Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 12. Kishkindhakandham Contd

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 12. Kishkindhakandham Contd

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  32.20 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 12 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  12


Kishkindhakandham Contd

Coronation of Sugriva

Rama asked Sugriva to help Bali's son, Angada to do the final rites for Bali. They conducted the ritual suitable for a King's final journey. After completing the rituals and the associated celebrations they came to Rama. Sugriva requested Rama to take the helm of Kishkindha. “You be the king, and Lord, I will serve you as Lakshmana does.” Rama was pleased with the offer but insisted that Sugriva is going to make a great king. “Sugriva, you are me and I am you, and have no doubt about that. You are fit to rule Kishkindha. In my case, I must live in the forest for fourteen years and so, I will not reside in a city or a palace until I finish that period. Lakshmana will coronate you as the king and Angada, Bali’s son will be the king in waiting. You rule the Kingdom and take care of Angada as if he is your son. I will go and stay there on top of the mountain for four months of rain when it is impossible to move around searching Sita Devi. Once the rainy season is over you must help me in the search. Until then you enjoy being the new king, with your wife.” Lakshmana coronated Sugriva and came back to Rama. 

Rama Instructs the Kriyamarga to Lakshmana 

Rama walked up the Pravarshana Mountain along with Lakshmana where they found a cave and made it their home. The area was beautiful, full of glittering minerals and fruit-filled trees and plants. There, Rama, the human form of Lord Vishnu stayed with his brother. Rama was mostly engaged in meditation and often reached a state of samadhi. One day, Lakshmana told Rama that he would like to be instructed on the Kriyamarga of spiritual life. “I've heard that kriya marga leads us, who follows the four-fold varna division of the societal life, to moksha. Please instruct me in detail what sages such as Narada, Vyasa, and Brahma are accomplishing by doing pooja to Narayana. Tell me how to attain moksha in this life itself. Your instructions will guide others as well." 

Rama said: “Listen Lakshmana, you may do pooja to me in a variety of ways and it is difficult to tell you about it exhaustively. I will narrate it concisely as you are so dear to me. If one develops the qualities of a Brahmana or if you are born in the family of Brahmanas, seek advice from a teacher and start your contemplation. The whole pooja rituals can be done within the lotus of your heart, or you can do pooja on fire, idols, sun, water, or an altar. But if you have a proper Salagrama stone, that would be ideal. Chant the hymns of Vedas, take bath early in the morning, and conduct all the rituals daily in the morning and evening twilights. Imagine me as your guru and do pooja on my idol, with incense, flowers, and light. Gather all the materials required for the pooja and arrange them in a place ready for the daily Yagna. If you do not have any of the materials, if you can offer me a drop of water with ultimate devotion; I will be pleased. Of course, if you can afford it, do offer me everything including a lot of incense, flowers, and sweetmeats. I like everything offered to me with devotion. After the ritual of pooja, you can offer music and dances, and other art forms to please me. Keep me always in your mind and accept the remnants of the pooja as the Prasada, a symbol of my blessings to you.  Do this daily and you will develop devotion, and that would lead to moksha. When you drop your body, you can attain Saroopya, a form similar to mine. Even just learning about the kriya marga, is like doing those rituals daily and you will be benefited.”

After instructing thus, Rama fell back into the mode of an ordinary human being affected by samsara, grieving, thinking about Sita. He lost sleep for days on end and Lakshmana had to console him!

Hanuman and Sugriva

When they were happily living thus in Kishkindha, Hanuman told Sugriva: “I am going to tell you something for your good. Rama did everything he promised for your benefit because he is known to keep his promises. Have you ever thought about what you must do for Rama? With Rama’s help, you got the Kishkindha back and Bali is no more for you to fear. If you do not fulfill your side of the agreement, you will also face the same fate as Bali. A person who does not return the favors he received is as good as dead while living. You know that Rama is staying on top of the mountain along with his brother, grieving about his wife and he is expecting you to start working for his goal. It seems you forgot about it, and you are enjoying life by drinking and spending time with your wife.” 

