Friday, July 23, 2021

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 8. Aaranyakandham Contd.

Adhyatma Ramayanam Day 8. Aaranyakandham Contd.

Audiobook Link - Adhyatma Ramayanam   55.01 m

Ramayanam Kilippaattu Day 8 രാമായണമാസം - ദിവസം  8

Aaranyakandham Contd.

The story of Surppanakha 

As they lived happily in Panchavadi, one day a damsel came there. She was beautiful and vivacious in her attitude and demeanor. She came to the Ashram seeing the auspicious footprints with royal insignia leading to its door. She saw there Rama living with Sita. She was captivated by the sight of the handsome man, shining like the sun, and got smitten by love and lust. She came near him and asked: “Who are you dear? Why are you staying here wearing the garbs of a sage? Let me introduce myself. I am Surppanakha, a sister to the great Ravana, the invincible emperor of the Rakshasas. I live along with my brothers Khara, Dooshana, and Thrisiras. Now tell me your story.”

Rama replied:” I am Rama, son of Dasaratha of Ayodhya. She is Sita, my beloved wife and that is my brother Lakshmana. What do you want from me?” She replied without any shame: “I am smitten by your beauty and manliness. I want you to marry me and make love to me.” Rama looked at Sita Devi and smiled at Surppanakha.  “I am wandering in the forest like a mendicant, and she is my wife. I cannot divorce her and come with you. I am not interested in having more than one wife at a time as the troubles of families with sister-wives are well known. But look at him, my brother who is a handsome warrior. He is living alone here, and he could use a female company. Please ask him to marry you.” She walked to Lakshmana and pleaded with him to marry her. Lakshmana smiled at her and replied: “I am just a servant to Rama. You are not destined to be a maidservant. You are worthy of becoming a queen. Go and ask Rama again. He might oblige.” 

Surppanakha went to Rama again and explained. “If you marry me, I will keep you happy. I will show you all around this forest and we can enjoy everything life has to offer.” Rama pushed her back to Lakshmana again. “A man must have a female companion and Lakshmana can use one now.” Again, she went to Lakshmana. Unbeknownst to her, the brothers were playing with her and finally, she realized that they were not going to marry her. Suddenly she changed her enchanting damsel form and regained her original form as a demoness. She had long canine teeth and her look was ferocious. Disappointed, she jumped charging towards Sita Devi. Seeing this, Lakshmana pulled his sword and cut the tips of her nose, ears, and breasts. She cried out loudly and her noise echoed over the mountain ranges. She bled profusely and ran away distraught and dejected.  “Yes, now, Ravana is sure to take revenge”, Rama said to himself.

The killing of Khara.

Surppanakha went straight to her brother Khara, and he was perplexed. “What happened my dear sister? Who did this cruelty to you?” Surppanakha explained: “Two handsome brothers, sons of king Dasaratha, are there in the forest living there with a beautiful queen, Sita. The elder one is Rama and the younger one is Lakshmana. The younger one used his sword and did this atrocity on me, as ordered by the older one. As my brother, you should avenge my insult by killing them. Please bring their bodies for me to eat and I want to drink their blood to my heart's content.” Khara was outraged and he decided to go and fight with the cruel brothers. He ordered his army: “I am sending fourteen mighty warriors to kill those two and bring them to my sister. Sister, go with them and show the whereabouts of the perpetrators.”

