Sunday, July 25, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 10. Kishkindhakandham.

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 10. Kishkindhakandham

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  29.00 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 10 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  10

Kishkindhakandham beginning

Meeting Hanuman

They reached the banks of the river Pamba, a beautiful area full of creepers, bushes, gardens, and different kinds of birds and animals.  Butterflies of various shades were fluttering all over. They drank the water from the river and continued walking. Rama was crying silently and at times his voice would rise, and Lakshmana had to console him. Seeing the two bright young men with bows and arrows at a distance, the leader of monkeys, Sugriva was concerned. He and his four ministers jumped up the top of a mountain and asked Hanuman: “Please go and see who they are and what their purpose is. Looks like they are warriors, and I am wondering if they are being sent by my brother Bali to attack me. They are wearing the garbs of mendicants, but they are carrying bows and arrows. Oh! son of Vayu, please disguise yourself as a Brahmana boy and approach them to see what their plans are. Signal back to us by your hand and eye jesters. If they are foes, clap your hands, and if they are worthy to be our friends, inform me that as well.”

Hanuman took the guise of a Brahmachari and approached Rama and Lakshmana and prostrated before them with great reverence. “I would like to know who you are, bright youngsters, walking in the forest. you guys are so handsome that even the God of love, cupid, will be put to shame. You both are like the sun and the moon, but please tell me your story. Sometimes I feel that you are the twins, the celestial Ashwini Devas. Are you the incarnations of the Lord, walking here in human form, to re-establish Dharma? I also feel that you are indeed Nara and Narayana. My salutations!” Hearing this, Rama told Lakshmana: “Lakshmana, look at this Brahmachari, his words are so perfect, and apt. Looks like is well educated and adept in grammar. I cannot detect any discordant notes in his words.” 

Then he turned to Hanuman and introduced himself and Lakshmana and narrated his background starting from the disrupted coronation to the abduction of Sita. “We are here in search of Sita, and we met you. Tell me who you are.” Hanuman folded his hands in reverence and told them about Sugriva, his king. “Oh! King, Sugriva is the king of Vanaras, the monkey folk, living on top of the mountain and four of us, ministers are with him. His elder brother Bali kicked him out of his kingdom due to a misunderstanding. Bali has kept Sugriva's wife as his own, after kicking him out. Rishyamooka mountain is the only place for us to live as Bali cannot come there. I am his minister, Hanuman, son of Vayu, and Anjana Devi. If you two were to enter a pact, both can conquer your enemies. I will be at your command, and I do not have any other refuge. Bless me, my Lord. Please come with me. I will take you to Sugriva. You may please climb up on my shoulders”. Saying this, Hanuman took his real form as a mighty monkey and sat down for them to climb up his shoulders. Rama remembered Sabari’s words foretelling about meeting with the king of Vanaras.  

Pact with Sugriva

Hanuman, known also as Maruti, walk through the forest path, carrying the distinguished guests who came to Sugriva. Hanuman told him that Rama and Lakshmana were there as allies and they will help him. “You do not have to fear them at all. You may please enter an agreement with them to help each other.” Sugriva jumped up and welcomed Rama and Lakshmana. He plucked a few leaves and made a seat quickly for Rama to sit down; so, did Hanuman for Lakshmana. Hanuman narrated everything to Sugriva and hearing the plight of Rama, Sugriva said “Do not worry, Lord, we will search and find Sita Devi and assist to in destroying your enemy. If you let me, I will kill Ravana and bring Devi back. Now I remember one thing that happened when we were sitting on the mountaintop. We saw a Rakshasa forcefully taking a royal lady in his air chariot and the lady was crying for help. come to think of it she was chanting the name of Rama. She happened to see us on the top of the mountain, and she threw a cloth bundle towards us. When we opened it, we found that it was her ornaments. I have kept it in case if she comes in search of it. please check and tell us if they are hers.” As soon as he opened the bundle Rama started weeping, looking at Sita’s ornaments: “Oh! You also have been separated from Sita, just as I am!” Rama wailed like a commoner calling out for Sita. He lost his senses for a while when Lakshmana consoled him. “Brother do not fall prey to desperation. With the help of these mighty Vanaras, we will be able to rescue her,” Sugriva also asserted that they would help in killing Ravana and retrieve Sita from Lanka. Hearing their words Rama was pacified. Then Hanuman made a fire to formally agree to help each other. Fire is the eternal witness for everything auspicious. Sugriva narrated to Rama the story behind Bali’s hatred towards him.

