Friday, July 30, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 15. Sundrakandham Beginning.

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 15. Sundrakandham Beginning.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  55.51 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 15 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  15

Sundarakandham beginning

Lord Siva Continued Narrating the Story of Rama to Parvati. 

Hanuman got ready for his leap and told the Vanaras around him. “See, I have my father Vayu’s prowess to fly over the sky and cross the ocean. With Lord Rama's blessing, I will do it without any trouble. I will go to the Rakshasa’s palace and meet with Sita Devi. Then I will come back and give the news to my Lord, Rama. Those who keep in his mind the Lord’s form, and his name at the time of death, will get across the ocean of samsara easily. As the messenger of Rama, I will have his blessings to cross this ocean, easily. I have with me, Rama's ring to show Sita when I meet her. Do not worry about me as I pass above the fierce ocean through the air.” Saying thus, Hanuman raised his tail, and spreading his hands, lifted himself jumping to the sky, flew in the Southward direction to Lanka. 

Interruption on the Way

When Hanuman was flying above the sea like an object as bright as the sun, Devas wanted to test his ability. They asked Surasa, the queen of Nagas, to interrupt Hanuman on the way. They asked her to go and check his expertise in accomplishing the task. She suddenly appeared in front of Hanuman as he was speeding up on his way. “Oh! Brave Vanara, haven’t you noticed me standing here?” She roared at him. “I have been given a boon by the Lord that I am allowed to eat anyone who passes this way. Unfortunately for you, I am starving. You better get inside my mouth at once; do not waste my time.” 

Hearing Surasa, Hanuman told her: “I am going in search of Sita. I will go and see Sita Devi and then I will return on the same route. Then, as a messenger, I need to report back to Sri Rama all about meeting the queen and about Lanka. I promise you, that I will come and get inside your mouth with no fear, after completing my duty. You are a noble soul and I request you to guide my direction to Lanka. I do not know the way and you are fit to advise me.” Then Surasa told him that he was the food that came her way, and it was only her dharma to appease her hunger.” 

Hanuman did not have any time to spare, and he offered that he will get into her mouth right then and asked her to open her mouth wide. He enlarged her body a yojana wide and was about to enter her when she increased her mouth five yojanas wide. Hanuman increased his size ten yojanas wide and Surasa increased her mouth to twenty yojanas wide. Hanuman made his body thirty yojanas wide and Surasa’s mouth grew to fifty yojanas. Hanuman knew that this game is not going to work and suddenly he made himself into a tiny figure, small as a thump, and flew inside the mouth and returned flying fast. He chanted praises of the Naga queen and she was pleased. Surasa blessed Hanuman and told him to come back victorious with all the news about Sita and report them to Rama quickly. She was also anxious to see that the Rakshasas were destroyed, and dharma re-established. She also divulged that this was only a test Devas did to ensure Hanuman’s capability. 

Meeting the Mountain Mainaka

When Hanuman was flying like an eagle above the ocean, the god of the sea wanted to give him a welcome and treat him with food. He told the mighty mountain, Mainaka to rise above the sea and arrange for hanuman to alight for a while and start again refreshed. “He is an ardent devotee of Rama, and he will not rest until he has completed his mission. But we need to ensure his welfare and provide him with the food and nourishment on the way.” Mainaka, went and talked to Hanuman in the guise of a human and told him that he is the son of Himalaya. “Oh! Best among Vanara, please come and sit down on me for a while and take a rest. I have kept food and drinks for you. The water is nectar-like, and the fruits are sweet.” Hanuman replied: “I am going with a mission, that too for Lord Rama. As you know, it is not proper for me to take a rest or eat anything on the way. To me, the first thing is duty, and then I will think about eating, drinking, and sleeping. Please consider that I have respectfully received your hospitality.” So, saying he caressed the mountain with his hands and proceeded further, fast.

Hanuman Enters the City of Lanka

There was a demoness living in the ocean who had a peculiar ability to bring down anything that passes above her in the sky. As soon as she sees the shadow of the object in the sky on the water surface, she will catch it and make a meal out of it. She was known as Chayagrahani, a shadow-catcher. As Hanuman was passing, she tried to catch hold of him too. Hanuman was impatient and he kicked her hard once and killed her. He continued with increased valor and finally reached Lanka.