Fourteen warriors got ready with their maces, spears, and bows, etc., and went straight to Panchavadi. Together, they attacked Rama, and Rama’s arrows responded to them one by one and all of them fell. All fourteen warriors were killed by Rama without any help from Lakshmana. Surppanakha ran away from the scene crying aloud and reported about it. Khara was furious hearing what happened to his warrior. He ordered fourteen thousand of his best warriors led by Dooshana and Thrisiras. They marched towards Panchavadi, and the sound of their arrival echoed like thunder reflected over the tall trees. “Lakshmana, we are going to face a fierce battle and we need to protect Sita Devi. Take her to a safe cave and protect her. That is your only duty now and I will fight with the demons and annihilate them alone.” Lakshmana agreed as he knows his brother’s valor. The demons came in large numbers fully armed with a variety of weapons and charged towards Rama. But Rama’s arrows were so fast and several in numbers, they did not stand a chance. Dooshana’s chariot was destroyed along with the driver and the four warriors in it. Then he jumped at Rama for a sword fight and Rama cut his arms off and struck him with the shield. Dooshana breathed his last. The Thrisiras showed up more fiercely, shooting three arrows at Rama which were met with Rama’s three arrows. They shot one hundred arrows to each other, and then a thousand arrows. When the demon fell on the ground, Rama took his weapon in the shape of a crescent moon and cut his head off. Then Khara came to the battlefield on a bright chariot. An intense fight ensued between Rama and Khara, but the demon had to accept defeat in the end. Rama resisted the demon’s arrows using the divine bow of Vishnu gifted to Rama by Indra. Later Khara came charging with an iron rod and started striking Rama’s chariot. Then Khara took the fire arrow which was stopped by Rama by a water arrow gifted by Varuna, the Lord of the oceans. Like this, they continued fighting using special arrows. Finally, Rama had to use Indra’s arrow to kill him, and his head flew and fell near the gate of Ravana’s city of Lanka. Khara, Dooshana, and Thrisiras, along with fourteen thousand soldiers were all dead within three hours, that too by fighting with a single human being.  All fourteen thousand of them got liberated and became celestial beings, as they had the great fortune to be liberated by the Lord himself. They chanted the Lord’s name and praised him in awe. They narrated the story of their previous birth. “As Rakshasas, we did severe penance and got the vision of Maheswara, and he offered us a boon. We asked him to end our delusions and bless us to redeem from the samsara cycle of births and deaths. He blessed us. We needed to continue as Rakshasas in the world until the Lord appears as Rama and gives us liberation. So, Rama, you are indeed Mahadeva too. Advise us on the principles of Brahman, the ultimate reality.  

Rama said: “Paramatma is the witness to all names and forms functioning in this world. It is also witnessing the three states – waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. Paramatma is the Brahman, which is the only entity that has existence, consciousness, and bliss, all combined in one. We go through childhood, adulthood, and old age, under the watch of Paramatma, but it is not affected by any of these changes. When you meditate upon Paramatma, you get absorbed in it and get to see the oneness in all.” 

Lakshmana and Sita returned from the cave and learned what happened.  Rama had obliterated fourteen thousand warriors in three hours, and that was a feat no one had ever heard of. Lakshmana prostrated at the feet of Rama and Sita silently wept as she saw the several wounds on Rama’s body as relics of the fierce fighting just concluded.  She caressed those wounds to reduce their effect and Rama stood calmly. Then they walked around and saw the sea of dead bodies lying there. “Now Ravana cannot sit quiet, he will seek revenge for sure”. Lakshmana went and informed the sages that Khara and fourteen thousand Rakshasas were killed by Rama. They breathed a sigh of relief hearing the news. To protect their saviors, the sages gifted them a specially prepared ring, a Choodaratna – an ornament for the forehead studded with diamond, and a body armor. Rama took the ring and wore it immediately. Sita was given the Choodaratna, and Lakshmana got the body armor. 

Surppanakha’s complaints to Ravana

Surppanakha went to her brother Ravana and cried out loudly and explained what happened. Her large body was disfigured by Lakshmana, and she was still bleeding. “What happened my dear sister? Tell me. Whoever did this to my sister will not be spared, I do not care if he is a noble one or a scoundrel, I will teach him a lesson.” Surppanakha retorted: “You are indeed a fool, always drinking and merry-making with ladies around you. You do not have the time to look after your sister. Although you are a king, I do not think you are doing your duty. Your spies are useless, and you did not know that two terrible human beings are staying under your nose, creating havoc on Rakshasas. Didn’t you hear about what happened to Khara, Dooshana Thrisiras, and their fourteen thousand men? That Rama was able to send them to Yama’s abode, death, with half a strike! 

“Please tell me, dear sister, who is this Rama? I will find him and chase him to death at once. What happened?”

