong. Please treat Angada and Sugriva without partiality. Please pull out the arrow and caress my body so that I can leave peacefully without pain.” Rama pulled out the arrow and Bali breathed his last. As soon as he left the body, he became a celestial being and reached Vaikundha.

Tara’s Grief

Hearing about Bali's death, Tara was grief-stricken. She beat her chest in sorrow and wailed uncontrollably and reached the place where Bali’s body was laid. “Why do I need this Kingdom and son? Why should I live any longer? I better jump into the funeral pyre of my husband. Rama, why don't you kill me also? My beloved cannot stand the separation from me. If you were to kill and send me along you will get the Punya of marrying off your daughter. Rama, you are a royal king, and you know the sorrow of separation as you are away from your better half. Sugriva, leave behind your sorrow and live happily with Rama and enjoy the royal facilities.”

Hearing Tara, Rama consoled her: “Tara, why are you sorrowful? There is no need for it. Is your husband just the body or the Jiva? The body is composed of five basic elements, space, air, fire, water, and earth and it has been held together with blood, skin, and bones. But know that the body is worthless, but the Jiva, is the essence of us, it is unborn and there is no death to it. It has no identity of sex, nor it is affected by dualities of life such as pleasure and pain; hot and cold; good and bad, etc. This Jiva is the only one that is common in all of us. It is the immaculate single reality that has no attributes and vacillations. So, when you understand this principle, is there any reason to be sorrowful?”

Tara asked Rama: “Lord! instruct me on the principles behind the body-mind and the soul. Tell me what is getting affected by pleasure and pain.”

Rama advised her of the secret principle of life. “Since you were devoted to me in the past life, you can see me in this life with your naked eye. Leave your sorrow and live meditating upon my form and chanting my name incessantly. Thus, you can attain liberation.”

Hearing Rama’s words Tara was composed, leaving her ego, which was body-centric until then. She continued her life as a Jivanmukta, a liberated soul while living here. Just because of the Satsang with Rama, her devotion grew, and she reached the ultimate, the Brahman. Sugriva also listened to Rama intently and he prostrated before him and looked for direction as to the next steps to follow. 

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 10. Kishkindhakandham.

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 10. Kishkindhakandham

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  29.00 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 10 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  10

Kishkindhakandham beginning

Meeting Hanuman

They reached the banks of the river Pamba, a beautiful area full of creepers, bushes, gardens, and different kinds of birds and animals.  Butterflies of various shades were fluttering all over. They drank the water from the river and continued walking. Rama was crying silently and at times his voice would rise, and Lakshmana had to console him. Seeing the two bright young men with bows and arrows at a distance, the leader of monkeys, Sugriva was concerned. He and his four ministers jumped up the top of a mountain and asked Hanuman: “Please go and see who they are and what their purpose is. Looks like they are warriors, and I am wondering if they are being sent by my brother Bali to attack me. They are wearing the garbs of mendicants, but they are carrying bows and arrows. Oh! son of Vayu, please disguise yourself as a Brahmana boy and approach them to see what their plans are. Signal back to us by your hand and eye jesters. If they are foes, clap your hands, and if they are worthy to be our friends, inform me that as well.”

Hanuman took the guise of a Brahmachari and approached Rama and Lakshmana and prostrated before them with great reverence. “I would like to know who you are, bright youngsters, walking in the forest. you guys are so handsome that even the God of love, cupid, will be put to shame. You both are like the sun and the moon, but please tell me your story. Sometimes I feel that you are the twins, the celestial Ashwini Devas. Are you the incarnations of the Lord, walking here in human form, to re-establish Dharma? I also feel that you are indeed Nara and Narayana. My salutations!” Hearing this, Rama told Lakshmana: “Lakshmana, look at this Brahmachari, his words are so perfect, and apt. Looks like is well educated and adept in grammar. I cannot detect any discordant notes in his words.” 

