Saturday, July 31, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 16. Sundrakandham Contd.

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 16. Sundrakandham Contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  56.20 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 16 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  16

Sundarakandham Contd.

Hanuman Destroys the Gardens in Lanka.

After leaving Sita Devi, Hanuman jumped onto the branch of a tree, a short distance away, and thought about the next step to be done as a royal messenger.  “It will be an incomplete mission if he does not meet with the king and convey the message directly. An ideal messenger will also do something significant beyond the prescribed duty. There is no easy way for me to get an audience with the King. I need to attract the attention of the royal guards so that eventually I will be able to see Ravana.” 

Thinking thus, he started damaging the gardens around him. Tree branches were brought down, and well-organized flower beds were thrown around. He made sure that the Simsapa tree, sanctified by Sita Devi’s presence is spared. Fruit-bearing trees were felled in large numbers, as if in a storm. A big ruckus ensued as the birds nested in those trees started flying away, spreading over the entire sky. Rama’s messenger showed his prowess by spreading mayhem in the city of Lanka in no time. Rakshasa ladies woke up and saw the monkey doing all these destructions. They told Sita: “Look at him! A strange creature with a bizarre sound! Was it this monkey who came in the night and chatted with you?  We are concerned looking at his monkey form. You must know who he is and what his mission is. Why did he come in the middle of the night when we were asleep? We thought we were good in magic and changing our forms at will, but this guy seems to excel in those. We are afraid of him.” 

As they were talking to Sita, certain guards went to Ravana and told him that a monkey was spreading havoc all over the city. “He has destroyed many the city gardens and uprooted several trees. He has also demolished garden structures and memorial sculptures in those gardens. Some of the security guards were killed. He is fearless and he is still wandering there.” Hearing this, Ravana was outraged.

The killing of Rakshasas.

“If a monkey were to do this kind of destruction, he must not be ignored. I want a hundred thousand warriors to get ready right now. Take your weapons and get him at once.” Hanuman made a terrible noise and several Rakshasa warriors fainted hearing it. Some of them tried arrows on Hanuman and he moved out briskly out of their way. He was able to ward off the arrows with his bare hands.  When the ordinary soldiers failed to contain him, Ravana sent five of his best fighters. Maruti sent them also to Yama, the god of death.  Then he sent the sons of his ministers and a special team of combatants to catch and bring him alive. They charged forward with the swords, maces, and other weapons and Hanuman did not lack in his valor either. He picked up an iron pillar and hit them hard and killed them instantly.  Hearing the news that his minister’s sons were killed, Ravana was shocked. He could not bear the defeat and shame of having been won over by a monkey. Finally, he asked his son, Akshakumara to lead the fight. Akshakumara paid his respects and consoled his father: “Father, do not be concerned about the monkey. I will go with my best fighters and bring him tied up in no time.”

Hanuman was sitting on top of a flag tower when he noticed Akshakumara approaching him. Akshakumara’s arrows hit him badly, but he hit him back on his head with a pillar. Akshakumara was killed instantly. Ravana was beyond grief, hearing about his son’s death. With an anguished heart, he went and saw Indrajit, his elder son, and told him what happened. “You must kill that wretched monkey who killed your brother. We will do his final rites after you kill the beast.”  Indrajit replied: “father, do not worry. I will put an end to this. His death is near for sure. I will tie him up using Brahma’s arrow. It is indeed shameful to see that a monkey has created all these troubles for us. I will crush him like a mosquito and by hook or crook, I will bring him to you. You take rest without any worries; I will take care of everything.” 

Indrajit, also known as Meghanada, left the palace fully armed with bows and arrows, mace, and other weapons. Hanuman jumped from the sky like the eagle Garuda, in front of Indrajit. They both assessed each other’s power and stood mutually appreciating. He shot five arrows directed towards Maruti’s head. Hanuman gave a befitting reply with eight arrows towards Indrajith’s heart and another six to his feet. He retorted with a strong arrow directed to Hanuman’s tail with a roar. That hit him badly and outraged him. He killed the charioteer of the enemy with one hit by an uprooted pillar. He also destroyed the chariot. Meghanada went and brought another chariot and started showering arrows towards Hanuman. Hanuman was wounded, but not defeated. Seeing this, Meghanada used Brahma’s arrow. Maruti had great reverence for Lord Brahma, and he accepted it. He fainted and fell unconscious for a moment. Indrajit tied him down and brought him to Ravana’s court. 

