Thursday, July 29, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 14. Kishkindhakandham Contd.

 Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 14. Kishkindhakandham Contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam  36.00 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 14 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  14

Kishkindhakandham Contd.

The Anguish of Angada and Associates.

The group of Vanaras in search of Sita roamed around in the forest for several days, still, they could not find her whereabouts. The time limit stipulated by Sugriva was going to be over soon and they were concerned. Angada anxiously told his team: “We have searched everywhere, even in the nether worlds, Patala, still Sita Devi is nowhere to be seen. Several days passed, it is going to be almost a month soon and if we return to Kishkindha without any news on Sita, the king will not spare us. Sugriva's edict cannot be futile, and we will be facing the death penalty. My situation is still worse because I am the king's enemy’s son. After all, it was Rama who rescued me, not Sugriva; he does not have any interest in my welfare. Sugriva is not virtuous; he is keeping his brother’s wife as his own. I am not going back to Kishkindha; I better die here itself. But you may go back without me.” 

As Angada told them these words, the Vanaras cried and together they consoled him. “Do not worry, we are here to help you. Let us go back to the cave we visited earlier for tonight and sleep well there. There will be enough food and water there for all. It would be like heaven for us. There is no one to threaten us there.” 

When Hanuman heard these words, he admonished the monkeys: “How come you are entertaining such lowly thoughts? It is not the way to think. Oh! Angada, Sri Rama has great love for you. He used to say, ‘Angada is my dear Tara’s son’. Only I know how much Rama loves you. You are dear to the Lord more than Lakshmana himself! Just as gold will not lose its luster, the Lord’s love is blemish-less. So, you do not have to worry about any punishment from Rama. Sugriva is also devoted to Rama, and he has no enmity towards anyone. What is the use of hiding even inside a dark cave? Rama’s arrow can get you anywhere if he chooses. There is nothing inaccessible to Rama’s arrow, in the three worlds. When the danger is imminent, sometimes, the advice of the nice people around you may not help. Do not heed their suggestion to hide in the cave. Let me divulge you a secret. Rama is not just a human. He is Narayana, the Paramatma, the reality of the Universe. Sita is Mother Maya, the stupefying force that binds all. Lakshmana is Adi Shesha. They took human forms with a motive to destroy the Rakshasas, especially Ravana and to re-establish Dharma. Know that we are also blessed by being able to serve Rama. We will also get liberated once we complete our duties to Rama.” Angada was consoled and they continued their walk through the banks of the Southern Sea and reached the foothills of Mahendra Mountain.

There they saw the ocean to be very deep and impossible to fathom. They started to worry as the month was about to be over without any trace of Sita. “We couldn’t locate Sita and couldn’t find Ravana anywhere. Sugriva’s decree is for real, and we better be ready to face death. For us, death is also a path to moksha” Thinking thus, they made beds with Darbha grass and laid down waiting for death to embrace them eventually as they were planning to stop eating anything starting from that day.

Meeting the Great Bird, Sampathy

At that time, a mighty vulture walked out of its cave on the top of Mahendra mountain. The bird was old, its wings burned, and it observed happily that several monkeys were lying down on the bank of the sea. “This must be God sent as I am old, and these animals without wings will be my food for a while. I will have enough food to eat until I die.” Hearing the monologue of the vulture, the monkeys got frightened. They talked to each other that “this vulture is going to kill and eat us all. Nobody can prevent our fate. we cannot achieve anything in life, and we did not do what was asked of us by Lord Rama. We do not know what is in store for us because of our incompetence. If we die in the hands of this vulture that means our life has been proven to be futile and we are indeed sinners. But the other vulture Jatayu was so kind to us. He was such a pious bird who died doing the work for Lord Rama. Although he was just a bird Rama gave him liberation.” 

Hearing the Vanaras speaking highly of Jatayu, the bird asked: “You are saying the words that are melodious to my ears. Who talked about Jatayu here? Tell me who you are and do not be afraid.” Angada went to the vulture and paid obeisance to the mighty bird.  He said: “you would know about the king of Ayodhya, Dasaratha, and you would have heard of his son, Rama. As he was in the forest doing his penance along with his wife and brother, Ravana, the wicked Rakshasa abducted the wife. As Ravana was flying with her on his Vimana, she cried out for help. That is when the mighty vulture Jatayu attacked Ravana with all his might and destroyed his air chariot. Unfortunately, Ravana took his sword, Chandrahasa, and cut his wings off. Because of Sita's blessing, Jatayu lived until he was able to deliver the information to Rama. Jatayu attained liberation because he was able to breathe his last, gazing at the lotus face of Rama, the Paramatma in human form. 

Rama and Sugriva agreed to help each other, and Rama killed Bali, my father, to support Sugriva. Sugriva is the king of Kishkindha now and I am the prince. Sugriva has sent out ten thousand Vanaras in all directions to search for Sita and we are one of those teams that came Southward. We could not locate Sita or Ravana and the time given to us for this is going to be over soon. If we do not get back to Kishkindha with some news, we must face death at the hands of the king and we are conceding defeat. If you know anything about Sita’s whereabouts, please tell us. Now you know who we are and tell us about yourself."