Then he turned to Hanuman and introduced himself and Lakshmana and narrated his background starting from the disrupted coronation to the abduction of Sita. “We are here in search of Sita, and we met you. Tell me who you are.” Hanuman folded his hands in reverence and told them about Sugriva, his king. “Oh! King, Sugriva is the king of Vanaras, the monkey folk, living on top of the mountain and four of us, ministers are with him. His elder brother Bali kicked him out of his kingdom due to a misunderstanding. Bali has kept Sugriva's wife as his own, after kicking him out. Rishyamooka mountain is the only place for us to live as Bali cannot come there. I am his minister, Hanuman, son of Vayu, and Anjana Devi. If you two were to enter a pact, both can conquer your enemies. I will be at your command, and I do not have any other refuge. Bless me, my Lord. Please come with me. I will take you to Sugriva. You may please climb up on my shoulders”. Saying this, Hanuman took his real form as a mighty monkey and sat down for them to climb up his shoulders. Rama remembered Sabari’s words foretelling about meeting with the king of Vanaras.  

Pact with Sugriva

Hanuman, known also as Maruti, walk through the forest path, carrying the distinguished guests who came to Sugriva. Hanuman told him that Rama and Lakshmana were there as allies and they will help him. “You do not have to fear them at all. You may please enter an agreement with them to help each other.” Sugriva jumped up and welcomed Rama and Lakshmana. He plucked a few leaves and made a seat quickly for Rama to sit down; so, did Hanuman for Lakshmana. Hanuman narrated everything to Sugriva and hearing the plight of Rama, Sugriva said “Do not worry, Lord, we will search and find Sita Devi and assist to in destroying your enemy. If you let me, I will kill Ravana and bring Devi back. Now I remember one thing that happened when we were sitting on the mountaintop. We saw a Rakshasa forcefully taking a royal lady in his air chariot and the lady was crying for help. come to think of it she was chanting the name of Rama. She happened to see us on the top of the mountain, and she threw a cloth bundle towards us. When we opened it, we found that it was her ornaments. I have kept it in case if she comes in search of it. please check and tell us if they are hers.” As soon as he opened the bundle Rama started weeping, looking at Sita’s ornaments: “Oh! You also have been separated from Sita, just as I am!” Rama wailed like a commoner calling out for Sita. He lost his senses for a while when Lakshmana consoled him. “Brother do not fall prey to desperation. With the help of these mighty Vanaras, we will be able to rescue her,” Sugriva also asserted that they would help in killing Ravana and retrieve Sita from Lanka. Hearing their words Rama was pacified. Then Hanuman made a fire to formally agree to help each other. Fire is the eternal witness for everything auspicious. Sugriva narrated to Rama the story behind Bali’s hatred towards him.

Bali and Sugriva

“There was this Rakshasa by the name Mayavi, the son of Mayan. He wanted to fight with somebody, and audaciously he called Bali for a fight. Bali was outraged at the challenge and went for a duel with Mayavi. Bali beat him so bad that the Rakshasa ran for his life, into the forest. I also followed them and Mayavi went inside a cave in the deep forest. Bali followed suit and asked me to wait at the entrance of the cave. Bali said: “After a while, if you see milk coming out of the cave, then know that the Asura is dead. if you see blood coming out that means he was able to kill me. I waited there for a month and finally saw blood coming out of the cave. Convinced that Bali has breathed his last, I closed the entrance to the cave with a large stone and returned to Kishkindha and assumed charge as the king. After a few more months Bali came to the palace. He thought I closed the cave on purpose to kill him and snatch the Kingdom from him. He came charging towards me and I was afraid of my life. I run away from Kishkindha and took refuge on this mountain. He has kept my wife as his own and now, I lost the kingdom and even my family! I felt relieved after touching your feet and getting your blessings.”