Hearing Hanuman’s wise words, Sugriva said: “Yes, my dear Hanuman, what you said is true. If a king has a minister as wise as you, he has nothing to fear. Let us send our messengers immediately to all ten directions and engage Vanaras living in seven islands around the world to coordinate the search. Send ten thousand Vanaras for this purpose and give them a message stating the purpose of the search. Instruct that all of them to return in two weeks and if they do not oblige, they will face the punishment of death.” Hearing Sugriva's instructions, Hanuman sent out ten thousand mighty monkeys to ten directions to carry out the search mission.

Sri Rama’s Grief of Separation from Sita

One day, as Rama was sitting on the top of the mountain, told Lakshmana in a heartbroken voice. “Lakshmana, I have a feeling that Janaki may have been killed by the Rakshasas. Perhaps she is living thinking about me, grief-stricken and emaciated. If anybody tells me where she is, I will go there and fight with her abductor and forcefully bring her back. I would kill the culprit and destroy his family. Oh! Sita, when am I going to see you again? As you are away from me even the cool moonlight feels like scorching sun. Even my comrade Sugriva seems to have lost his love towards me as he got his work done. Now he must be enjoying life with ladies and the facilities of his palace. He had promised to come here after the four months of rain but has not come yet. If he continues to ignore me, I am not going to be patient anymore. I will destroy Kishkindha along with all the people in it.” 

When Lakshmana heard this, he was outraged at Sugriva. “I'm going to kill Sugriva right away. Please permit me to leave for Kishkindha.” He took his bow and a quiver full of arrows and got ready. Then Rama reminded him: “Sugriva is my friend, and he does not deserve to be killed. You go and remind him that the arrow that killed Bali is still with me. Tell me his response and we will do the rest later.”

Without delay, Lakshmana went to Kishkindha and stood at the gateway. His gaze was so furious that the monkeys thought they will be burned in his rage. Lakshmana raised his bow and made a noise by striking its string. The monkeys were petrified, and they ran everywhere, defecating themselves out of fear. When prince Angada heard that Lakshmana has arrived, he ran to the gate to welcome him.  Angada prostrated in front of Lakshmana and embraced him. Lakshmana asked him to convey a message to Sugriva that he should not cheat his partner, Rama. It was high time that he started to search Sita as planned. if he does not, he will face the same fate as his brother Bali. Angada went to Sugriva and conveyed the message. Sugriva asked Hanuman to pacify Lakshmana and bring him inside the palace of Kishkindha. He also asked Tara to talk to Lakshmana and please him with nice words. 

When Hanuman and Angada came into the palace with Lakshmana, Tara with folded hands received the guest with pleasantries. She told Lakshmana with reverence: “Lakshmana, my Lord, this is your palace as well. How come you are angry with your devotee, Sugriva?  After all, he is an ordinary monkey who is, by nature, fickle-minded. He has been running in the forest in fear of his brother for a long time and when he got some relief due to your compassion, he may have gotten indulged in pleasure and forgotten about his duties. Excuse him and be kind. He has already commissioned ten thousand mighty Vanaras to ten directions searching for Sita Devi. Be assured that now he will not slack in his effort.” Hearing this, Lakshmana went to see Sugriva.  He stood up from his throne and welcomed Lakshmana. “How come you forgot Rama and his work? You know that the arrow that killed your brother is still with him.” 

“Please do not be angry with us, I will not stray away from the truth and by promise. Moreover, I am a devotee of Rama. I have already started his work and my Vanara warriors will accomplish it very well.” Sugriva prostrated at Lakshmana’s feet and offered fruits and roots as a symbol of respect. “I know that Rama will win over everyone in no time, and what we're doing is only to help that process. I will never forget that you have rescued me with your compassion.” 

Lakshmana felt bad about the outrage he had and told him: “Please forgive my harsh words, uttered out of grief. Let us go to the mountaintop where Rama is anxiously waiting to see us. 


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