As Hanuman was blessed by the Devas before, he was unaffected, and he did not feel any pain. Anyone who chants Rama’s name will develop devotion and all their bondages will be cut asunder, and they will reach the abode of Lord Vishnu. How can Hanuman be afflicted when his heart is the abode of Lord Rama? When you are not affected by the bondage of birth and death, why should you be worried about the physical bondage with a rope? Hanuman conceded and agreed to be tied up. Several Rakshasas came to see him as he was tied up. Brahma’s arrow was withdrawn, and he was not affected by the rope around him. But he acted as if he was and kept quiet and let the Rakshasas carry him to the court of Lanka where Ravana was waiting for him anxiously.

Ravana said: “This monkey killed several of our Rakshasa warriors and Meghanada tied him up after winning him over, by using Brahma’s arrow. Prahasta, although Hanuman is a monkey, he is not an ordinary one. He is the destroyer of many of our people, including Akshakumara. Ask him why he is here and why did he destroy our city? Why did he start killing our mighty warriors? Check whose messenger, is he?” 

Prahasta, Ravana’s minister asked Hanuman: “Oh! Monkey, who sent you here? Please tell your truth in this court of king Ravana. Do not be afraid; we will set you free. This court is as good as the court of Lord Brahma. In the court of Ravana, we maintain Satya and Dharma.”

Hanuman answered with a smiling face, keeping his mind steadfast, meditating upon Rama. ‘Hear me out clearly, Oh! Lord of fools, I am the messenger of Rama. He came to live in the forest obeying his father. His wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana followed him. Did you not abduct Sita like a thief? Is that not enough reason for you to be killed? Your fate is determined by Lord Brahma.  Rama entered a pact with Sugriva, and they decided to help each other. Rama killed Bali and Sugriva regained the kingdom of Kishkindha. Sugriva sent thousands of us in different directions in search of Sita and I am one of them. I was fortunate enough to meet her here. About the destruction of gardens, please consider it as my natural behavior as a fickle-minded monkey. I had to kill some warriors, only because they came to kill me, and am I not justified protecting my life? Are there any animals on earth who do not fear for their life? Even if one is a thousand years old, he is in love with his body and will try to protect it. Your son tied me up only because he had the arrow of Lord Brahma. But my body will not be affected because of the blessings I got from Lord Vishnu. No one can kill me either. Please listen to me what I have to say for your good. Knowledgeable people must try to remove the ignorance from the minds of people who are not that bright. I will advise you about the ultimate knowledge that can redeem you from the shackle of birth and death. 

Hanuman started his advice: “Oh king, think about how the world functions without being swayed by delusion. Get rid of your diabolic attitude and adopt a pious stance. That will get rid of your fear of death. You are indeed the unwavering Atman, that is not separate from the Paramatma. Get rid of the six negativities, viz., lust, rage, delusion, greed, vanity, and rivalry. You are coming from a great lineage and do not denigrate yourself and go down in the path of sin. Do not entertain the discriminatory feeling between gods, demons, humans, animals, birds, and snakes, etc., because the differences are only in the physical body. Your essential nature is not the body, not even the mind. Prana and the body are not the essence of us. Atman is our essence. The supreme reality is not known even by the Trinity, Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheswara. It is the attributeless reality that does not undergo any modifications. What you experience with the five senses is only matter and the identification with the matter by the Jiva is the root cause of worldly sorrows. One can understand this by self-inquiry, and I urge you to start on the path of self-awareness. By developing devotion towards the Lord, you can develop purity of heart. Once the heart is immaculate, it can accept pure knowledge. An easy way to achieve this is by chanting the mantra with just two syllables. Rama! Rama! Rama! – This is the one mantra that can take you across the ocean of samsara. So, I urge you to start chanting the Rama mantra. Throw away your foolishness and seek refuge at Rama’s feet. You can reach Vishnu’s abode by embarking on this journey. Desiring another man’s wife is a lowly sin and do not be caught up in a behavior that will take you down on a slippery slope. Discard your hatred and take refuge at the lotus feet of Rama. Be assured that Rama has no enmity towards you. He is unbelievably compassionate. If you are fully immersed in His thoughts, he will take care of you, and you will not have another birth. What I just told is all truth, well approved by Sanaka, Sanantha, and other illustrious seekers who attained self-realization.”

