Monday, July 26, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 11. Kishkindhakandham Contd.

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 11. Kishkindhakandham Contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  29.00 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 11 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  11

Kishkindhakandham Contd.

Fight between Bali and Sugriva

Sugriva, the son of God Surya, went to Kishkindha along with Rama, Lakshmana, and his four ministers, and challenged Bali for a duel. Rama and Lakshmana stayed back behind the trees. Bali was outraged at Sugriva's challenge; came down dashing to fight with his brother. He hit Sugriva hard, and Bali also got a heavy beating from Sugriva. As they continued fighting both their bodies were smeared with blood and Rama could not distinguish between them. Rama was planning to use his arrow, but he could not identify Bali. Sugriva was beaten up badly and he threw up blood. Bali also got his share of beating and he returned to his palace. 

Tired from the fight Sugriva complained. “Rama, my Lord, I thought you would help me by killing the culprit by your sure-shot arrows. It seems your idea is to get me killed in the hands of my enemy. If that is how you are planning to help me, what is the use of having a pact?. If you think I deserve to be killed, why don’t you do it yourself? I thought your promises are written on stone and you live for truth.” As Sugriva was done complaining, Rama embraced him and consoled saying that he could not identify Bali from the duo. “Next day, when you challenge him for a fight, wear a flower garland around your neck so that I can identify you.” 

The next day Lakshmana put a flower garland around Sugriva’s neck and sent him down for the duel. Sugriva went back to the gate of Kishkindha and challenged Bali again. When Bali started from home, his wife Tara asked: “Why are you going for the fight without thinking about it twice? Yesterday you defeated him, and still, Sugriva is back challenging you again. I smell something bad behind his return. Surely, he has a friend who is going to help him this time.”

Bali replied: “Tara, leave me to fight the battle I have to face. Sugriva does not have any relatives to help him in the fight. Moreover, no one has enmity with me. In any case, if someone comes to your door challenging for a fight, a warrior will not shy away. I will kill the enemy and come back.” Hearing this Tara told him the news she had heard from their son Angada. Angada went hunting, and he came to know about Rama, the son of emperor Dasaratha wandering in search of queen Sita who was abducted by Ravana. Rama has entered a pact with Sugriva to find his wife and in return, he would help him kill Bali and regain Kishkindha for him. 

“I am sure that Sugriva is here with the ploy to fake a fight with you as agreed with Rama. Please accept Sugriva as your brother and live peacefully and you should go and see Rama, seek refuge in him.” Tara requested Bali not to go, but Bali wouldn’t listen. He embraced Tara and replied. “Dear, do not get succumbed to fear like ordinary ladies. You have nothing to fear if Rama and Lakshmana came here with Sugriva; they know that I am their ardent devotee, and no one loves Rama more than me. They will side with me for sure. Sri Rama is indeed Lord Narayana in human form. He has come to earth to restore Dharma. He does not have any partiality towards anyone. He is known to be unattached, and he is the Paramatma. When I see him, I will fall at his feet and bring him to our palace. They will get more help from me, the mighty Bali, than from the meek Sugriva. Paramatma is sure to help those who surrender to him. He is attained only through devotion, and you know that I am a big devotee of the Lord.” Bali went to fight Sugriva and Tara wept silently thinking about what would happen in the fight.

A fierce fight ensued, and both the brothers were showing no mercy in hitting each other. They used their hands, feet, fingernails, and teeth in the fight as they are monkeys. The fight was akin to a fight between two Kalas, the God of death. The fight between Bali and Sugriva had no comparison with any other fights anyone has ever observed. It was like two mountains fighting each other and two oceans colliding. Bali was wearing a chain that his father gave and Sugriva was wearing a flower garland he got from Rama. They were equal in their prowess and strength. Rama saw that Sugriva was getting tired and decided to help him. He took an arrow and shot at Bali from behind a tree. Bali’s chest was split open by the arrow, and he fell like a huge mountain and the earth trembled. Hanuman with folded hands praised Lord Rama. Seeing Rama and Lakshmana along with the Sugriva and Hanuman, Bali was grief-stricken and expressed his rage and grief.

“Rama, what did I do to you, to be killed like this?. You did not behave like a true warrior, but your action was that of a cheat. You will not get any fame by killing me from behind a tree like a coward. You are of royal blood, and I expect better conduct from you, even in a fight. If you are a fair fighter, you should fight straight, face to face. What can Sugriva do that is not doable by me for you? If it were to avenge abducting your wife, haven't you heard that I had defeated Ravana easily in the past? If you had asked me, I would have tied up Ravana along with the city of Lanka and Trikuda mountain in just half an hour and brought them to your feet. You are known as a follower of Dharma but what you did to me is not dharma.”

Rama replied in a compassionate, but stern voice: “I am here to establish Dharma and I do not compete with anyone.  You have sinned gravely, and the punishment for sin is death. Under the influence of lust, you are keeping your brother's wife as your own. You should have treated her like your own daughter. If someone is not following the proper conduct, a king has the authority to punish him, and he will exercise that right. I know you are a pious soul, and I hope you know what dharma is.”

Bali was consoled hearing Rama’s words, and he asked for forgiveness and praised Rama with a beautiful hymn. “Due to my audacity, I ended up arguing with you. Please excuse my obstinate words. I realize that I am the lucky one to leave my body gazing at your Lotus feet and that will ensure my liberation. This good fortune is not attainable even by great yogis. Even your vision can liberate us from samsara. I know about your mission of killing Ravana. As I get ready to move on to your abode, please bless my son Angada who is equally strong. Please treat Angada and Sugriva without partiality. Please pull out the arrow and caress my body so that I can leave peacefully without pain.” Rama pulled out the arrow and Bali breathed his last. As soon as he left the body, he became a celestial being and reached Vaikundha.

Tara’s Grief

Hearing about Bali's death, Tara was grief-stricken. She beat her chest in sorrow and wailed uncontrollably and reached the place where Bali’s body was laid. “Why do I need this Kingdom and son? Why should I live any longer? I better jump into the funeral pyre of my husband. Rama, why don't you kill me also? My beloved cannot stand the separation from me. If you were to kill and send me along you will get the Punya of marrying off your daughter. Rama, you are a royal king, and you know the sorrow of separation as you are away from your better half. Sugriva, leave behind your sorrow and live happily with Rama and enjoy the royal facilities.”

Hearing Tara, Rama consoled her: “Tara, why are you sorrowful? There is no need for it. Is your husband just the body or the Jiva? The body is composed of five basic elements, space, air, fire, water, and earth and it has been held together with blood, skin, and bones. But know that the body is worthless, but the Jiva, is the essence of us, it is unborn and there is no death to it. It has no identity of sex, nor it is affected by dualities of life such as pleasure and pain; hot and cold; good and bad, etc. This Jiva is the only one that is common in all of us. It is the immaculate single reality that has no attributes and vacillations. So, when you understand this principle, is there any reason to be sorrowful?”

Tara asked Rama: “Lord! instruct me on the principles behind the body-mind and the soul. Tell me what is getting affected by pleasure and pain.”

Rama advised her of the secret principle of life. “Since you were devoted to me in the past life, you can see me in this life with your naked eye. Leave your sorrow and live meditating upon my form and chanting my name incessantly. Thus, you can attain liberation.”

Hearing Rama’s words Tara was composed, leaving her ego, which was body-centric until then. She continued her life as a Jivanmukta, a liberated soul while living here. Just because of the Satsang with Rama, her devotion grew, and she reached the ultimate, the Brahman. Sugriva also listened to Rama intently and he prostrated before him and looked for direction as to the next steps to follow. 

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