Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 6. Ayodhyakandam Contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam   52.01 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 6 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  6

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 6. Ayodhyakandam Contd.

Bharatha’s Grieving

“Oh! Father! Where did you disappear leaving me in this ocean sea of sorrow? Before you left, why you did not give the helm of the kingdom to Rama, and I would have become his servant, happily. Who is left here to guide us now?” As Bharatha was wailing, Mother Kaikeyi tried to soothe him. “My dear son, think of all these are the Lord’s wish. What is the use of grieving? I did what I had to, with your welfare and good fortune in mind.”

“Mother, did my father utter any last words before he passed on?”

“He chanted Rama’s name and wailed thinking about his separation from the three - Rama, Lakshmana, and Sita.” Hearing this, Bharatha was perplexed. “So, the three of them were not near him at the time of his death?”

That is when Kaikeyi narrated to Bharatha what transpired. “So, your father decided to give the kingdom to you and send Rama to the forest in exile. Sita followed him and Lakshmana wanted to serve them. The king died thinking about their fate.”

Hearing this, Bharatha was grief-stricken and fell again. Suddenly he got up with rage and looked at her furiously. He started yelling at his mother. “You wretched lady who killed her husband! You are a cruel woman. I am ashamed to say that I came out of your womb. I am so unfortunate to have you as my mother. I better kill myself by jumping into a funeral pyre. Or I will slit my throat myself and die. Oh! Lady, you are sin personified and you are going straight to the worst hell, Kumbhipaka.” Bharatha did not stay with his mother, and he left to see Mother Kausalya. When he prostrated at the feet of Kausalya, she embraced Bharatha and held him close. Her grief knew no bounds, and she started by saying: “It is our karma that Sita and Rama are in the forest along with Lakshmana. Sadness is my constant companion, it seems.” Bharatha tried to console her and begged for forgiveness. “Mother, I did not know anything about Mother Kaikeyi’s plans. She did all these on her own and I have nothing to do with it. If I knew it and did a terrible thing like that, may I be charged with the sin of killing a hundred Brahmanas! It is like the sin of killing my guru Vasishta and his wife Arundhati.” When Bharatha wailed like this, Mother Kausalya embraced and consoled him. “I know my dear son; you did not do anything; you do not deserve any blame in this.”

Sage Vasishta reached the palace and advised Bharatha that this is the time to take up action for the sake of the kingdom. “Your father had a great life, he earned fame and fortune while living as the emperor Dasaratha. He is now sitting along with Lord Indra and others in heaven and enjoying the afterlife. There is nothing for you to lament on that account.  What is the use in grieving now, after everything is over? In the family setup, when a father dies or even when a son dies, relatives will cry for a while, and then they all carry on with their work. The only way to get a permanent solace in your mind is to engage in Satsang, that is, always be associated with noble minds. Once born, all of us are destined to die one day. Also, know that the dead will be born again as well in the life cycle. No one can put an end to the cycle of karma. Once we know the principles behind karma, we will not be sorrowful in life. There is nothing to grieve over a death nor there is anything to rejoice over a birth. Life is fleeting and so many millions have so far been born and dead. Those who have seen this Maya, will not grieve over something so natural. In rebirths, the life force, Jeeva, takes up bodies as if one changes his dirty clothes and adorns new clothes. Jeeva leaves the old bodies and takes up new bodies as part of the time life cycles that span through different lifetimes. But the witnessing reality, the ultimate truth, Atman, is devoid of any modifications. Know that there are no births and deaths for Atman. It is the permanent unchanging reality, the Brahman. Think of this ultimate truth and without delay get on with what you are supposed to do now.  You are not helping anyone by grieving about things on which you have no control.”

Final Rites for King Dasaratha

Hearing the wise words of sage Vasishta, Bharatha regained his composure and did the final rites for the departed king. The king’s body was retrieved from the oil and brought to the courtyard to give it a ceremonial bath. The body was embalmed with fragrant ointments and materials suitable for royalty. Then the body was cremated with regal ceremonies led by Bharatha, as the eldest of the sons, then present in the palace. Lots of wealth including cows, gold, land, oil, and food grains, etc. were donated by Bharatha and Shathrughna to Brahmanas and other deserving people in the kingdom. 

