Saturday, July 24, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 9. Aaranyakandham Contd.

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 9. Aaranyakandham Contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  40.10 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 9 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  9

Aaranyakandham Contd.

Searching for Sita

Rama, after killing Maricha walked back to the Ashram fast when he saw Lakshmana at a distance, seemingly coming in search of him. As Rama knew what would have occurred in the Ashram in the meantime, he thought! “Poor Lakshmana does not know the divine play. Ravana has kidnapped the Maya Sita, not my consort, but no one should know that now. Can anyone get the real Sita who is hiding inside the fire? I better grieve as if I am a commoner and start searching for Sita. Once I reach Lanka and kill Ravana, I can retrieve Sita from the Fire and return to Ayodhya and live there for the rest of my life. For the time being, I better hide this ploy from Lakshmana.” As Lakshmana was close to him, he asked: “who is in the Ashram with Sita? Did you leave her there alone? What if some demons come and kidnap her or even eat her up? These Rakshasas can do all kinds of atrocities indiscriminately.” 

Lakshmana told Rama in a distraught voice what happened at the Ashram. “Hearing your cry, mimicked by the Rakshasa, Sita Devi was convinced that it was you under attack. Thinking that you are in trouble she forced me to leave her there and come in search of you. When I try to convince her that nobody can defeat you, she was angry with me. She abused me with harsh words that I cannot even narrate to you. I closed my ears with my hands and left the Ashram entrusting her under the mercy of the forest deities.”

“Oh! Lakshmana, it was wrong of you to leave her there alone. Ladies are known to blabber many things and we should not take them seriously.” They returned to the Ashram and as suspected, they could not find Sita anywhere. Rama started sobbing at the thought of separation from Sita. “Ha, Sita! Ha Janaki! My love, are you hiding to tease me? Please do not make me suffer for long. Please come out.” Distraught, he started walking in the forest in search of Sita along with his brother Lakshmana. He even asked the creepers and bushes if they had seen his beloved. He asked the birds and animals; and checked with trees and talked to living and non-living things he came across. He was behaving like an ordinary mortal although nothing would affect a man of equanimity and composure. He was acting his role in Maya to complete his life’s mission.

Passing of the Great Bird, Jatayu 

As Rama was walking like a madman in search of Sita, along with Lakshmana, they saw a shattered chariot near the path. There were arrows and balls strewn around the chariot. “It looks like when the culprit was taking Sita away somebody fought with him and the remnant of that fight is what we are seeing here”, said Rama. As they walked further, they saw a gigantic beast lying there on the path. Initially, Rama thought it might be a Rakshasa, but soon they realized that it was the great bird Jatayu, lying down there with its wings clipped. Jatayu said: “When Ravana flew his chariot kidnapping Sita Devi, on the way to Lanka, I confronted him. I attacked him and shattered his chariot. He was furious and cut off my wings using his divine sword, Chandrahasa. I fell on the ground and mother Sita blessed me saying that I will not breathe my last until I meet with you. Please shower your blessings on me so that you will be in my mind all the time.”

Hearing this, Rama sat down near Jatayu and caressed him fondly. Jatayu told Rama that Ravana took Sita southward to Lanka. “My time is up and with your compassion may I be allowed to leave this world gazing at you!. I know you are Lord Vishnu, now appearing as Rama, to annihilate Ravana. I'm sure I will be liberated from the cycle of birth and death by your grace.” Thus, saying he breathed his last. Rama asked Lakshmana to arrange a funeral pyre to do his last rites. The brothers did the final rites for the bird who was a friend to their father Dasaratha. They killed a deer and gave the oblation of meat and water to the bird’s ancestors. At that time, a divine airplane appeared and took Jatayu to the abode of Lord Vishnu. Then and there, Jatayu became an associate of Vishnu, and he chanted a delightful hymn (stuti) in praise of Rama, the human form of Lord Vishnu. “Salutations to Rama! Salutations to the Lord who has no beginning and end. My prostrations to the Lord of the universe who is nothing but Paramatma, the ever-present omniscient and omnipotent, witness consciousness.”

Liberation of Kabandha 

Again, Rama walked into the deep forest along with Lakshmana searching for Sita everywhere. Suddenly, they came across a terrible beast who has no head but has yojana-long hands. This mysterious creature had no eyes. But he had a large opening for the mouth at his chest. It charged at them as if to eat them alive. They were initially scared but later decided to deal with the beast by cutting off its arms. Rama cut his right arm and Lakshmana, his left. At that time, the beast asked them who they are and why were they roaming in the forest. Rama told him about his background and the incident of Ravana’s abduction of Sita. “We cut your arms to protect other creatures from harm. Now tell us who you are and why are you in this terrible form?” 