Surppanakha explained: “As usual I was roaming in the forest calmly when I came across an Ashram at Panchavadi on the banks of river Ganga. There I met Rama, a handsome guy in the garbs of a holy man, a mendicant. He had bows and arrows and he was shining like the sun. His brother was there, equally handsome and Rama’s wife, truly a beautiful lady. I could not take my eyes off her as I have never seen anyone as gorgeous as her. You will not see her amongst the devas, humans, or asuras. Indrani, wife of Lord Indra, Mahalakshmi, wife of Lord Vishnu, Gauri, wife of Mahadeva, and even goddess Saraswathi are not a match in front of her beauty. Seeing her, I thought of you. You are the only one suitable as a mate for that lady. While I was thinking about you and her, the younger brother jumped at me and cut my breasts, ears, and nose off with a quick strike. I told brother Khara about the incident, and he sent an army of fourteen thousand with Dooshana and Thrisiras on the lead, and later he led the fight. Rama killed all of them within three hours, that too without help from anyone. Rama’s prowess is unmatched except you, perhaps. If only you take Sita as your wife, your life will be complete. There is no one more deserving than you to have her as a wife. I am not sure if fighting the brothers directly is a good idea. You may want to use your magical powers and delude them to bring her to your chamber. You will be able to do it. Your life will be fulfilled if she is on your side!”

Hearing the sister’s words, Ravana consoled her, but he kept thinking about the damsel in Panchavadi. The image did not leave his mind and he could not sleep in the night. He also thought about Rama who was able to destroy an army of fourteen thousand me in no time. No humans can accomplish that. “Rama is not human. There is more in the story than what is obvious. Could it be that Lord Narayana who took birth in the world to kill me? If that is my destiny, there is nothing to worry about as getting killed by the Lord is a blessing. If that happens, I will reach Vaikundha straight, the abode of Vishnu. Otherwise, I can continue to rule my Rakshasa empire. So, I will not shy away from fighting with Rama. He was pleased with himself having figured out the secret behind the drama. Rama, the Paramatma personified will not be pleased with my devotion. So, I will reach him by incessantly entertaining hateful thoughts about him.”

Dialogue between Maricha and Ravana

Early in the morning, Ravana jumped on his chariot and set forth to see his uncle Maricha. Maricha was a pious one although part of the Rakshasa clan. Maricha was a devotee of Rama, and his mind was always filled with devotion for Rama. In his mind, Rama’s form was vivid with a matted lock of hair and wearing the outfits of a mendicant rishi. When he saw Ravana in a hurry, Maricha felt that something bad was about to occur. He welcomed Ravana and embraced him. They exchanged pleasantries and Ravana told him the reason for his visit. “I have no other confidant like you when I need somebody to help me out in a crunch. Two brothers, sons of king Dasaratha are staying in the forest, at Panchavadi with a beautiful lady, wife of the elder prince. They cut off my sister Surppanakha’s ears, nose, and breasts and disfigured her. When Khara and his army of fourteen went to take revenge, Rama killed all of them single-handedly in a short time. So, I want to teach them a lesson by kidnapping the lady, Sita. You are a magician of great abilities. Use your magical powers to become a golden deer and entice Sita. Make sure she is mesmerized by it.  Then the brothers will try to catch you when you should run to the deep forests so that the brothers will be away from their Ashram. There, Sita will be alone then, and I will kidnap her.” 

Maricha was upset hearing this wicked plan. “Who advised you of this plan? Those who put this idea in you must be your enemy. He wants to see your destruction. But listen to me when I tell you something for your good. I live in the fear of Rama; petrified at the sounds of royal chariots. You continue to rule your kingdom happily and do not engage in stupid plans against Rama. I know the secret behind Rama’s stay in the forest. Please know that Rama is not human. He is Lord Narayana descended on earth to re-establish dharma. His life mission is to kill you. But if you become His devotee, he will protect you and you can continue as the Rakshasa king. Serve Rama and live happily.”

Ravana was not in the mood to hear such lofty ideas. But he was very logical in his reply. “You are telling me that Lord Narayana has decided to end my life by coming to earth as Rama. Who am I to change his divine intentions? You must be an ignorant fool to change that. I am not going to withdraw from my plans, and I have decided to kidnap Sita. You better change your form, at once into a golden deer, and do as I have told you. If you are thinking of disobeying me, I will have to use my sword to good use right here.” 