Rama assured that he will help him by killing Bali and get the kingdom back. Rama’s words of assurance were as good as accomplished a promise already.  Sugriva warned that it would be a difficult task to defeat Bali. No one else has such physical power as Bali and he was known as a fierce warrior. When Dundubhi, a Rakshasa challenged Bali for a duel, he caught hold of his head and brought it down on the soil, and dragged it. Then he plucked his head off and threw it away. The severed head still oozing with blood fell in the Matanga Ashram and rendered the holy abode dirty. The sage of the Ashram cursed Bali: “if you ever step foot on this mountain, your head will explode!”. 

So, Bali can not enter this mountain. His curse became a solace for me, and I can live here fearlessly. You can still see Dundubhi's head lying there like a small hill. “If one is capable of lifting this head and throwing it away should be able to kill Bali.” Noticing Sugriva’s hint, Rama used his big toe to lift and throw the gigantic head which fell ten yojanas away. Sugriva was convinced that Rama will be able to accomplish what was promised. “Rama, these are the seven mighty trees standing tall in a circle, that Bali always uses for his exercise. When he shakes up the trees all the leaves would fall. if a person can fall these trees with a single arrow, that person will be able to kill Bali for sure.” Rama took his bow and shot the arrow that hit all the seven trees standing on the circle. Rama was raged and his bow was ready for further action. 

Sugriva praised Rama, recognizing his prowess and extolled the Lord’s virtue. Suddenly he started chanting a hymn in praise of Lord Rama who is the witness consciousness. He recognized the fact that it was his good fortune to meet Rama. Just by chanting Rama’s name, one can redeem himself of all sins even if he is a drunkard or if he has killed a Brahmana. “Lord I do not long for wealth or pleasure from having a family. What I am asking is to bless me with devotion unto thy feet. Just by meeting you, I lost all concepts of separateness between man, animal, friend, and foe, etc. May my mind be always immersed in the thought of your Lotus feet and may my tongue always be able to chant your name!. May my hands engage themselves in pooja to you and may my eyes always see you in everything, everywhere!. May I be able to always listen to your stories and may my feet seek paths to pilgrim centers filled with your energy and presence! May I be able to prostrate at your feet every day!.” 

When Sugriva extolled thus, Rama embraced him tightly and praised him. “What you said is right. Let us get to work now. You go and challenge Bali for a duel and I will take care of the rest.”

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 9. Aaranyakandham Contd.

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 9. Aaranyakandham Contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  40.10 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 9 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  9

Aaranyakandham Contd.

Searching for Sita

Rama, after killing Maricha walked back to the Ashram fast when he saw Lakshmana at a distance, seemingly coming in search of him. As Rama knew what would have occurred in the Ashram in the meantime, he thought! “Poor Lakshmana does not know the divine play. Ravana has kidnapped the Maya Sita, not my consort, but no one should know that now. Can anyone get the real Sita who is hiding inside the fire? I better grieve as if I am a commoner and start searching for Sita. Once I reach Lanka and kill Ravana, I can retrieve Sita from the Fire and return to Ayodhya and live there for the rest of my life. For the time being, I better hide this ploy from Lakshmana.” As Lakshmana was close to him, he asked: “who is in the Ashram with Sita? Did you leave her there alone? What if some demons come and kidnap her or even eat her up? These Rakshasas can do all kinds of atrocities indiscriminately.” 

Lakshmana told Rama in a distraught voice what happened at the Ashram. “Hearing your cry, mimicked by the Rakshasa, Sita Devi was convinced that it was you under attack. Thinking that you are in trouble she forced me to leave her there and come in search of you. When I try to convince her that nobody can defeat you, she was angry with me. She abused me with harsh words that I cannot even narrate to you. I closed my ears with my hands and left the Ashram entrusting her under the mercy of the forest deities.”

“Oh! Lakshmana, it was wrong of you to leave her there alone. Ladies are known to blabber many things and we should not take them seriously.” They returned to the Ashram and as suspected, they could not find Sita anywhere. Rama started sobbing at the thought of separation from Sita. “Ha, Sita! Ha Janaki! My love, are you hiding to tease me? Please do not make me suffer for long. Please come out.” Distraught, he started walking in the forest in search of Sita along with his brother Lakshmana. He even asked the creepers and bushes if they had seen his beloved. He asked the birds and animals; and checked with trees and talked to living and non-living things he came across. He was behaving like an ordinary mortal although nothing would affect a man of equanimity and composure. He was acting his role in Maya to complete his life’s mission.