Kabandha replied: “I was a celestial being and, in my playfulness, and indiscretion, I made fun of sage Ashtavakra and ended up getting cursed by him to take up this life on earth. The sage was kind enough to allow me to redeem myself by meeting with you in the forest. He said: “when Rama comes to this forest in search of Sita and cuts off my arms, I will be redeemed off the sins I committed. I got this terrible shape as a Kabandha after I fought with Lord Indra. He was a good warrior, and he was able to slit my head off, but could not kill me because I had to live until you show up in the forest, due to the sage’s curse. He picked up my head and pushed it down to my body and that is how I got this shape. My hands were a yojana long and all the creatures within my reach became my food. If you are kind enough to burn my body, then I will tell you what I know. Rama dug a hole in the ground and prepared a funeral pyre for Kabandha. From the fire came up a Gandharva, a celestial being, the original form of Kabandha. He did prostrations at the feet of Rama and praised the Lord with a beautiful hymn. with folded hands, he sang the praise of Lord Vishnu saying that god’s ways are impossible to fathom. He went on extolling the virtue of Lord as Virat Purusha. He was blessed by Rama, and he told Rama: “when you walk a little further you can see Matanga Ashram where the pious lady Shabari resides. She is an ardent devotee of the Lord and she will be able to direct you to find Sita.

Entering Sabari’s Ashram

After the Gandharva returned to heaven, Rama and Lakshmana preceded to Sabari’s Ashram. Sabari, the lady of the Ashram was so excited seeing the special guests that she forgot everything. She prostrated at the feet of Rama and shed tears of joy. She served them fruits and roots with water and gave a ritualistic welcome to the distinguished guests. As the Princes enjoyed the reception, Sabari expressed her happiness at having met the duo. She told them about her background. “I was in the service of the sages here for a thousand years. They were pleased with me and blessed me to continue to stay here in the Ashram until Rama and Lakshmana came to see me. “After getting the vision of Lord Rama you can leave your body and reach Brahmaloka.”, they assured. I have been waiting for you all these years and now I had the great fortune to see your Lotus feet and to do puja. Even accomplished yogis are not as fortunate as me although I am uneducated and of a lower caste. I do not even know how to praise you with proper hymns.” 

Hearing this Rama consoled her. “I do not have any discrimination between men, women, animals, or their castes. I am interested only in their devotion. Devotion is the only way to achieve liberation. Going on a pilgrimage, visiting temples, or doing sacrifice rituals, etc. are good, but no one will get to see me except when they are devoted to me with a one-point vision. To develop devotion, one should build up the company of noble people, Satsang, which is the first requirement. The second is telling my stories and singing my glories. The third is to identify with my qualities and the fourth is to follow my words. The fifth is to follow my rituals serving the gurus. The sixth is to live a noble life, conducted following the scriptural injunctions of Yama- Niyama, etc. The seventh is to meditate upon me as the Lord and chanting the mantra prescribed for you by your guru. As the eighth step, develop compassion towards all living beings around you and see me in all of them. Develop ultimate respect towards my devotees all the time and develop dispassion towards worldly possessions. As the ninth step, know and firm up your mind in the knowledge that the soul of the universe, Paramatma, is me and it is indeed the soul of the individual, Jivatma. These are the nine ways to develop devotion. This devotion can be developed by animals, humans, and even people with low intelligence. When they cultivate devotion, they will have a blissful feeling of contentment. This leads to liberation, and this is the best path for human beings to follow. Devotion is indeed the call for liberation, and you are the best example of all.  Your unsullied devotion is the reason why you were able to see us. Your time of liberation has come and now tell us where we can find Sita Devi.”

Sabari replied: “You are omniscient and still ask us to tell you about something you already know. But I will oblige as a matter of good conduct. Sita Devi is residing in Lanka grieving profusely, always thinking about Rama and chanting the name. She was abducted by Ravana, the king of Lanka. Within my divine vision, I could see Sita who is none other than Lakshmi herself. When you walk towards the South you will come across a beautiful river Pampa. Near pampa is the mountain Rishyamooka where Sugriva, the king of monkeys resides. He is there with four of his ministers living in exile, fearing for his life from his brother Bali. Bali cannot go to the mountain because of a curse. You go and see Sugriva and enter a pact with him who will help you find Sita Devi. I am going to end my life by jumping in the fire so that I can merge with the divine. Oh! compassionate one may I be freed from all the worldly bondages created by the play of Maya!” Thus saying, she left her body and attained liberation. 

If the Lord were to be pleased with you nothing would be impossible, that includes attaining liberation. This is available to all living beings, irrespective of their species, caste, sex, and color. Devotion unto the Lotus feet of Sri Rama can liberate us. Let us meditate on Rama’s name and form all the time. Let us chant Rama’s hymns all the time. Let us listen to Rama’s stories and let us do pooja to Rama all the time. When we see everything around us in the universe as Rama, we can identify with Rama’s principles. So, let us chant the name of Rama.

Thus, Lord Siva continued the story of Rama as requested by his consort Parvati. Parvati was captivated by the devotion towards Rama and waited for her Lord to continue the story.

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