When the required rituals are completed, the Royal Guru, sage Vasishta, and the minister Sumanthra came to the palace to see the brothers. Vasishta said: “Oh! Prince, as the royal preceptor, it is my duty to advise appropriate and timely actions to be taken by the king. Your father Dasaratha was a stickler for his truthfulness, and he decided to coronate you as the king at the behest of Queen Kaikeyi. Now it is time for me to formally crown you without delay. Without a king, a land may fall under the clutches of anarchy, and you should know that the power that comes with the position is not to be disparaged.  You are bound to follow your father’s wish and if you do not heed to them, you will incur the sin of defiance. By the grace of the guru, men get all kinds of benefits.” 

Hearing the guru’s words, prince Bharatha replied: “What is the use of getting a kingdom like this? In my mind, my elder brother Rama is always the king, and we are only his servants. You know this well and why do you compel me to do this? Tomorrow morning we are going to see Rama in the forest, and we will bring him back. I request that you come along with Arundhati Devi, ministers, Mothers Kausalya and Sumitra, and the citizens to show him that we need him as our king. We will have horses, elephants, and the army to receive him. There must be drummers and singers, along with the people belonging to all four varnas- Brahmana, Vaishya, Kshatriya, and Sudras. Until Rama comes back to Ayodhya, we will sleep on the bare floor. We will only eat roots and fruits, just as he does in the forest. We will also apply the sticky tree sap to tie up our hair as the forest dwellers do.” Hearing this, sage Vasishta was happy and said: “I knew you are the best among great souls and will not deviate from what is right.

Bharatha’s Travel to Forest to Meet Rama

Early in the morning, Bharatha and Shathrughna along with Sumanthra and a huge army Started their journey to the forest. Queen Kausalya, Guru Vasishta, and his wife Arundhati, and other sages joined the retinue.  As they were close to the banks of Ganga, the Nishadha King Guha came to know that Bharatha and his army are approaching.  He had an admonition in his mind that they may be coming to fight with Rama. Immediately he arranged several boats with fighters in them in case a fight ensues. “Keep everything ready, anyway. If they are here to give trouble to Lord Rama, we will not let them return to Ayodhya. But if they are coming with a peace mission, we need to help them. But first, I will go and see what their plans are.”, he said. 

He went to Bharatha and prostrated the prince and treated him with gifts. Bharatha’s lips were chanting Rama’s name and he wore matted locks of hair as if he were a forest-dweller himself. Immediately Guha could see the brothers are grief-stricken and were in search of their elder brother. He introduced himself and told them that it was he who crossed the three distinguished guests across the river Ganga. Hearing how Rama and Guha met, Bharatha encouraged him to narrate the meeting in detail. When Guha told them that the Lord embraced him, Bharatha exclaimed: “How lucky are you to be embraced by the Lord! Only Mahalakshmi has that fortune, but I see a noble soul who got that luck! Your life has achieved fulfillment.  What did you tell him? What did he tell you? How was he doing? How were Sita Devi and Lakshmana?  Where did they rest? Where did they sleep?” As Guha explained and showed him the places where Rama sat and slept on the bed made of leaves and grasses, Bharatha shamelessly wept. He lamented about the incidents leading to the exile of Rama and cursed his unfortunate life. “Lakshmana is so lucky to follow Rama and serve him. Even otherwise Lakshmana always seems to be a shadow of Rama. I would happily be the servant of, the servant of, Rama if I were to get an opportunity. Is there any other work nobler than serving the Lord? Please tell me which direction did he go? Take us there.” Guha was elated to see the love of Bharatha towards his brother. “You are one of the most virtuous men I have come across in life. I would be happy to take you across the water. Rama is staying comfortably near the Chitrakooda mountains.” Guha arranged five hundred boats in no time and got the retinue across the river. Guha himself rowed the boat in which Bharatha and Shathrughna sat along with Vasishta, Arundhati, and the mothers.

Bharatha Meets with Sage Bharadwaja.

After crossing the river, they reached the vicinity of the hermitage of sage Bharadwaja. Bharatha and Shathrughna walked ahead asking the army to stay back at a distance, lest they disturb the serenity of the Ashram. They went to the Ashram and prostrated the sage. He knew that they were sons of Dasaratha and exchanged pleasantries. Seeing Bharatha in the attire of a forest dweller mendicant, he told him that it is not becoming of the king of Ayodhya. “You are supposed to be wearing royal robes and enjoying royalty as the king of Ayodhya. What are you wearing the garbs of a sage? Why is there a huge army following you?”