Passing of the Great Bird, Jatayu 

As Rama was walking like a madman in search of Sita, along with Lakshmana, they saw a shattered chariot near the path. There were arrows and balls strewn around the chariot. “It looks like when the culprit was taking Sita away somebody fought with him and the remnant of that fight is what we are seeing here”, said Rama. As they walked further, they saw a gigantic beast lying there on the path. Initially, Rama thought it might be a Rakshasa, but soon they realized that it was the great bird Jatayu, lying down there with its wings clipped. Jatayu said: “When Ravana flew his chariot kidnapping Sita Devi, on the way to Lanka, I confronted him. I attacked him and shattered his chariot. He was furious and cut off my wings using his divine sword, Chandrahasa. I fell on the ground and mother Sita blessed me saying that I will not breathe my last until I meet with you. Please shower your blessings on me so that you will be in my mind all the time.”

Hearing this, Rama sat down near Jatayu and caressed him fondly. Jatayu told Rama that Ravana took Sita southward to Lanka. “My time is up and with your compassion may I be allowed to leave this world gazing at you!. I know you are Lord Vishnu, now appearing as Rama, to annihilate Ravana. I'm sure I will be liberated from the cycle of birth and death by your grace.” Thus, saying he breathed his last. Rama asked Lakshmana to arrange a funeral pyre to do his last rites. The brothers did the final rites for the bird who was a friend to their father Dasaratha. They killed a deer and gave the oblation of meat and water to the bird’s ancestors. At that time, a divine airplane appeared and took Jatayu to the abode of Lord Vishnu. Then and there, Jatayu became an associate of Vishnu, and he chanted a delightful hymn (stuti) in praise of Rama, the human form of Lord Vishnu. “Salutations to Rama! Salutations to the Lord who has no beginning and end. My prostrations to the Lord of the universe who is nothing but Paramatma, the ever-present omniscient and omnipotent, witness consciousness.”

Liberation of Kabandha 

Again, Rama walked into the deep forest along with Lakshmana searching for Sita everywhere. Suddenly, they came across a terrible beast who has no head but has yojana-long hands. This mysterious creature had no eyes. But he had a large opening for the mouth at his chest. It charged at them as if to eat them alive. They were initially scared but later decided to deal with the beast by cutting off its arms. Rama cut his right arm and Lakshmana, his left. At that time, the beast asked them who they are and why were they roaming in the forest. Rama told him about his background and the incident of Ravana’s abduction of Sita. “We cut your arms to protect other creatures from harm. Now tell us who you are and why are you in this terrible form?” 

Kabandha replied: “I was a celestial being and, in my playfulness, and indiscretion, I made fun of sage Ashtavakra and ended up getting cursed by him to take up this life on earth. The sage was kind enough to allow me to redeem myself by meeting with you in the forest. He said: “when Rama comes to this forest in search of Sita and cuts off my arms, I will be redeemed off the sins I committed. I got this terrible shape as a Kabandha after I fought with Lord Indra. He was a good warrior, and he was able to slit my head off, but could not kill me because I had to live until you show up in the forest, due to the sage’s curse. He picked up my head and pushed it down to my body and that is how I got this shape. My hands were a yojana long and all the creatures within my reach became my food. If you are kind enough to burn my body, then I will tell you what I know. Rama dug a hole in the ground and prepared a funeral pyre for Kabandha. From the fire came up a Gandharva, a celestial being, the original form of Kabandha. He did prostrations at the feet of Rama and praised the Lord with a beautiful hymn. with folded hands, he sang the praise of Lord Vishnu saying that god’s ways are impossible to fathom. He went on extolling the virtue of Lord as Virat Purusha. He was blessed by Rama, and he told Rama: “when you walk a little further you can see Matanga Ashram where the pious lady Shabari resides. She is an ardent devotee of the Lord and she will be able to direct you to find Sita.