Early in the morning, as the sun was rising behind the mountains, Hanuman reached the gate tower of Lanka. Ravana’s Lanka was a large, well-planned beautiful city. It was situated on an island, in the middle of the Southern Sea. There were fruiting trees and fully bloomed plants and creepers everywhere. Varieties of animals and birds roamed in the city gardens freely. The buildings were laden with jewels and precious stones of various hues, and one could not compare Lanka with another city on the planet. The opulence of a prosperous kingdom was evident wherever you turn. Around the city, there was a tall wall and a deep trench, full of water with wild crocodiles ready to attack any intruders. Seeing the hurdles, Hanuman meditated upon Lord Narayana for a moment and became a tiny figure who can pass through any gates. Keeping the Lord’s form steadfast in his mind, he crossed the walls and tried to enter the city. 

Hanuman, being a monkey, is naturally naughty and he was of the size of a mustard seed, hardly noticeable, could travel anywhere. As he was about to put his left foot in, he heard a loud rumble created by Lanka Lakshmi, the guardian of the city. She yelled at him: “tell me, why are you here alone? Are you a thief? No human, Deva, Rakshasa, or animals are allowed inside these walls.” She hit him ones and Hanuman hit her back. His left-hand hit was so hard that she threw up blood. “Ok, I have seen your valor and power. Now I remember, our meeting is predetermined. Lord Brahma had told me about your arrival, long time back.  He told me about the appearance of Lord Vishnu in the form of a human, by the name Rama, to re-establish dharma. I know what happened in the forest and the fate of Bali. You must be the mighty one among the Vanaras who came Southward in search of Sita. I also knew that you would be coming alone and that a kick from you would be a fortunate moment for me. I was waiting for that for a long time here and now I must tell you Sita Devi’s whereabouts. Now you may enter Lanka without any fear. Eventually, the Rakshasa king is going to die at the hands of Rama. You are a great devotee and a blessed one that you will be able to see Sita soon. Near the house of Ravana, in the Asoka Garden, under the Simsapa tree, she is sitting surrounded by Rakshasa ladies. The noble lady sits there chanting Rama’s name all the time. Go and see her now and then inform your master all about her situation here. Oh! Great one, may you have a safe and quick trip back after completing your work here.” Saying thus, Lanka Lakshmi, who is indeed the goddess of prosperity receded from Lanka for good.

Hanuman Meets Sita

When Hanuman reached the Trikuda Mountain situated in the middle of the ocean and entered the city of Lanka, Ravana’s left side shivered. For Sita also her left side of the body trembled. Rama’s right side quivered as well.  If one takes birth in this world, he is bound to face sorrow and pleasure alternatively. Hanuman has entered the city, turning himself to the size of a thump. He started searching for Sita Devi everywhere. He thought she may be near Ravana’s scintillating palace. But suddenly he remembered Lanka Lakshmi’s words. then he started searching in the gardens in the city. He went through every garden and the banks of streams and lakes, full of fresh drinking water. He saw tall towers and buildings well-decorated showing off their beauty and facility, but Sita was not in any of them. 

As he was searching intently, a waft of air, guided him to the garden with a lot of tall Simsapa trees. He spotted Sita Devi there under a tree. She wore dirty clothes and had unkempt hair, with her body emaciated with ceaseless grief. She was lying down on the bare ground, always thinking about her Lord, Rama, and chanting his name incessantly. She wept silently at times and chanted Rama’s name other times.  Rakshasa ladies were taking turns in keeping a watch over her. Hanuman looked at her from behind a large branch of a nearby tree. Gazing at her with devotion and exhilaration, he was convinced that his life was fruitful as he was able to serve Lord Rama.

Ravana Arrives to Cajole Sita 

As Hanuman was immersed in the thought of talking to Sita, he heard a commotion nearby. That was Ravana’s arrival. In the previous night, he wore the finest of the attires but immersed in the thought of impending death, which may approach him anytime in the form of Rama’s arrows. He was thinking about the time when the Lord was going to liberate and take him to His abode, Vaikundha. “I have abducted Sita Devi to instigate the Lord to come and fight with me. If the time of my death is written on my cards, that is not going to be altered by any force. Even Lord Brahma does not know the intent of Lord Vishnu.” 