Bharatha replied in respect: “Oh! sage, you know everything and still asking me questions to tease us. However, I will answer you. I swear by the lotus feet of Lord Rama, I am not behind what transpired in the palace in my absence that ended up disrupting the coronation of Rama. The reason behind that is indeed the poisonous words of my mother, Kaikeyi. You decide if I am to blame or not. My mission in life is to serve Rama’s lotus feet. Nothing else will fulfill my life. I want to see him and surrender the kingdom and all the wealth unto his feet, and then I will wait for his command. We will crown Sri Rama as the king and that is why we are here in great numbers. I am afraid he may not acquiesce if just Shathrughna and I came to convince him.”

Haring his noble intent, the sage was happy. He embraced Bharatha and kissed him on his forehead. “Do not worry. I had a premonition that your devotion to Rama exceeded that of Lakshmana. I will arrange for you and the retinue to have dinner here. You can start your trek to see Rama in the morning.” Bharatha agreed and they stayed in the ashram for the night. Sage summoned the divine celestial cow Surabhi to arrange a feast for the crowd and she accomplished that feat in no time. All the nearby trees became beautiful ladies to serve the food and suddenly there appeared grand dining halls to accommodate everyone.  Sage Bharadwaja gave special treatment to Sage Vasishta and his wife Arundhati. Early in the morning the brothers prostrated the sage and took permission before starting their trip again. They asked the sages on the way as to where Rama was residing. They told: “near Chitrakooda mountain, at the northern side a great man is staying with his wife and brother”. 

Once they reached the mountain, they noticed that the area was full of fruit trees and creepers in full blossom. Bumblebees were getting honey from flowers and birds were flying around happily, singing at their best. Wild animals were roaming around, playing with other animals who are known to be their arch enemies. The brothers saw Rama’s hut from afar and started prostrating looking in that direction. On the walkway to the hut, they could see the footprints of Rama. There were specific footprint insignia only Rama’s feet would make. They fell on the ground and smeared the dust of the Lord’s feet all over their body.

Sri Rama’s Meeting with Bharath

Bharatha was overwhelmed at the thought of meeting Rama after a while, that too at this juncture. As they approached the doorway to the Ashram, his heart started beating fast, and he thought “it is indeed my great fortune that I could see insignia of the Lord’s feet on the sand and now I am going to see him in person.” There he saw Sri Sama, shining like the sun, his face cool and brilliant like the full moon, wearing a matted lock of hair treated with a sticky sea sap.  Bharatha and Shathrughna fell at his feet immediately. Rama came forward and lifted them, embracing them tightly. Lakshmana also came forward and greeted the brothers. Shathrughna, who is the younger of the two, prostrated at the feet of Lakshmana. That was when Rama saw Mother Kausalya and he ran to her and prostrated her. As she embraced him shedding tears, her blouse got wet with breastmilk.  Sita Devi followed her husband and paid obeisance to all the elders in the retinue. 

“I must be very lucky to see you all”, Rama said. Do you miss me in Ayodhya? How is my father? What is his message for me and Lakshmana?”

“Listen, Rama,” Vasishta said: “Oh! Brave one, hear me carefully. After you had left the palace, your father kept chanting your names like ‘Rama, Sita, Lakshmana’ repeatedly. He did not survive the grief of separating from you for long and he reached the world of ancestors peacefully. He is now residing comfortably with Devas.” Hearing the news of his father’s demise was so painful to Rama as if someone had pierced his eardrum with a sharp needle. Lakshmana, the mothers, ladies, and almost everyone in the entourage wept at the scene and Rama fell on the floor. “Why should I live anymore? I better leave the body. I have no desire to live.” Sita and Lakshmana also started wailing. But sage Vasishta counseled them to regain their composure and they did the final rites for their father. They used the same food they eat in the forest as offerings to the forefathers as they did not have the grain foods to offer. All of them fasted for the day and rested in the Ashram and under the trees around it.

Dialogue Between Bharatha and Rama

In the early hours, Bharatha went and saw Rama one on one. “Brother, my Lord, Rama! You must listen to what I must tell you. They have been preparing for the coronation ceremony and I have brought all the things required for it. Let us get on with the ceremony and crown you as the king. You are the eldest and that is the proper conduct for Kshatriyas, as looking after our subjects is the most important of our duties.  You should do the Aswamedha Yaga and spread the fame of Ayodhya far and wide. Dwelling in the forest is not appropriate for you now. Your time will come to live in the forest when your son is ready to take over the helm of the kingdom. Please forgive my mother’s foolishness and do not let that incident wound our relationship.” Bharatha prostrated at Rama’s feet. 

