Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 13. Kishkindhakandham contd.

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 13. Kishkindhakandham contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  27.21 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 13 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  13

Kishkindhakandham contd.

Search For Sita

Sugriva and Hanuman took a chariot and sped to see Rama. Hanuman, Neelan, and Angada followed with a large army of Vanaras. Drummers and other artists followed the retinue. Rama, staying in the cave at the mountaintop, was unkempt with his beard and in the garbs of a mendicant. Sugriva went and prostrated at the feet of Rama, and he embraced him dearly. Rama and Sugriva exchanged pleasantries and ate some fruits and roots, and spend some time happily. Then they started planning the search for Sita.

Sugriva told Rama: “Please look at the mighty Vanaras lined up ready for your command. These are great warriors who have proved themselves in various ways. They came from various forests and islands, ready to take up any tasks. You may see that some of them are gigantic and some of them are very handsome, but they are all warriors. They are part of Devas, appearing here as Vanaras to serve you. They just need some fruits, roots, and leaves to sustain themselves and they can work hard for you. Here is Jambava, Hanuman, Neelan, Gajan, Gavayan, Gavakshan, and so many famous Vanaras leading the pack. Please tell them what to do and they will oblige.” 

Rama asked Sugriva to assign them to different directions in search of Sita. They decided to send one hundred thousand Vanaras each to all directions. They must search everywhere and he gave them thirty days to complete the task. Those who return after thirty days without getting the whereabouts of Sita will be facing death for sure. Vanaras prostrated the Lord and started their journey.

When they were about to leave, Rama called Hanuman aside and said: “I have a great feeling that you will be the one who is going to meet Sita. When you meet her, please give her this ring engraved with my name so that she will be convinced. Also, please tell her this secret word, only she and I know.”

Vanaras, in big numbers sped Southward, towards Lanka, where Sita was supposed to have been taken by Ravana. They searched for Sita everywhere on the way and chanced upon a demon and killed him instantly. 


They entered the dark forest and the Vanaras were tired of hunger and thirst. Their mouth and throat were dry, and they were looking for a place to drink some water. They saw a deep ditch and thought there would be water in it but could not find any indication of that from outside. Then they saw some birds with water dripping from their wings flying towards them out of that ditch. Then they knew there would be water available nearby, in that ditch. They decided to enter the ditch and started to walk. It was completely dark, and they held each other’s hands. After walking a while, they saw a beautiful place, golden hew, with lots of water springs. There were trees and bushes full of varieties of fruits. It was an enchanting place, like heaven, full of great things but no human beings were seen. After a while, they saw a woman, a Yogini, who was meditating without any movement, resplendent like the flame of an unflickering lamp. Vanaras paid obeisance to her, and she opened her eyes. Seeing the monkeys, she asked: “Who are you and what is the purpose of your visit? How did you find your way here?”

Hanuman told her about the mission starting from the story of Rama, the abduction of Sita, and the search they are engaged in. “We are hundred thousand Vanaras working the Southern areas in search of Sita. We are hungry and thirsty after the long walk and saw this cave, as we looked for water. Although it was my mistake, it ended up being a blessing for us because we saw you. We do not know who you are, but we are really lucky to have met you.”

“Why don't you all drink and eat whatever you want and after that I will tell you all about myself” The Vanaras well happy to hear this and they ate and drank to their heart's content. They came back to the Yogini ready to hear her story with folded hands. With a smile, she told Hanuman about herself: “Hema, the daughter of Vishwakarma was able to please Lord Maheswara with her dances and he gifted her this place. I am her friend, and my name is Swayam Prabha. I have lived here with her for a long time enjoying the facilities. Hema was a seeker of liberation, devoted to Lord Vishnu. Eventually, she reached the Brahmaloka, and she blessed me to live here as a Yogini without fearing any animals. I got this boon that I will be relieved from the cycle of birth and death when a large group of Vanaras come in search of Sita and visit me here. She had asked me to serve you food and drinks and then to meet with Rama. “Rama is none other than the Paramatma. If you meditate upon the ultimate reality, you will reach it.” She had told me so. I am leaving now to see Rama, but before that, I will show you the way.  Close your eyes. Immediately they reached the forest path they were in, before entering the ditch. 

The Yogini left the cave and reached Rama without delay. With a trembling voice and with her body hair on ends, she circumambulated the Lord and started chanting a wonderful hymn praising him. Her voice crackled, taken aback by the deep devotion and exhilaration of having met Rama. “Oh! Lord, I am your maidservant seeking your compassion. My years of penance found fruit today by being able to see you in person. How can someone limited like me know you, the ultimate reality? May I be blessed with the ability to chant your name all the time!” As she concluded her hymn, she prostrated at the feet of Rama, and he was pleased. He asked her to tell him her wishes.  She said: “Today all my wishes were fulfilled just by seeing you. I ask of you only one thing. May I have unshaken devotion unto your lotus feet! May I be allowed to be in the company of your devotees all the time!  Also, may I not be put in a situation to be in the company of people who have no devotion for you. May I be able to chant your names all the time! May I be blessed to keep your fully decked and ornamented form always fresh in my mind!” Hearing her innocent requests, Rama was pleased. He blessed her to continue her sadhana at Badri. She did it as advised, and finally reached the abode of Lord Vishnu.

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