As Ravana was thinking thus, he saw a dream in which a tiny monkey appeared as Rama’s messenger. He had a premonition that the tiny Vanara will convey Rama’s message to Sita and take back her message to Rama. “I should go and threaten him, and I am sure he will tell Rama about that also. When he hears that, Rama will not delay his trip to Lanka. That will be my opportunity to die at the hands of Lord Rama. I do not see any other sure shot method to get liberated. Although this is a dream, I know that dreams come true to some people some time.” Ravana started from his palace determined to approach Sita. He wore the best outfits and ornaments with the finest fragrances and jewels. As he approached Sita, she was petrified. She covered her breasts with her thighs and sat with her head down. She was distraught but immersed in the thought of her beloved, Rama. Ravana, influenced by the God of love, Cupid, went and sat near her. 

Ravana’s Disappointment

He started talking to her in a sweet and calm voice. “Listen, dear, you are the beauty personified and I am your slave who is sitting at your feet begging for your mercy. Be kind to me and be pleased with my love. You know that I am the emperor of Asuras, and I am the most suited mate for you. Please turn your gaze towards me and recognize me as your ideal suitor. Think about your husband Rama. He is not approachable to anyone although sometimes some of the people may get to him. You will not have any use in thinking about the son of Dasaratha. Moreover, he is not interested in anything or anybody, even you. Even if you stay near him, or serve him, he will not express any love towards you. He is not coming to rescue you as he does not appreciate you as you think. He has no attachment to anyone. He has no pride, and he does not discriminate between someone who eats dog meat and a pious Brahmana. For him, dogs and cows are the same. For him, a royal woman like you and a tribal, unsophisticated woman are the same. He would have already forgotten about you, and it is time that you stopped waiting for him. He will not be coming for you, but see, I am here to treat you right, in the way you deserve. Why do you want to let go of a diamond in your hands and go after a piece of fool’s gold? You will be served by Deva, Asura, human, and celestial maids if you agree to be my wife. Do not waste time, be my wife, and enjoy life. Even the god of death, Yama, is afraid of me, and people will wait for your commands. I am being worshipped by the whole world and I am worshipping your lotus face. I am falling at your lotus feet and asking you to accept me.” He continued to plead with her with folded hands, asking her to marry him. 

Sita would not even look at him. She plucked a blade of grass and threw it with contempt. “You are terrified of the son of the Sun dynasty, Rama, my Lord. That is why you abducted me like a coward in the guise of a sage. It was like a stray dog stealing the Havis prepared for a noble Yagna. Take it from me, what you have done is unpardonable and you will face the consequence for sure. You will face the sharp arrows of Emperor Dasaratha’s son. He will destroy you and your mighty army. He has taken birth on earth at the request of Lord Brahma and his mission is to kill you. I was born to the great king Janaka, and I am just an excuse to make that happen. Know that he will come here without delay and execute you before taking me back.” 

When Ravana heard such harsh words, he was outraged. He could not contain himself and he took his sword and approached her. Suddenly, Ravana’s wife, Mandodari came forward and stopped him. “No, no, do not be swayed by rage and do the unthinkable. This lady is from the human species, and she has no friends or relatives here. She is grief-stricken and has been forcefully separated from her husband for a long time. She has been hearing unkind words from her security guards all these days. How does it fit that the mighty king, Ravana, killing such a helpless lady! All the reputation you have amassed as a hero will be gone in a moment. Do not be foolish in your deeds. If you want, you can get any woman of your choice from the Devas, Asuras, Humans, Animals, or Celestials. Leave her alone. Do not be succumbed to unwise actions.” Hearing his wife’s words of advice, Ravana was embarrassed and told the Rakshasa attendants “You make her agree to my request. Use whatever ways that are needed to acquiesce her to join me. I will wait for two months.” Ravana returned to his chamber.  