Rama lifted him and embraced him. “Bharatha, I heard you well and clear. But remember, it was our father who ordered me to live in the forest for fourteen years. How can we forget that? Also, he has bequeathed you the kingdom. We are both bound by our father’s wish. Those who ignore his father’s command are as good as dead while living. He will go hell for sure. So, you rule the kingdom and let me continue my life in the forest.” 

Bharatha was less charitable in his words about king Dasaratha. “The old man was crazy and was in love with a woman that made him blind. When such a person orders, even if he is the father, sons are not bound to obey him. In my mind, you are the king.” Rama smiled and reasoned with Bharatha. “Don’t talk about our father like that. He is not crazy or henpecked. He is afraid of deviating from his promise and truth and that made him order these duties to both of us after thinking about it keenly. Untruth is not something noble men can stand. If we disobey his words, we will incur sin and even his afterlife will be affected.”

“Ok, then I will also follow you in the forest, just as Lakshmana is doing. If you do not let me do that, I will take my life by fasting until death.” He was determined and to confirm the decision, he picked up Darbha grass, spread it in the bright sunlight. He was about to sit on it with resolve.

Sage Vasishta consoled him: “Do not fall prey to foolish decisions. Rama is none other than Lord Narayana. As requested by Lord Brahma, He took birth in the Surya dynasty as Rama. His life mission is to annihilate Ravana and re-establish dharma in the world. Sita Devi is Yoga Maya and Lakshmana is Adishesha, the divine serpent. Rama is in the forest now getting ready to accomplish his mission.  It was indeed a divine intent that made Manthara influence your mother to do the unthinkable. So, whatever is being told is expected to be followed by you. Do not compel Rama to return to Ayodhya now and do not shy away from doing your duty. Rama will return to Ayodhya after fourteen years, after killing Ravana.” 

Having heard this from the guru, Bharatha was exhilarated. He prostrated at Rama’s feet again and again. “Ok, I will serve the country for you, not as the king, but as your servant and custodian. Please give me your padukas – wooden sandals- as a symbol for me to get inspired every day. Until your return after the fourteen years, I will look after the kingdom for you, only as a caretaker.” Rama gave him the padukas and Bharatha held them close to his chest in reverence. Then held it against his forehead as if it is a holy sculpture. He walked around Rama a few times as if going around an idol of the lord. Then Bharatha declared a pledge aloud that everyone was shocked to hear. “At the end of fourteen years, on the dot, if you do not appear in Ayodhya, I will jump in the fire.” This vow came to be known as Bharatha’s promise.

Rama agreed. Finally, the visitors led by Bharatha were ready to leave. Rama bid farewell to all by embracing each and everyone, including Guha who knew the return path well. Mother Kaikeyi was relaxed as Bharatha forgave her. They crossed the river Ganga and reached Ayodhya with a composed heart, having witnessed a series of great incidents ordained by divine will. 

Bharatha’s Daily Rituals

Bharatha brought the padukas and set up an Ashram in Nandigram, in the outskirts of the capital city, Ayodhya. He would not enjoy any royal facilities until Rama’s return and Nandigram would be his royal court for governing the kingdom. He placed the padukas on the throne symbolizing Lord Rama as the king.  Bharatha and Shatrughna did pooja to the padukas every day and executed the duties of a king most efficiently and fairly.

Rama Visiting the Ashrama of Sage Atri

In the forest, Rama, Lakshmana, and Sita continued staying at Chitrakooda for some more days but decided to move further into the deeper forest thinking that another delegation may come from Ayodhya to persuade Rama. So, they moved to Dandaka forest where they met sage Atri at his Ashram. Rama prostrated the sage and exchanged pleasantries. The sage knew the divinity of Rama and saw Lord Narayana in him. The sage told them to visit his wife, Anasuya, a lady sage and saint of high repute, inside the cave. Sita went and paid her respect to the pious lady saint. They enjoyed it as a Satsang- getting together with noble people. She embraced Sita Devi and gifted her with several special items; a nice piece of cloth, an earring, and a perfume paste for her to wear and be beautiful all the time. “Just because you are living in the forest, you must not walk around without adorning yourself with ornaments and make-up. I bless you not to lose your splendor even after your ordeal of fourteen years. When you return to Ayodhya, you will have a long happy life in the palace as the queen.”

The sage fed them well and they stayed there for the night. Thus, Lord Siva completed narrating the second chapter – Ayodhyakandham.

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