The vulture replied: “I am Sampathy and Jatayu is my brother. I have not seen him for a long time and after several thousand years I am hearing about him from you, strangers. I want to do the final rites for my brother; so please take me to the water. I will help you in your mission.” The Vanaras helped him to go to the seashore and Sampathy did the final rituals for his brother Jatayu. Then he started telling Janaki’s whereabout. “The Trikuda mountain is very tall and there is the city of Lanka situated. There is a deep ocean in between here and Trikuda. In Lanka, Janaki is residing in a garden, surrounded by Rakshasa women guards. It must be at least 100 yojanas away and I can see that far clearly as I am a vulture. Those who can jump that long will be able to meet with Sita. You must kill the culprit who killed my brother. You must cross the ocean and go to Lanka and find about Sita. After getting the information, Rama would kill Ravana for sure. Think about the ways to accomplish this without delay.”

“Jatayu and I, at a young age, used to try our ability to fly distance, and once we flew up and reached the field of Surya and got tired of the scorching heat. Jatayu’s wings started to burn and to protect him I flew on top to give him cover and that resulted in my wings being burned. I fell to the ground and so did Jatayu. For a bird, the wings are the most important part of its body. I lay down there for three days, unable to see anything. When I woke up, I saw that my wings have been burnt. I walked down to a nearby Ashram and met with a sage there. The sage knew me and asked what happened. I told him about our adventure of reaching near the Sun. The sage consoled me: “Know that the body is the sole reason for sorrow and the cause for the body is past karmas. We get attached to the body and identify ourselves with it to undertake karmas under the influence of Maya. The Jivatma, working through the body entertains the notion that it is the doer and enjoyer of karmas.”. Thus, he advised me regarding the cycle of birth and death and how life is born in the earth as various species. He concluded it by saying that when I see a group of Vanaras searching for Sita, I must tell them all I know about Lanka. He also told me that I will get new wings after that.”

Suddenly, Sampathy got a pair of new wings, and he was elated. “Words of the great sages will not be futile and the greatness of the story of Rama cannot be fathomed by anyone. Is there any name as potent as Rama’s? I bless you to see Sita Devi without delay. By constantly remembering Rama’s name, you will be able to cross the ocean and rescue Sita. Know that Rama’s name is a boat by which everyone can cross the ocean of samsara itself! You, the devotees of Rama will not have any difficulty in crossing the ocean.” Sampathy flew away to the heights in the sky with his new set of wings.

Plans to Cross the Ocean

Then the Vanaras discussed among themselves how to cross the ocean full of crocodiles and other dangerous creatures. “The other shore is so far away that we can't even see. Why should we worry about something which cannot be done, that means our death is near?” So, said one of them. Then Angada talked to them with a renewed enthusiasm. “Do not give up so easy; we do have capable warriors with the power and ability to achieve anything. Each of you must come forward and tell me how far you can jump and what you are capable of. Then we can find who will be able to cross the ocean and save our life.” When Angada asked them to tell what they can do, one of them said, “I can jump ten yojanas”. Then another one declared, “I can do twenty”. So, it went like thirty to ninety yojanas by various mighty Vanaras. But the distance was one hundred yojanas, and no one came forward with that capability. 

Then the oldest Vanara in the pack, Jambava said: “Oh! Mighty Vanaras, it looks like none of us will be able to cross this ocean. Long ago, Lord Vishnu was able to measure the three worlds in his three steps. That was my time of youth, and I circumambulated the Lord twenty-one times in ten minutes, beating drums to extoll the Lord’s prowess. Now I am old, and I lost my power to cross this puddle of salt water. Lord, in the form of time, works in mysterious ways!” Then Angada said, “I can jump a hundred yojanas one way, but I have my doubts about jumping back. If no one can accomplish the task, there is no other way than for us to face death. The best way to do that is by fasting until death.”

As they were discussing, Jambava asked Hanuman. “What are you thinking and why are you sitting silently? I do not see anyone else who may be able to do this. After all, you are the offspring of Lord Siva, and you were brought up by Vayu, Lord of the vital sir. In power, speed, and prowess, you are equal to Vayu. You are the son of the mighty Vanara, Kesari, and the pious Mother, Anjana. When you came out of Anjana’s womb, immediately you started jumping around. I know that you had jumped then up to the range of the Sun as you were captivated by the rising sun. You thought it was a giant fruit ready for you to eat. Lord Indra hit you with his weapon and you fell to the ground. Vayu lifted you and reached the nether world, Patala, to treat you. Then the Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheswara) blessed you to live for eternity, through the eons and through time, even when the world as we know it, ceases to exist. They gave you the name Hanuman as you have the mark of a cut at the jaw caused by Indra’s weapon. Have you forgotten all those occurrences of the past? Remember, you have the ring Rama gave you as an insignia to show Sita Devi. Rama would have foreseen what was to occur. Who can fully describe your valor and prowess?” 

Hearing these encouraging words of Jambava, Maruti, the mighty Hanuman, roared like a lion and that made the whole world tremble. He grew to a gigantic form, as the Vamana did while measuring the three worlds. “In one jump, I will cross the ocean, reach Lanka and destroy the city. I will destroy Ravana and uproot his clan and bring back Sita.  Or else I will go and see Rama after tying up Ravana and keep him on my left hand while carrying the Mountain Trikuda, along with the city of Lanka on my right hand. I can do all these since I have Rama’s ring with me. 

Then Jambava told Hanuman: “First you go and meet Sita Devi and return with the news. We can fight Ravana later. Rama is going to kill Ravana for sure. You can show your valor then. When you travel through the sky, may you not face any obstacles!. God of air, Vayu is always with you, and you will be successful.” Vanaras excitedly bid him goodbye, wishing him luck. Hanuman went up the Mahendra mountain and took the position. With ultimate concentration, he looked towards Lanka like an eagle, the arch-enemy of snakes. 

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