Hearing the unbearable words of Ravana, Sita was glum and sat down keeping her face down. At that time, Trijada told the Rakshasa ladies who are her co-guards: “Listen, my friends, we better respect this pious lady. I went to sleep last night, and it was not a good night’s sleep for me. Last night, in a dream I saw the Lord of the universe, Rama, and his brother, Lakshmana sitting on Airavata, the white celestial elephant. They had just destroyed the city of Lanka after killing Ravana. Then they gave the kingdom to Vibhishana. Rama took the hands of Sita and went to Ayodhya. Ravana, after his death was seen naked, drenched in oil, in a deep pit, filled with cow dung, along with his brother, son, close confidants, and ministers.  Vibhishana, the king of Rakshasas, stood near Rama, serving him.  So, do not have any enmity towards Sita. My dream is going to work out for sure. Hold on for a few more days and take care of queen Sita.” Hearing these words from Trijada, the Rakshasa ladies looked at her with surprise and went to sleep. Sita Devi, although tired and sad, was solaced hearing about Rama.

Hanuman Talks to Sita Devi

“At daybreak, these ladies are going to eat me alive, and I don’t have anyone to turn to! I do not see that even death is interested in me. My heroic husband also does not seem to care. He may have forgotten about me. I better take my life as he is heartless.” 

Dwelling in such disappointing thoughts, she stood up for a while holding a low branch of the Simsapa tree. She again started to weep, whining about her misfortune and fate. Hanuman was observing her all the while and finally decided to open his mouth. He started narrating the story of Rama in a low, but melodious voice. ‘In the Surya dynasty, there was an emperor by the name Dasaratha, and he had four sons, all handsome like the god of love. Rama, Bharatha, Lakshmana, and Shatrughna were their names. Rama started a life of exile in the forest as ordered by his father. His wife Sita and brother Lakshmana followed him to the forest. One day Ravana abducted Sita in the guise of a fake sage. Rama and Lakshmana were devastated and they searched for her everywhere.  As they were walking, they chanced upon Jatayu, the mighty bird with his wings cut off. After giving him moksha, they moved on and met with Sugriva and entered a pact. Rama killed Bali and gave the kingdom of Kishkindha to Sugriva thus fulfilling his side of the agreement. Later Sugriva sent thousands of mighty Vanaras in all directions in search of Sita. I am one of those Vanaras, who jumped across the ocean inspired by the wise words of Sampathy. I was searching for Devi everywhere in this city with my father’s blessings. It was my great fortune that I spotted this Simsapa tree and you, under it. I am the foremost servant of the Lord and please accept my obeisance.” Saying thus, the best among the monkeys sat there raptly. 

“Who is the one noble soul who recited the story of Rama from the sky here? Perhaps Vayu, the God of Prana, started singing the story of my Lord on his own, to express his compassion? Am I hallucinating? It cannot be a dream as I have not slept at all. What I heard is surely the nectar for my ears. If a man has sung his story so melodiously, he is a perfect one. May I be able to see his face now!” 

Hearing Sita Devi’s murmur, Maruti, came down from the tree and prostrated at her feet. He stood at a respectful distance with reverence. “Perhaps the Rakshasa is trying to deceive me by appearing in front of me in a monkey’s disguise.” Thinking thus she was afraid to look at him again. Seeing her sitting down again with a disappointed face, Hanuman said: “Oh! Queen, I seek refuge unto your lotus feet. Please do not doubt me. I am your servant, not an enemy. I am the servant of Rama and a minister to Sugriva, and I am the son of Vayu. Oh! Mother, I will not cheat anyone in my thoughts, words, or deeds.”

When the son of Vayu, Hanuman addressed her so sweetly, Sita asked: “Who are you who speaks with such clarity and kindness? Not many people are this eloquent in their communication. How come you are in the garb of a Vanara? Tell me why you said you love me greatly?”