Entering Sabari’s Ashram

After the Gandharva returned to heaven, Rama and Lakshmana preceded to Sabari’s Ashram. Sabari, the lady of the Ashram was so excited seeing the special guests that she forgot everything. She prostrated at the feet of Rama and shed tears of joy. She served them fruits and roots with water and gave a ritualistic welcome to the distinguished guests. As the Princes enjoyed the reception, Sabari expressed her happiness at having met the duo. She told them about her background. “I was in the service of the sages here for a thousand years. They were pleased with me and blessed me to continue to stay here in the Ashram until Rama and Lakshmana came to see me. “After getting the vision of Lord Rama you can leave your body and reach Brahmaloka.”, they assured. I have been waiting for you all these years and now I had the great fortune to see your Lotus feet and to do puja. Even accomplished yogis are not as fortunate as me although I am uneducated and of a lower caste. I do not even know how to praise you with proper hymns.” 

Hearing this Rama consoled her. “I do not have any discrimination between men, women, animals, or their castes. I am interested only in their devotion. Devotion is the only way to achieve liberation. Going on a pilgrimage, visiting temples, or doing sacrifice rituals, etc. are good, but no one will get to see me except when they are devoted to me with a one-point vision. To develop devotion, one should build up the company of noble people, Satsang, which is the first requirement. The second is telling my stories and singing my glories. The third is to identify with my qualities and the fourth is to follow my words. The fifth is to follow my rituals serving the gurus. The sixth is to live a noble life, conducted following the scriptural injunctions of Yama- Niyama, etc. The seventh is to meditate upon me as the Lord and chanting the mantra prescribed for you by your guru. As the eighth step, develop compassion towards all living beings around you and see me in all of them. Develop ultimate respect towards my devotees all the time and develop dispassion towards worldly possessions. As the ninth step, know and firm up your mind in the knowledge that the soul of the universe, Paramatma, is me and it is indeed the soul of the individual, Jivatma. These are the nine ways to develop devotion. This devotion can be developed by animals, humans, and even people with low intelligence. When they cultivate devotion, they will have a blissful feeling of contentment. This leads to liberation, and this is the best path for human beings to follow. Devotion is indeed the call for liberation, and you are the best example of all.  Your unsullied devotion is the reason why you were able to see us. Your time of liberation has come and now tell us where we can find Sita Devi.”

Sabari replied: “You are omniscient and still ask us to tell you about something you already know. But I will oblige as a matter of good conduct. Sita Devi is residing in Lanka grieving profusely, always thinking about Rama and chanting the name. She was abducted by Ravana, the king of Lanka. Within my divine vision, I could see Sita who is none other than Lakshmi herself. When you walk towards the South you will come across a beautiful river Pampa. Near pampa is the mountain Rishyamooka where Sugriva, the king of monkeys resides. He is there with four of his ministers living in exile, fearing for his life from his brother Bali. Bali cannot go to the mountain because of a curse. You go and see Sugriva and enter a pact with him who will help you find Sita Devi. I am going to end my life by jumping in the fire so that I can merge with the divine. Oh! compassionate one may I be freed from all the worldly bondages created by the play of Maya!” Thus saying, she left her body and attained liberation. 

If the Lord were to be pleased with you nothing would be impossible, that includes attaining liberation. This is available to all living beings, irrespective of their species, caste, sex, and color. Devotion unto the Lotus feet of Sri Rama can liberate us. Let us meditate on Rama’s name and form all the time. Let us chant Rama’s hymns all the time. Let us listen to Rama’s stories and let us do pooja to Rama all the time. When we see everything around us in the universe as Rama, we can identify with Rama’s principles. So, let us chant the name of Rama.

Thus, Lord Siva continued the story of Rama as requested by his consort Parvati. Parvati was captivated by the devotion towards Rama and waited for her Lord to continue the story.