Hearing the detailed expose’ of Hanuman, Ravana was even more furious. All his twenty eyes became red with rage and he decreed. “Cut this tiny monkey into thousand pieces. I have never seen anyone so impudent. He is not afraid of anyone, and he is not humble either. He must be stupid to blabber like this in front of me. Who is this Rama you are extolling about? Who is this Sugriva? I will kill them, then Janaki and you.” Hearing this Maruti was angry. Clinching his teeth, he threatened Ravana; “Even if a hundred thousand Ravana’s come to fight with me, they are not a match for my little finger. You cannot do anything against me.”

“Are there no one with a weapon who can kill this wretched fellow?” Ravana yelled.

Immediately, Vibhishana, Ravana’s younger brother interjected and stopped his brother: “Oh Lord, do not kill him. He is only a messenger. It is highly improper to kill a messenger. If we kill him, who will convey our message to Rama? Make an indelible mark on his body and send him back to his master.” So be it, said Ravana. 

Burning of Lanka

For a monkey, their valor is not displayed on their face, hands, or legs; it is on their tail. So, the Rakshasas decided to set fire to his tail after draping it in cotton. “Then he should be walked all around the city with drummers and announcers yelling out ‘this is the thief who came in the middle of the night and created havoc. When his tail gets burned, his monkey tribe will excommunicate him.”  They started draping long pieces of cotton clothes drenched in oil around Hanuman’s tail, but they could not cover the length of the tail. Hanuman’s tail grew in length and all the available clothes were not enough to drape it completely. They brought more clothes from other palaces and still draping of the tail remained incomplete. They ran out of clothes and all the available oil and ghee were used up. “This was a bad idea”, some of them opined. “Who came up with this stupid suggestion?” asked another one. 

“That is enough, let us set fire to it!” said someone, and so they did. The flame was fierce as the fabric was drenched in ghee. He was tied up with a thick strong rope and the guards were ready to take him around the city with his tail burning. The drummers beat a wild rhythm announcing the arrival of yellers with a piece of important news. As soon as they reached the Eastern gate, Hanuman transformed himself into a thin body and that made the rope loosen up and he wiggled out of the loops. Then he jumped up the gate tower after killing his sentries. He climbed up another tower laden with jewels and precious stones that almost touched the sky, and the fire swamped the building. He kept jumping from one building to the other, setting fire to everything in his path. As the fire grew, the whole city started to burn. Places that housed the elephants, horses, and other animals were destroyed. Several chariots and weapon storages were burned, and the animals fled the scene. Flames competed and reaching the sky as if to see who can grow taller and wilder with the help of air fanning them. After all, this is the sport of Maruti, son of Vayu. Lanka, with all its prosperity, could not stand the fire and most of the areas were badly affected. Vibhishana’s house was spared miraculously. Ladies came out of palaces and started wailing. Some of them died due to severe burns due to their dresses and hair catching fire. 

“What a calamity! This is indeed our king’s doing. When a king tries to grab other people’s wealth and their ladies, a kingdom is doomed, and the subjects will suffer the consequences. Our king was smitten by the beauty of a human lady, and he abducted her. He has done such atrocities before and this time the whole country is suffering for his sins.” Rakshasa ladies blamed Ravana for their misfortune. 

Tree branches, still engulfed in flames fell on some of them and they went to Yama’s abode. The flame stayed long with glitter as if to show that the God of Fire, Agni was happy to have received a sumptuous meal. Hanuman was not injured as he was dear to Agni. Sita Devi was also spared of the scorching fire as she was immersed in the thoughts of Rama. Thinking of Rama and chanting Rama’s name are sure shot ways to pass all the three levels of afflictions of worldly life, samsara.

Hanuman went back to Sita Devi and told her that he is returning after his mission. “Devi, I will convey your message to Rama, and he will come to rescue you soon.”

“Yes, your words consoled me, but tell me, how am I supposed to live here until he comes here without hearing any news from him?”