Bali and Sugriva

“There was this Rakshasa by the name Mayavi, the son of Mayan. He wanted to fight with somebody, and audaciously he called Bali for a fight. Bali was outraged at the challenge and went for a duel with Mayavi. Bali beat him so bad that the Rakshasa ran for his life, into the forest. I also followed them and Mayavi went inside a cave in the deep forest. Bali followed suit and asked me to wait at the entrance of the cave. Bali said: “After a while, if you see milk coming out of the cave, then know that the Asura is dead. if you see blood coming out that means he was able to kill me. I waited there for a month and finally saw blood coming out of the cave. Convinced that Bali has breathed his last, I closed the entrance to the cave with a large stone and returned to Kishkindha and assumed charge as the king. After a few more months Bali came to the palace. He thought I closed the cave on purpose to kill him and snatch the Kingdom from him. He came charging towards me and I was afraid of my life. I run away from Kishkindha and took refuge on this mountain. He has kept my wife as his own and now, I lost the kingdom and even my family! I felt relieved after touching your feet and getting your blessings.”

Rama assured that he will help him by killing Bali and get the kingdom back. Rama’s words of assurance were as good as accomplished a promise already.  Sugriva warned that it would be a difficult task to defeat Bali. No one else has such physical power as Bali and he was known as a fierce warrior. When Dundubhi, a Rakshasa challenged Bali for a duel, he caught hold of his head and brought it down on the soil, and dragged it. Then he plucked his head off and threw it away. The severed head still oozing with blood fell in the Matanga Ashram and rendered the holy abode dirty. The sage of the Ashram cursed Bali: “if you ever step foot on this mountain, your head will explode!”. 

So, Bali can not enter this mountain. His curse became a solace for me, and I can live here fearlessly. You can still see Dundubhi's head lying there like a small hill. “If one is capable of lifting this head and throwing it away should be able to kill Bali.” Noticing Sugriva’s hint, Rama used his big toe to lift and throw the gigantic head which fell ten yojanas away. Sugriva was convinced that Rama will be able to accomplish what was promised. “Rama, these are the seven mighty trees standing tall in a circle, that Bali always uses for his exercise. When he shakes up the trees all the leaves would fall. if a person can fall these trees with a single arrow, that person will be able to kill Bali for sure.” Rama took his bow and shot the arrow that hit all the seven trees standing on the circle. Rama was raged and his bow was ready for further action. 

Sugriva praised Rama, recognizing his prowess and extolled the Lord’s virtue. Suddenly he started chanting a hymn in praise of Lord Rama who is the witness consciousness. He recognized the fact that it was his good fortune to meet Rama. Just by chanting Rama’s name, one can redeem himself of all sins even if he is a drunkard or if he has killed a Brahmana. “Lord I do not long for wealth or pleasure from having a family. What I am asking is to bless me with devotion unto thy feet. Just by meeting you, I lost all concepts of separateness between man, animal, friend, and foe, etc. May my mind be always immersed in the thought of your Lotus feet and may my tongue always be able to chant your name!. May my hands engage themselves in pooja to you and may my eyes always see you in everything, everywhere!. May I be able to always listen to your stories and may my feet seek paths to pilgrim centers filled with your energy and presence! May I be able to prostrate at your feet every day!.” 

When Sugriva extolled thus, Rama embraced him tightly and praised him. “What you said is right. Let us get to work now. You go and challenge Bali for a duel and I will take care of the rest.”

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