Hearing this, Maricha decided to obey Ravana.  “If I do not obey this wretched fellow, he will kill me. By following his order, I may get to see Rama again and even if he kills me, it will be my good fortune to be liberated by him. If I were to be killed by Ravana, it will lead me to hell.” So, he decided to do what Ravana asked of him. Immediately Maricha turned himself into a golden deer, so enchanting that anyone would love to pet it.  Ravana was excited thinking about meeting Sita soon. 

The deer had silver dots on its golden skin, and they shone in the sunlight. Its eyes were like blue diamonds with glittering light inside. It ran hither and thither, jumping and teasing the onlookers. It would look at you with a loving gaze and would run away if you approach it. Running from one bush to the next one, chewing on fresh green grass and leaves, it reached near Rama’s Ashram. Sita saw it and fell in love with the cute deer instantly. 

Rama knew about Ravana’s ploys and called Sita Devi and told her about the impending arrival of Ravana. “He would show up in the guise of a bhikshu, a sage looking for alms, in search of you. You may stay merged in the Yoga fire and only your replica image, like a Maya Sita, must remain in the Ashram. You need to stay in the fire for a year, until I kill Ravana, to protect dharma. Sita, consort of Mahavishnu knew the divine will and she disappeared in the fire, leaving Maya Sita at the Ashram.

Killing of Maricha

Maya Sita and Rama saw the golden deer and enjoyed its playfulness. Sita told her Lord: “Oh! Dear! Did you not see the lovely deer so charming? Its golden skin and jewel-like dots make it very special. It seems fearless and tame as it comes near us. I would like to play with it and keep it as my pet. Please catch hold of it and let us raise it in the Ashram. Please go and get me the golden deer”. 

Hearing her request, Rama started telling Lakshmana to look after the Ashram and protect Sita. “Please ensure that Sita will not have any reason to fear. As you know, the forest is full of Rakshasas who can disguise and play a trick on anyone.” Rama took his bow and arrows and left the Ashram. When he tried to catch the deer, it would run a little and wait for Rama to catch up. Playing catch bit by bit the deer took Rama to a distant area and Rama got fed up and shot an arrow at it. The Arrow hit him hard and Maricha cried aloud in the voice of Rama. “Ha! Ha! Lakshmana, my brother! Ha! Ha! what to talk about my destiny! Come and rescue me.” 

Sita heard the cry in Rama's voice and told Lakshmana: “Don’t you hear your brother’s cry for help? Run and help him. He seems to be in pain in the hand of some Rakshasas. Please go before they kill him.” Hearing this, Lakshmana was unmoved. He said: “Devi, don’t worry. It is a ploy by the Rakshasa to misguide us. The deer is none other than Maricha, a Rakshasa who is adept at changing his bodily form. He is the one who cried in Rama’s voice. They want me to leave you and go to the forest and when you are alone, they want to take you away. Everything is planned by Ravana, and don’t you know that Rama is invincible? My brother will not cry like that even in great pain as he is a Kshatriya warrior. If he is outraged, the whole world will be in trouble. Such a great person will not wail like that.” 

Sita was blind with her love for Rama and started uttering abuses to Lakshmana.” It seems you also belong to the Rakshasa clan. You want to see your brother dead. Looks like Bharatha sent you with Rama in the pretext of helping him, whereas your intention all along was to destroy him. You were conniving to get me once Rama is gone. But be assured, I will kill myself if Rama is not alive. My Rama, your brother, never thought of you as one who would want to steal his wife! I will not touch anyone else other than Rama and all your cruel plans will be of no use.” Hearing this cruel accusation, Lakshmana closed his ears with both his hands and uttered: “Your end is near, it seems, and unfortunately I cannot stop that. How can you utter this low-level abuse, quite unbecoming of Sita Devi I know? Ladies are generally cruel in their dealings, and they are heartless. Oh! Goddesses of the forest, please give protection to Sita, while I go and fetch Rama.

Kidnapping of Sita

Moments after Lakshmana left the Ashram, Ravana showed up in his airplane, Pushpaka Vimana, in the sky above the hermitage.  He wore matted locks of hair and wore the garb of a pious mendicant rishi. He knocked at the door and upon seeing the rishi, Sita offered him some fruits and flowers and said welcoming words.  “Please rest for a while enjoying these fruits and roots. My husband will come back without delay finishing his work in the forest. Then he will welcome you with the respectful conduct of a householder towards his guest. For now, please eat and drink to quench your hunger and thirst.” 