Hearing this Hanuman offered: “Oh! Mother, you can put an end to this grief of separation right away. Please sit on my shoulder, I will take you to your Lord in no time.” Hearing this Sita was pleased but told him that she trusts him but will hold on until Rama arrives. I want him to come here with his army of Vanaras, and fight with the Rakshasa and kill him. Then I want to go back with him in royal style. If I were to secretly escape along with you, it will not add to my husband's fame. You go back and serve him to hasten his arrival.” Sita blessed him and Hanuman, with folded hands bid her goodbye. Then he jumped and flew back, crossing the ocean easily. 

Hanuman’s Return

Vanaras, waiting at the seashore heard a roaring sound and looked in the direction of the sound with hope. “It must be Maruti coming back, completing his mission,” they thought. Hanuman landed on the mountain top and told them: “Yes, I met Sita Devi. With the blessings of Rama, I talked to her and then met with Ravana, the one with ten heads. Then, just before returning, I destroyed the city of Lanka, setting fire to most of their buildings and gardens. Oh! Jambava, let us go to Rama and inform him everything right away.” 

Vanaras embraced Hanuman and touched with their tails in appreciation of what he has accomplished. They were relieved and they jumped with joy. As they walked towards Rama, they saw a beautiful garden full of fruits of various kinds. Knowing that it is owned by Sugriva, they suggested to Angada: “Let us eat and drink quickly and then go to see Lord Rama.” They were all tired after a few days of fasting. Angada agreed and they were elated. Then the leader of the garden sentries, Dadhimugha, who was appointed by Sugriva tried to stop them. Hanuman and his comrades used their muscle power to chase them away. Dadhimugha ran to Sugriva and reported what happened. Sugriva was happy to learn that the Vanaras were celebrating, led by Hanuman. He told Rama: “I am sure, Maruti and his friends are returning after fulfilling their mission. Otherwise, they will not dare to touch my garden without permission. Do not worry about the garden. You may go and ask them to come here fast.”

Hearing that Sugriva was not upset with their trespassing, they happily walked fast to see Rama. Rama was waiting for their arrival and as soon as Hanuman saw him, he prostrated at his feet. He paid respect to Sugriva and elders and then told Rama: “I have met Sita Devi in Lanka, at the abode of the Rakshasa king, Ravana. She is living there with her unkempt hair and dress, sitting under a Simsapa tree. She looked emaciated as she has not been eating anything and is grief-stricken. Around her, there are Rakshasa ladies as her sentries. She keeps on chanting ‘Rama, Rama’, all the time. On the night I reached there, I approached her after transforming my body as a tiny Vanara, and started narrating your story in a way she would be interested in. I concluded the narration by saying: “I am, Hanuman, your servant, one of those Vanaras, sent out by Sugriva in search of Devi. It is my fortune to have been able to see you.” 

Devi was initially perplexed as to where the narration was coming from. Then she saw me and looked at me with compassion. She asked me who I am, and I told her everything. Although she was convinced about my intentions, I gave her your ring and immediately she started weeping. She kissed and caressed it and touched her forehead with it with great reverence. She asked me to tell you all about the conditions of her living, the abuse of the sentry ladies, etc. She wanted you and Lakshmana to reach there as soon as possible and kill the Rakshasas. Then I asked her to give me something to take back with me and show you as proof of having met her. She gave me her Choodaratna and narrated the story of the Crow, Jayantha, who lost one of his eyes when you shot a blade of grass at him. I consoled her and bid goodbye to her. After that, I did something naughty.  I destroyed their gardens and uprooted some trees. Then I killed a few Rakshasas who came to fight with me. Then Ravana’s son tied me up with Brahma’s arrow and I was taken to the royal court and they questioned me. I told him your message and escaped from there. On the way back I set fire to the entire city and burned their buildings and destroyed their stores of weapons. Then I came back, crossing the ocean. Now I am here seeking your blessings and refuge. Tell me what is to be done next.”

Hearing the messenger’s report, Rama was pleased, and Sugriva was relieved. “You have achieved the impossible! I will gift you everything you want, in return for having done this for me. Come to think of it, nothing can compensate for what you did for me.” So, saying, Rama embraced Hanuman lovingly. 

Lord Siva concluded by saying: “Who will get such a great fortune, i.e., to be embraced by the Lord himself!” Paravati heard it with devotion and waited for the rest of the story.

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