“Oh! Devi, with an adorable face, whatever I said is true, in the name of Lord Rama. As per Rama’s directions, you became two – Maya Sita and Yoga Maya Devi. Maya Sita stayed back in the Ashram and Yoga Maya stayed behind the Fire.  Maya Sita was infatuated by a golden deer and Rama went after it with his bow and arrows. He killed the Rakshasa, Maricha, who came in the guise of the golden deer. What to talk about what happened in the Ashram then? Rama met the mighty bird Jatayu who told them what happened. Then Rama liberated Jatayu, and the brothers were wandering in search of you, ever since. They met Kabandha and gave him Moksha. Then they saw Sabari and blessed her. She was the one who showed them the path to Rishyamooka Mountain, and I met them on the way in the guise of a Brahmachari. Knowing what happened, I took them on my shoulders and went to see Sugriva. They entered a pact as both were suffering due to mishaps in their lives. Rama killed Bali and gave the kingdom to Sugriva. Sugriva ordered to send ten thousand Vanaras each in all ten directions to find you. Lord Rama called me aside and gave me a ring that has the Lord’s name engraved in it and asked me to give it to you. He also gave me a word that only you both would know. I am excited to pass them to you.” 

So, saying, he handed over the ring and stood back with reverence. Sita Devi was pleased and wept tears of joy. She touched the ring with the Rama’s name engraved, on her forehead with devotion and kissed it ardently. ‘Oh! Dear, the best among Vanaras, you are indeed the savior of my life. You are here to do me a favor and I am convinced. You are so devoted to Rama, and I am not surprised. My Lord will not send anyone less competent as his messenger. You know where I am sitting and how I live separated from my lord. Out of his love and compassion towards me, he will come and rescue me in two months, and you help and serve him. I will live until then as I have something to hope for. Please tell him to kill Ravana, the ten-headed Rakshasa, and rescue me at the earliest.” 

Maruti told Sita that Rama will be here soon to stop all her sorrows. “Perhaps he will get here before I convey your message to him. He will send Ravana and all his comrades to the city of Yama without delay. Then he will take you to Ayodhya in the royal chariot.”

Hearing this, Sita Devi asked him: “How will they cross the ocean along with the thousands of Vanaras?” “I will carry them on my shoulder!” he replied. “You do not have anything to worry about. They will destroy Lanka with all its pomp and show. May I take leave of you? But before I leave, please give me something to give Lord Rama. Please Tell me an incident only you two would know about.” Sita thought about it a short while and removed the Choodaratna from her hair and handed it to Maruti. Then she narrated an incident. “Son, please pass on this to Lord Rama and he will be convinced. When we were living near the Chitrakooda Mountain, l was drying some food on a mat in the sun. I was sitting near the mat to shoo off the birds coming to eat it.  Lord Rama was sleeping, resting his head on my lap.  There came a crow so cunning that it started eating the food despite my attempts to shoo him off. It was Lord Indra’s son, Jayantha, in disguise. I used the twigs and leaves on him, and he got mad. He bit me with his beak and pierced me with his nails. When Rama woke up, he saw blood dripping from my body and was outraged. He took a blade of grass and threw it at him chanting a mantra. He was petrified and ran everywhere seeking refuge from it. He could not escape and finally reached back at the feet of Rama seeking refuge.  Rama told him that his weapon, once shot, will not be futile and it will hit one of his eyes. Thus, he had saved me then but see my fate now! Come to think of it, I should take the full blame, for sure.”

Hearing Sita’s narration, he consoled her: “He did not know your whereabouts and that’s why he did not come sooner. Now, wait and see how quickly things are going to turn around. The army of Vanaras will come and destroy Lanka.” Hearing this, Sita asked Hanuman: “You are so tiny, and your comrades also must be small. Have you ever seen any of those Rakshasas? They are as big as mountains and their power is unmatched.” Hanuman suddenly grew and stood like a gigantic beast. “Just imagine, we have several thousands of warriors of similar size and power.” 

Sita was pleased to hear Hanuman’s answer and said: “You are going to end the Rakshasa clan for sure. You may go back before the Rakshasa ladies wake up and cross the ocean back quickly. Tell my Lord my news and hand over the Choodaratna. Then come back with your army under his command. May you have no obstacles on the way back. May you live forever. May you ever be victorious.” Hanuman prostrated at her feet and bid her goodbye. He went around Mother Sita three times in reverence, before departing. She blessed Hanuman to be ever victorious.

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