Hearing this, the rishi asked her: “Oh! dear lady, please tell me who you are and who your husband is. How come you are living in this thick forest where cruel Rakshasas and wild animals are always a threat to a beautiful lady like you. Looks like you do not have any security for you here, not even a weapon to protect you. If you tell me your details, I will tell you mine.” Sita Devi told him the story as to how they ended up living in the forest, starting from the incident of the coronation that got disrupted. She asked him about his whereabouts and the rishi said: “Oh! Beautiful one, you are an embodiment of panchabana, five arrows of love owned by, cupid, the god of love. I am not a rishi. I am emperor Ravana. Is there anyone who does not know me in the three worlds? I am lusting for your companionship, and I am quite desperate for you.  Please come with me. My kingdom Lanka is more attractive and prosperous than any place on the earth, even Amaravati, the palace of Indra. What is the use of having Rama as your husband?  He is walking around as a mendicant with matted locks of hair. You are not to stay in the forest like this. You belong to a mighty palace and that is what I am offering you. Enjoy the pleasures of life with me.” 

Hearing this, Sita’s gesture changed to grief and fury. “Your death is near, wretched one!  Once my Lord Rama gets here with his brother, your end is guaranteed. Your intention is so pathetic. Can a hare dream of touching the wife of a lion king? Please do not utter an indecent word to a royal woman. This indiscretion is enough for Rama to shatter your chest by his arrows.” As Sita uttered these in a stern voice, Ravana reassumed his terrible form and the whole forest trembled. Without delay, Ravana grabbed Sita by force and threw her into his Vimana, the air chariot. He sped through the sky and Sita started crying aloud for help “Ha! Ha! Rama! my dear Lord, my dear compassionate Lakshmana, rescue me, rescue me!” 

Fight between Ravana and Jatayu

Jatayu, the old vulture who was resting in the forest heard the wailing of Sita and noticed that Ravana was flying away in his Vimana, stealing Lord Rama’s wife, Sita Devi. He got up and flew to catch up with the air chariot. “Oh! Foolish fellow, where are you going with my Lord’s wife? It is like a dog stealing the sacred offerings from the venue of a Yagna.” The bird started attacking the Rakshasa. The bird was gigantic, and his attack was so wild that mountains started trembling. Ravana could not stand the attack with its beak and the sharp nails. His face was injured with nails and blood started oozing from the wounds.  Jatayu broke the chariot platform with his beak and killed the horses. Ravana had to come down to earth. The chariot was rendered useless being hit by the mighty Jatayu.

Immediately Ravana took out his special sword Chandrahasa and cut Jatayu’s wings and threw them away. Jatayu could not get up from that fall. Ravana summoned another air chariot and took Sita and sped Southward. Sita wept silently, grief-stricken, thinking that there was no one to help her. As the chariot lifted off the ground, she blessed the great bird Jatayu that he will not die until he meets with Rama and tells him what happened.

Sita in the Asoka Garden.

“Oh! Rama, Raghava! Lord of the universe! Oh! Compassionate one! How come you have abandoned me? The Rakshasa has kidnapped me. I do not have any help. Oh! Lakshmana! I spoke ill of you. Please come and rescue me. You are the Lord of everyone. You are the only refuge for me! Rescue me before this wretched demon kills and make a meal out of me.” Sita cried aloud sitting in the air chariot. Hearing Sita’s call for help Ravana sped the chariot even faster. When Sita looked down from the air, she saw a set of five monkeys sitting on a mountain top. She removed her ornaments and tied them up in a bundle using the tip of her saree and threw it down hoping and praying that the monkeys would somehow give it to Rama when he comes in search. Ravana did not notice this, and the chariot reached the city of Lanka without delay. He brought her to the garden of Asoka where terrible-looking Rakshasa ladies managed the affairs. Ravana gave them special instructions to look after Sita and left for his palace.  Sita lived there with her clothes unwashed, and her hair undone, always thinking about Rama. She would chant the name of Rama continuously and would not eat or drink for days together. “Sorrow is a constant companion for humans”, she reckoned. 

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